* makewhatis stuck on groff.1
@ 2019-04-20 18:16 Jan Stary
2019-04-20 18:18 ` makewhatis stuck on groffer.1 Jan Stary
0 siblings, 1 reply; 6+ messages in thread
From: Jan Stary @ 2019-04-20 18:16 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: discuss
Hi Ingo,
this is mandoc 1.14.5 on MacOS 10.14.4.
Rendering manpages with man(1) works just fine,
but there seems to be an issue with makewhatis.
MacOS uses something called XCode, which is an SDK you install
to do C development (it installs cc, ar, libtool, etc).
It installs into /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools,
with manpages in /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/share/man
That's not where mandoc looks for manpages, so I added that to MANPATH.
Upon `man strlen' (or whatever from there), mandoc informs me that
there is no mandoc.db entry, so I run makewhatis on that dir:
/usr/local/sbin/makewhatis -Da \
That takes 100% cpu and gets stuck at
Adding to database
I killed it after 10 minutes, and did the individual subdirs with
/usr/local/sbin/makewhatis -Da \
etc (man2 to man9); each of those gets done in seconds.
Just man1 takes so long and gets stuck, always with the groff.1 message.
After moving away gro*.1 temprorarily, and adding them back on by one,
it turns out it is actually groffer.1 (below) where it gets stuck.
(So groff.1 is probably the last one reported before the bad one.)
Isolating groffer.1 into a separate /tmp/man/man1/groffer,
$ time /usr/local/sbin/makewhatis -QDDa /tmp/man/man1/
/private/tmp/man/man1//groffer.1: Adding name groffer, bits=0x6
/private/tmp/man/man1//groffer.1: Adding name groffer, bits=0x8
/private/tmp/man/man1//groffer.1: Adding name groffer, bits=0x10
/private/tmp/man/man1//groffer.1: Adding to database
real 0m0.008s
user 0m0.003s
sys 0m0.005s
$ time /usr/local/sbin/makewhatis -DDa /tmp/man/man1/
mandoc -Tlint reports a lot of problems with the groffer.1,
no idea which if them is the one that makes makewhatis stuck.
.TH GROFFER 1 "22 August 2005" "Groff Version 1.19.2"
groffer \- display groff files and man\~pages on X and tty
.\" The .SH was moved to this place in order to appease `apropos'.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Legalize
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
groffer.1 - man page for groffer (section 1).
Source file position: <groff_source_top>/contrib/groffer/groffer.man
Installed position: $prefix/share/man/man1/groffer.1
Last update: 22 August 2005
Source file position: <groff-source>/contrib/groffer/groffer.man
.de author
This file was written by
.MTO "" "Bernd Warken" .
.de copyleft
Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2004,2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of
.IR \%groffer ,
which is part of
.IR \%groff ,
a free software project.
You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
.B GNU General Public License
as published by the
.BR "Free Software Foundation" ,
either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
You should have received a copy of the \f[CR]GNU General Public
License\f[] along with
.IR groff ,
see the files \%\f[CB]COPYING\f[] and \%\f[CB]LICENSE\f[] in the top
directory of the
.I groff
source package.
Or read the
.I man\~page
.BR gpl (1).
You can also write to the
.B Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston,
.BR "MA 02110-1301, USA" .
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Setup
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.mso www.tmac
.if n \{\
. mso tty-char.tmac
. ftr CR R
. ftr CI I
. ftr CB B
.if '\*[.T]'dvi' \{\
. ftr CB CW
.ds Ellipsis ".\|.\|.\""
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" setup for the macro definitions below
.\" naming: namespace:cathegory_macro.variable_name (experimental)
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" configuration of prompt for `.Shell_cmd'* macros
.ds groffer:Shell_cmd.prompt_text sh#\" prompt for shell commands
.ds groffer:Shell_cmd+.prompt_text >\" prompt on continuation lines
.ds groffer:Shell_cmd_base.prompt_font I\" font for prompts
.\" automatically determine setup from the configuration above
.als @f groffer:Shell_cmd_base.prompt_font\"
.als @t groffer:Shell_cmd.prompt_text\"
.als @t+ groffer:Shell_cmd+.prompt_text\"
.ds groffer:Shell_cmd.prompt \f[\*[@f]]\*[@t]\f[]\" needed
.ds groffer:Shell_cmd+.prompt \f[\*[@f]]\*[@t+]\f[]\" needed
.nr @w \w'\*[groffer:Shell_cmd.prompt]'\"
.nr @w+ \w'\*[groffer:Shell_cmd+.prompt]'\"
.ft \*[@f]
.\" Full prompt width is maximum of texts plus 1m
.nr groffer:Shell_cmd_base.prompt_width (\n[@w]>?\n[@w+]+1m)\" needed
.rm @f
.rm @f+
.rm @t
.rm @t+
.rr @w
.rr @w+
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" static register for inter-macro communication in `.Synopsis'*
.nr groffer:Synopsis.level 0
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" static registers for inter-macro communication in `.TP'*
.nr groffer:TP.level 0
.rr groffer:TP_header.flag
.rr groffer:TP_body.flag
.rr groffer:TP.indent
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Macro definitions
.\" Ignore all arguments like a comment, even after a .eo call.
