Hi, I've just started using Gnus last week although I am still having troubles with reading attachments - as well as knowing when I have them. As of yesterday I downloaded 5.10.6 and replaced 5.9, but still am not sure how to deal with text, pdf,ps ... attachments I am receiving. I have apparently configured myself so that I do not even know about the attachments until I hit t to toggle all my headers. I see in section 9 p. 316 of the manual discussion of Decoding and Viewing, but haven't yet figured out how to using this information (but I can demonstrate my ability to effortlessly break my .gnus file :) ). Is there a relatively simple line I can add to my .gnus file that will show the attachment in the message; and, at least, allow me to save it (or view it)? I've attacheD my .gnus file as I suspect some things are set incorrectly or can be improved. Also I am attaching it using C-u C-a, and will let default options work - I noticed that sending myself attachments this way sends them encoded in something other than text (octet-stream?) and I would often prefer it to default to a straight text attachment - if there is still such a thing? (ok earthlink gave message won't send application file so I am trying text/plain)