.de c
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .CB (<text>...)
.c Print in constant-width bold font.
.de CB
. ft CB
. Text \\$*
. ft
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .CI (<text>...)
.c Print in constant-width italic font.
.de CI
. ft CI
. Text \\$*
. ft
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .CR (<text>...)
.c Print in constant-width roman font.
.de CR
. ft CR
. Text \\$*
. ft
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Error (<text>...)
.c Print error message to terminal and abort.
.de Error
. tm \\$*
. ab
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Env_var (<env_var_name> [<punct>])
.c Display an environment variable, with optional punctuation.
.de Env_var
. nh
. SM
. Text \f[CB]\\$1\f[]\\$2
. hy
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .File_name (<path_name>)
.c Display a file or directory name in CB font.
.de File_name
. Header_CB \\$@
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Header_CB (<path_name>)
.c Display a line in CB font, for example after .TP
.de Header_CB
. nh
. Text \f[CB]\\$1\f[]\\$2
. hy
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_- ([<punct>])
.c Print `-' (minus sign); optional punctuation.
.de Opt_-
. ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \
. Opt_alt - ""
. el \
. Opt_alt - "" "\\$1"
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_[-] ([<punct>])
.c Print `Opt_[-]' (minus sign in brackets); optional punctuation.
.de Opt_[-]
. ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \
. Opt_[alt] - ""
. el \
. Opt_[alt] - "" "\\$1"
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_-- ([<punct>])
.c Print `--' (double minus); optional punctuation.
.de Opt_--
. ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \
. Opt_alt -- ""
. el \
. Opt_alt -- "" "\\$1"
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_[--] ([<punct>])
.c Print `Opt_[--]' (double minus in brackets); optional punctuation.
.de Opt_[--]
. ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \
. Opt_[alt] -- ""
. el \
. Opt_[alt] -- "" "\\$1"
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_alt ([<minus> <opt>]... [<arg> [<punct>]])
.c Alternate options separated by a vertical bar.
.c Arguments:
.c minus: either `-' or `--' (font CB).
.c opt: a name for an option, empty allowed (font CB).
.c arg: optionally, the argument to the option (font I).
.c punct: optional punctuation (in the starting font).
.c Result:
.c The minus/opt argument pairs, each
.c separated by a vertical bar `|', optionally add 'arg', separated
.c a space character ` '.
.c Example:
.c .Opt_alt - T -- device -- device-troff device .
.c results in
.c -T|--device|--device-troff device.
.de Opt_alt
. Opt_alt_base "" | "" \\$@
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_[alt] ([<minus> <opt>]... [<arg> [<punct>]])
.c Alternate options in brackets for section SYNOPSIS.
.c Arguments:
.c minus: either `-' or `--' (font CB).
.c opt: a name for an option, empty allowed (font CB).
.c arg: optionally, the argument to the option (font I).
.c punct: optional punctuation (in the starting font).
.c Global strings written to:
.c `@oa_prefix': left enclosing character (`[')
.c `@oa_sep': separator (`|')
.c `@oa_postfix': right enclosing character (`]')
.c Result:
.c The minus/opt argument pairs, each separated by a vertical
.c bar `|', optionally add 'arg', separated by a space character ` '.
.c Example:
.c .Opt_[alt] - T -- device -- device-troff device .
.c results in
.c [-T|--device|--device-troff device].
.de Opt_[alt]
. Opt_alt_base [ | ] \\$@
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_alt_base (<pre> <sep> <post> [<minus> <opt>]... [arg [punct]])
.c Alternating options; base macro for many others; do not use directly.
.c Arguments:
.c <pre>: prefix, result is preceded by this.
.c <sep>: separator between minus/opt pairs.
.c <post>: postfix, is appended to the result.
.c <minus>: either `-' or `--' (font CB).
.c <opt>: a name for an option, empty allowed (font CB).
.c <arg>: optionally, the argument to the option (font I).
.c <punct>: optional punctuation (in the starting font).
.c Result:
.c String `<pre>' followed by the <minus>/<opt> argument pairs, each
.c separated by string `<sep>', optionally add '<arg>', separated by
.c a single space ` ', followed by the string `<post>'. Terminated
.c by the optional punctuation <punct>.
.de Opt_alt_base
. nr @font \\n[.f]\"
. if (\\n[.$] < 3) \
. Error .\\0: not enough arguments.
. ds @pre \)\\$1\)\" prefix
. ds @sep \)\\$2\)\" separator
. ds @post \)\\$3\)\" postfix
. shift 3
. nr @count 0
. ds @res \f[CR]\\*[@pre]\"
. while (\\n[.$] >= 2) \{\
. c do the pairs, break on no `-'
. if !'\\$1'-' \{\
. if !'\\$1'--' \
. break
. \}
. c separator
. if (\\n[@count] > 0) \
. as @res \f[CR]\\*[@sep]\:\"
. nr @count +1
. c combine minus with option name
. as @res \f[CB]\\-\"
. if '\\$1'--' \
. as @res \\-\"
. as @res \\$2\"
. shift 2
. \}
. if (\\n[.$] >= 3) \
. Error .\\0: wrong arguments: \\$@
. c all pairs are done
. ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \
. as @res \f[CR]\\*[@post]\"
. el \{\
. c optional option argument
. if !'\\$1'' \
. as @res \f[CR] \,\f[I]\\$1\"
. shift
. c postfix
. as @res \\f[CR]\\*[@post]\"
. if (\\n[.$] >= 1) \{\
. c add punctuation
. as @res \f[\\n[@font]]\\$1\"
. \}
. \}
. nh
. Text \\*[@res]
. hy
. ft \\n[@font]
. rr @count
. rr @font
. rm @pre
. rm @post
. rm @sep
. rm @res
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_def ([<minus> <opt>]... [<arg> [<punct>]])
.c Definitions of options in section OPTIONS.
.c Arguments:
.c minus: either `-' or `--' (font CB).
.c opt: a name for an option, empty allowed (font CB).
.c arg: optionally, the argument to the option (font I).
.c punct: optional punctuation (in the starting font).
.c Result:
.c The header for an indented paragraph, consisting of
.c minus/opt argument pairs, each, separated by a space
.c character ` ', optionally add 'arg', separated a space
.c character ` '.
.c Example:
.c .Opt_def - T -- device -- device-troff device .
.c results in
.c -T --device --device-troff device.
.c as the header of for indented paragraph.
.de Opt_def
. TP
. Opt_alt_base "" "\~|\~" "" \\$@
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_element ([<minus> <opt>]... [<arg> [<punct>]])
.c Definitions of options in section OPTIONS.
.c Arguments:
.c minus: either `-' or `--' (font CB).
.c opt: a name for an option, empty allowed (font CB).
.c arg: optionally, the argument to the option (font I).
.c punct: optional punctuation (in the starting font).
.c Result:
.c The minus/opt argument pairs, each, separated by a space
.c character ` ', optionally add 'arg', separated a space
.c character ` '.
.c Example:
.c .Opt_element - T -- device -- device-troff device .
.c results in
.c -T --device --device-troff device.
.de Opt_element
. Opt_alt_base "" "\~" "" \\$@
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.als Opt_list Opt_element
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_long ([<name> [<punct>]])
.c Print `--name' somewhere in the text; optional punctuation.
.de Opt_long
. Opt_alt -- "\\$1" "" "\\$2"
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_long_arg ([<name> <arg> [<punct>]])
.c Print `--name=arg' somewhere in the text; optional punctuation.
.de Opt_long_arg
. Opt_alt -- "\\$1=\\$2" "" "\\$3"
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_[long] ([<name> [<punct>]])
.c Print `--name' somewhere in the text; optional punctuation.
.de Opt_[long]
. Opt_[alt] -- "\\$1" "" "\\$2"
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_short ([<name> [<punct>]])
.c Print `-name' somewhere in the Text; optional punctuation.
.de Opt_short
. Opt_alt - "\\$1" "" "\\$2"
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_[short] ([name [punct]])
.c Print `[-name]' somewhere in the Text; optional punctuation.
.de Opt_[short]
. Opt_[alt] - "\\$1" "" "\\$2"
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Shell_cmd (<CR> [<CI>] ...)
.c A shell command line; display args alternating in fonts CR and CI.
.c Examples:
.c .Shell_cmd "groffer --dpi 100 file"
.c result: `sh# groffer --dpi 100 file'
.c with 'sh#' in font I, the rest in CR
.c .Shell_cmd groffer\~--dpi\~100\~file
.c result: the same as above
.c .Shell_cmd "groffer --dpi=" value " file"
.c result: sh# groffer --dpi=value file
.c with `groffer --dpi=' and `file' in CR; `value' in CI
.c .Shell_cmd groffer\~--dpi= value \~file
.c result: the same as the previous example
.de Shell_cmd
. groffer:Shell_cmd_base "\*[groffer:Shell_cmd.prompt]" \\$@
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Shell_cmd+ (<CR> [<CI>] ...)
.c A continuation line for .Shell_cmd.
.de Shell_cmd+
. groffer:Shell_cmd_base "\*[groffer:Shell_cmd+.prompt]" \\$@
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Shell_cmd_base (<prompt> [<CR> [<CI>] ...])
.c A shell command line; display args alternating in fonts CR and CI.
.c Internal, do not use directly.
.c Globals: read-only register @.Shell_cmd_width
.de groffer:Shell_cmd_base
. if (\\n[.$] <= 0) \
. return
. nr @+font \\n[.f]\"
. ds @prompt \\$1\"
. ft CR
. c gap between prompt and command
. nr @+gap \\n[groffer:Shell_cmd_base.prompt_width]-\\w'\\*[@prompt]'\"
. ds @res \\*[@prompt]\h'\\n[@+gap]u'\"
. shift
. ds @cf CR\"
. while (\\n[.$] > 0) \{\
. as @res \\f[\\*[@cf]]\\$1\"
. shift
. ie '\\*[@cf]'CR' \
. ds @cf I\"
. el \
. ds @cf CR\"
. \}
. br
. ad l
. nh
. nf
. Text \\*[@res]\"
. fi
. hy
. ad
. br
. ft \\n[@+font]
. rr @+font
. rr @+gap
. rm @cf
. rm @res
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Synopsis ()
.c Begin a synopsis section, to be ended by a ./Synopsis macro.
.de Synopsis
. if (\\n[groffer:Synopsis.level] > 0) \
. Error .\\$0: previous .Synopsis was not closed by ./Synopsis.
. nh
. ds @1 \\$1\"
. nr @old_indent \\n(.i
. ad l
. in +\w'\fB\\*[@1]\0'u
. ti \\n[@old_indent]u
. B \\*[@1]\0\c
. rr @old_indent
. rm @1
. nr groffer:Synopsis.level +1\" marker for ./Synopsis
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c ./Synopsis ()
.c Close a synopsis section opened by the previous .Synopsis macro.
.de /Synopsis
. if (\\n[groffer:Synopsis.level] <= 0) \
. Error .\\$0: no previous call of .Synopsis
. br
. ad
. in
. hy
. nr groffer:Synopsis.level -1
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Text (<text>...)
.c Treat the arguments as text, no matter how they look.
.de Text
. if (\\n[.$] == 0) \
. return
. nh
. nop \)\\$*\)
. hy
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Topic ([<indent>])
.c A bulleted paragraph
.de Topic
. ie (\\n[.$] = 0) \
. ds @indent 2m\"
. el \
. ds @indent \\$1\"
. TP \\*[@indent]
. Text \[bu]
. rm @indent
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .TP+ ()
.c Continuation line for .TP header.
.de TP+
. br
. ns
. TP \\$1
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .TP_header ([<indent>])
.c Start a multi-line header for a .TP-like paragraph
.de TP_header
. if (\\n[groffer:TP.level] < 0) \
. Error .\\$0: wrong level.
. nr groffer:TP.level +1
. P
. ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \
. rr groffer:TP.indent
. el \
. nr groffer:TP.indent \\$1
. nr groffer:TP_header.flag 1
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .TP_body ([<indent>])
.c End a previous .TP-header and beging the body of the paragraph.
.de TP_body
. if !rgroffer:TP_header.flag \
. Error .\\$0: no previous call of .TP_header
. if (\\n[groffer:TP.level] <= 0) \
. Error .\\$0: wrong level.
. br
. ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \{\
. ie rgroffer:TP.indent \{\
. RS \\n[groffer:TP.indent]u
. \}
. el \
. RS
. \}
. el \
. RS \\$1u
. rr groffer:TP.indent
. rr groffer:TP_header.flag
. nr groffer:TP_body.flag 1
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c TP_end ()
.c End of former .TP_body paragraph.
.de TP_end
. if !rgroffer:TP_body.flag \
. Error .\\$0: no previous .TP_body.
. if (\\n[groffer:TP.level] <= 0) \
. Error TP_end: wrong level.
. nr groffer:TP.level -1
. rr grogger:TP.indent
. rr groffer:TP_header.flag
. rr groffer:TP_body.flag
. br
. RE
.\" End of macro definitions
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.ad l
.Synopsis groffer
.RI [ option... ]
.RI [ "\%filespec" "\*[Ellipsis]]"
.Synopsis groffer
.Opt_alt - h -- help
.Synopsis groffer
.Opt_alt - v -- version
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.B \%groffer
program is the easiest way to use
.BR \%groff (1).
It can display arbitrary documents written in the
.I \%groff
language, see
.BR \%groff (7),
or other
.I \%roff
languages, see
.BR \%roff (7),
that are compatible to the original
.I \%troff
.B \%groffer
program also includes many of the features for finding and displaying
the \%\f[CR]Unix\f[] manual pages
.RI ( man\~pages ),
such that it can be used as a replacement for a
.BR \%man (1)
Moreover, compressed files that can be handled by
.BR \%gzip (1)
.BR \%bzip2 (1)
are decompressed on-the-fly.
The normal usage is quite simple by supplying a file name or name of a
.I \%man\~page
without further options.
But the option handling has many possibilities for creating special
This can be done either in configuration files, with the shell
environment variable
or on the command line.
The output can be generated and viewed in several different ways
available for
.IR \%groff .
This includes the
.I \%groff
native \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewer
.BR \%gxditview (1),
.IR \%Postcript ,
.IR \%pdf ,
.I \%dvi
display program, a web browser by generating
.I \%html
.IR \%www\~mode ,
or several
.I \%text\~modes
in text terminals.
Most of the options that must be named when running
.B \%groff
directly are determined automatically for
.BR \%groffer ,
due to the internal usage of the
.BR \%grog (1)
But all parts can also be controlled manually by arguments.
Several file names can be specified on the command line arguments.
They are transformed into a single document in the normal way of
.BR \%groff .
Option handling is done in \f[CR]GNU\f[] style.
Options and file names can be mixed freely.
The option
.RB ` \-\- '
closes the option handling, all following arguments are treated as
file names.
Long options can be abbreviated.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.I breaking options
.Opt_[alt] - h -- help
.Opt_[alt] - v -- version
.I \%groffer mode options
.Opt_[alt] -- auto
.Opt_[alt] -- default
.Opt_[alt] -- default\-modes mode1,mode2,\*[Ellipsis]
.Opt_[alt] -- dvi
.Opt_[alt] -- dvi\-viewer prog
.Opt_[alt] -- dvi\-viewer\-tty prog
.Opt_[alt] -- groff
.Opt_[alt] -- html
.Opt_[alt] -- html\-viewer prog
.Opt_[alt] -- html\-viewer\-tty prog
.Opt_[alt] -- mode display_mode
.Opt_[alt] -- pdf
.Opt_[alt] -- pdf\-viewer prog
.Opt_[alt] -- pdf\-viewer\-tty prog
.Opt_[alt] -- ps
.Opt_[alt] -- ps\-viewer prog
.Opt_[alt] -- ps\-viewer\-tty prog
.Opt_[alt] -- text
.Opt_[alt] -- tty
.Opt_[alt] -- tty\-viewer prog
.Opt_[alt] -- tty\-viewer\-tty prog
.Opt_[alt] -- www
.Opt_[alt] -- www\-viewer prog
.Opt_[alt] -- www\-viewer\- prog
.Opt_[alt] -- x -- X
.Opt_[alt] -- x\-viewer -- X\-viewer prog
.Opt_[alt] -- x\-viewer\-tty -- X\-viewer\-tty prog
.I development options
.Opt_[alt] -- debug
.Opt_[alt] -- do\-nothing
.Opt_[alt] -- shell prog
.Opt_[alt] - Q -- source
.Opt_[alt] - V
.I options related to \%groff
.Opt_[alt] - T -- device device
.Opt_[alt] - Z -- intermediate\-output -- ditroff
All further
.B \%groff
short options are accepted.
.I options for man\~pages
.Opt_[alt] -- apropos
.Opt_[alt] -- apropos\-data
.Opt_[alt] -- apropos\-devel
.Opt_[alt] -- apropos\-progs
.Opt_[alt] -- whatis
.Opt_[alt] -- man
.Opt_[alt] -- no-man
.Opt_[alt] -- no-special
.I long options taken over from GNU man
.Opt_[alt] -- all
.Opt_[alt] -- ascii
.Opt_[alt] -- ditroff
.Opt_[alt] -- extension suffix
.Opt_[alt] -- locale language
.Opt_[alt] -- local-file
.Opt_[alt] -- manpath dir1:dir2:\*[Ellipsis]
.Opt_[alt] -- pager program
.Opt_[alt] -- sections sec1:sec2:\*[Ellipsis]
.Opt_[alt] -- systems sys1,sys2,\*[Ellipsis]
.Opt_[alt] -- troff-device device
Further long options of \f[CR]GNU\f[]
.B man
are accepted as well.
.I X Window Toolkit options
.Opt_[alt] -- bd pixels
.Opt_[alt] -- bg -- background color
.Opt_[alt] -- bw pixels
.Opt_[alt] -- display X-display
.Opt_[alt] -- fg -- foreground color
.Opt_[alt] -- ft -- font font_name
.Opt_[alt] -- geometry size_pos
.Opt_[alt] -- resolution value
.Opt_[alt] -- rv
.Opt_[alt] -- title string
.Opt_[alt] -- xrm X-resource
.I \%filespec arguments
.I \%filespec
parameters means standard input.
.TP 10m
.Opt_short ""
stands for standard input (can occur several times).
.I filename
the path name of an existing file.
.BI man: name ( section )
.IB name ( section )
search the \%man\~page
.I \%name
in \%man\~section
.IR section .
.BI man: name . s
.IB name . s
.I s
is a character in
.BR \%[1-9on] ,
search for a \%man\~page
.I \%name
in \%man\~section
.IR s .
.BI man: name
\%man\~page in the lowest \%man\~section that has
.IR \%name .
.I "s name"
.I s
is a character in
.BR \%[1-9on] ,
search for a \%man\~page
.I \%name
in \%man\~section
.IR s .
.I name
.I \%name
is not an existing file search for the man\~page
.I \%name
in the lowest man\~section.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.B \%groffer
program can usually be run with very few options.
But for special purposes, it supports many options.
These can be classified in 5 option classes.
All short options of
.B \%groffer
are compatible with the short options of
.BR \%groff (1).
All long options of
.B \%groffer
are compatible with the long options of
.BR \%man (1).
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "groffer breaking Options"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
As soon as one of these options is found on the command line it is
executed, printed to standard output, and the running
.B \%groffer
is terminated thereafter.
All other arguments are ignored.
.Opt_def - h -- help
Print a helping information with a short explanation of option sto
standard output.
.Opt_def - v -- version
Print version information to standard output.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "groffer Mode Options"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
The display mode and the viewer programs are determined by these
If none of these mode and viewer options is specified
.B \%groffer
tries to find a suitable display mode automatically.
The default modes are
.I mode x
.B gxditview
in \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] and
.I mode tty
with device
.I latin1
.B less
on a terminal.
There are two kinds of options for viewers.
.Opt_long \fImode\fP-viewer
chooses the normal viewer programs that run on their own in
\%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[], while
.Opt_long \fImode\fP-viewer-tty
chooses programs that run on the terminal (on tty).
Most graphical viewers are programs running in \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[],
so there aren't many opportunities to call the tty viewers.
But they give the chance to view the output source; for example,
.Opt_long ps\-viewer\-tty=less
shows the content of the
.I Postscript
output with the pager
.BR less .
The \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewers are not critical, you can use both
.Opt_long *\-viewer
.Opt_long *\-viewer\-tty
for them; with
.Opt_long *\-viewer\-tty
the viewer program will not become independently, it just stays
coupled with
.BR groffer .
But the program will not run if you specify a terminal program with
.Opt_long *\-viewer
because this viewer will stay in background without a chance to reach
So you really need
.Opt_long *\-viewer\-tty
for viewers that run on tty.
.Opt_def -- auto
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode auto .
.Opt_def -- default
Reset all configuration from previously processed command line options
to the default values.
This is useful to wipe out all former options of the configuration, in
.Env_var $GROFFER_OPT ,
and restart option processing using only the rest of the command line.
.Opt_def -- default\-modes mode1,mode2,\*[Ellipsis]
Set the sequence of modes for
.I \%auto\~mode
to the comma separated list given in the argument.
.Opt_long mode
for details on modes. Display in the default manner; actually, this
means to try the modes
.IR x ,
.IR ps ,
.I \%tty
in this sequence.
.Opt_def -- dvi
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode \%dvi .
.Opt_def -- dvi\-viewer prog
Choose an \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewer program for
.IR \%dvi\~mode .
This can be a file name or a program to be searched in
.Env_var $PATH .
Known \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[]
.I \%dvi
viewers include
.BR \%xdvi (1)
.BR \%dvilx (1)
In each case, arguments can be provided additionally.
.Opt_def -- dvi\-viewer\-tty prog
Choose a program running on the terminal for viewing the output of
.IR \%dvi\~mode .
This can be a file name or a program to be searched in
.Env_var $PATH ;
arguments can be provided additionally.
.Opt_def -- groff
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode groff .
.Opt_def -- html
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode html .
.Opt_def -- html\-viewer
Choose an \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] web browser program for viewing in
.I \%html\~mode .
It can be the path name of an executable file or a program in
.Env_var $PATH .
In each case, arguments can be provided additionally.
.Opt_def -- html\-viewer\-tty
Choose a terminal program for viewing the output of
.I \%html\~mode .
It can be the path name of an executable file or a program in
.Env_var $PATH ;
arguments can be provided additionally.
.Opt_def -- mode value
Set the display mode.
The following mode values are recognized:
.Header_CB auto
Select the automatic determination of the display mode.
The sequence of modes that are tried can be set with the
.Opt_long default\-modes
Useful for restoring the
.I \%default\~mode
when a different mode was specified before.
.Header_CB dvi
Display formatted input in a
.I \%dvi
viewer program.
By default, the formatted input is displayed with the
.BR \%xdvi (1)
.Opt_long dvi .
.Header_CB groff
After the file determination, switch
.B \%groffer
to process the input like
.BR \%groff (1)
would do.
This disables the
.I \%groffer
viewing features.
.Header_CB html
Translate the input into html format and display the result in a web
browser program.
By default, the existence of a sequence of standard web browsers is
tested, starting with
.BR \%konqueror (1)
.BR \%mozilla (1).
The text html viewer is
.BR \%lynx (1).
.Header_CB pdf
Display formatted input in a
.I \%PDF
(Portable Document Format) viewer
By default, the input is formatted by
.B \%groff
using the Postscript device, then it is transformed into the PDF file
format using
.BR \%gs (1),
and finally displayed either with the
.BR \%xpdf (1)
or the
.BR \%acroread (1)
PDF has a big advantage because the text is displayed graphically and
is searchable as well.
But as the transformation takes a considerable amount of time, this
mode is not suitable as a default device for the
.I \%auto\~mode .
.Header_CB ps
Display formatted input in a Postscript viewer program.
By default, the formatted input is displayed with the
.BR \%ghostview (1)
.Header_CB text
Format in a
.I \%groff\~text\~mode
and write the result to standard output without a pager or viewer
The text device,
.I \%latin1
by default, can be chosen with option
.Opt_short T .
.Header_CB tty
Format in a
.I \%groff\~text\~mode
and write the result to standard output using a text pager program,
even when in \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[].
.Header_CB www
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode html .
.Header_CB x
Display the formatted input in a native
.I roff
By default, the formatted input is displayed with the
.BR \%gxditview (1)
program being distributed together with
.BR \%groff .
But the standard \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] tool
.BR \%xditview (1)
can also be chosen with the option
.Opt_long x\-viewer .
The default resolution is
.BR 75\~dpi ,
.B 100\~dpi
are also possible.
The default
.I groff
for the resolution of
.B 75\~dpi
.BR X75\-12 ,
.B 100\~dpi
it is
.BR X100 .
The corresponding
.I "groff intermediate output"
for the actual device is generated and the result is displayed.
For a resolution of
.BR 100\~dpi ,
the default width of the geometry of the display program is chosen to
.BR 850\~dpi .
.Header_CB X
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode x .
The following modes do not use the
.I \%groffer
viewing features.
They are only interesting for advanced applications.
.Header_CB groff
Generate device output with plain
.I \%groff
without using the special viewing features of
.IR \%groffer .
If no device was specified by option
.Opt_short T
.I \%groff
.B \%ps
is assumed.
.Header_CB source
Display the source code of the input without formatting; equivalent to
.Opt_short Q .
.Opt_def -- pdf
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode pdf .
.Opt_def -- pdf\-viewer prog
Choose an \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewer program for
.IR \%pdf\~mode .
This can be a file name or a program to be searched in
.Env_var $PATH ;
arguments can be provided additionally.
.Opt_def -- pdf\-viewer\-tty prog
Choose a terminal viewer program for
.IR \%pdf\~mode .
This can be a file name or a program to be searched in
.Env_var $PATH ;
arguments can be provided additionally.
.Opt_def -- ps
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode ps .
.Opt_def -- ps\-viewer prog
Choose an \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewer program for
.IR \%ps\~mode .
This can be a file name or a program to be searched in
.Env_var $PATH .
Common Postscript viewers inlude
.BR \%gv (1),
.BR \%ghostview (1),
.BR \%gs (1),
In each case, arguments can be provided additionally.
.Opt_def -- ps\-viewer\-tty prog
Choose a terminal viewer program for
.IR \%ps\~mode .
This can be a file name or a program to be searched in
.Env_var $PATH ;
arguments can be provided additionally.
.Opt_def -- text
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode text .
.Opt_def -- tty
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode tty .
.Opt_def -- tty\-viewer prog
Choose a text pager for mode
.IR tty .
The standard pager is
.BR less (1).
This option is eqivalent to
.I man
.Opt_long_arg pager prog .
The option argument can be a file name or a program to be searched in
.Env_var $PATH ;
arguments can be provided additionally.
.Opt_def -- tty\-viewer\-tty prog
This is equivalent to
.Opt_long tty\-viewer
because the programs for
.I tty
mode run on a terminal anyway.
.Opt_def -- www
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode html .
.Opt_def -- www\-viewer prog
Equivalent to
.Opt_long html\-viewer .
.Opt_def -- www\-viewer\-tty prog
Equivalent to
.Opt_long html\-viewer\-tty .
.Opt_def -- X -- x
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode x .
.Opt_def -- X\-viewer -- x\-viewer prog
Choose an \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewer program for
.IR \%x\~mode .
Suitable viewer programs are
.BR \%gxditview (1)
which is the default and
.BR \%xditview (1).
The argument can be any executable file or a program in
.Env_var $PATH ;
arguments can be provided additionally.
.Opt_def -- X\-viewer\-tty -- x\-viewer\-tty prog
Choose a terminal viewer program for
.IR \%x\~mode .
The argument can be any executable file or a program in
.Env_var $PATH ;
arguments can be provided additionally.
Signals the end of option processing; all remaining arguments are
interpreted as
.I \%filespec
Besides these,
.B \%groffer
accepts all short options that are valid for the
.BR \%groff (1)
.RB \%non- groffer
options are sent unmodified via
.B \%grog
.BR \%groff .
So postprocessors, macro packages, compatibility with
.I classical
.IR \%troff ,
and much more can be manually specified.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SH "Options for Development"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.Opt_def -- debug
Enable five debugging informations.
The temporary files are kept and not deleted, the name of the
temporary directory and the shell name for
.File_name groffer2.sh
are printed, the parameters are printed at several steps of
development, and a function stack is output with function
\f[CR]error_user()\f[] as well.
Neither the function call stack that is printed at each opening and
closing of a function call nor the landmark information that is
printed to determine how far the program is running are used.
This seems to be the most useful among all debugging options.
.Opt_def -- debug\-all
Enable all seven debugging informations including the function call
stack and the landmark information.
.Opt_def -- debug\-keep
Enable two debugging information, the printing of the name of the
temporary directory and the keeping of the temporary files.
.Opt_def -- debug\-lm
Enable one debugging information, the landmark information.
.Opt_def -- debug\-params
Enable one debugging information, the parameters at several steps.
.Opt_def -- debug\-shell
Enable one debugging information, the shell name for
.File_name groffer2.sh .
.Opt_def -- debug\-stacks
Enable one debugging information, the function call stack.
.Opt_def -- debug\-tmpdir
Enable one debugging information, the name of the temporary directory.
.Opt_def -- debug\-user
Enable one debugging information, the function stack with
.Opt_def -- do-nothing
This is like
.Opt_long version ,
but without the output; no viewer is started.
This makes only sense in development.
.Opt_def -- print=text
Just print the argument to standard error.
This is good for parameter check.
.Opt_def -- shell "shell_program"
Specify the shell under which the
.File_name \%groffer2.sh
script should be run.
This option overwrites the automatic shell determination of the
If the argument
.I shell_program
is empty a former shell option and the automatic shell determination
is cancelled and the default shell is restored.
Some shells run considerably faster than the standard shell.
.Opt_def - Q -- source
Output the roff source code of the input files without further
This is the equivalent
.Opt_long_arg mode source .
.Opt_def - V
This is an advanced option for debugging only.
Instead of displaying the formatted input, a lot of
.I \%groffer
specific information is printed to standard output:
the output file name in the temporary directory,
the display mode of the actual
.B \%groffer
the display program for viewing the output with its arguments,
the active parameters from the config files, the arguments in
.Env_var $GROFFER_OPT ,
and the arguments of the command line,
the pipeline that would be run by the
.B \%groff
program, but without executing it.
Other useful debugging options are the
.B \%groff
.Opt_short Z
.Opt_long_arg mode groff .
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SH "Options related to groff"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
All short options of
.B \%groffer
are compatible with the short options of
.BR \%groff (1).
The following of
.B \%groff
options have either an additional special meaning within
.B \%groffer
or make sense for normal usage.
Because of the special outputting behavior of the
.B \%groff
.Opt_short Z
.B \%groffer
was designed to be switched into
.I \%groff\~mode ;
.I \%groffer
viewing features are disabled there.
The other
.B \%groff
options do not switch the mode, but allow to customize the formatting
.Opt_def - a
This generates an ascii approximation of output in the
.IR \%text\~modes .
That could be important when the text pager has problems with control
sequences in
.IR "tty mode" .
.Opt_def - m file
.I \%file
as a
.I \%groff
macro file.
This is useful in case it cannot be recognized automatically.
.Opt_def - P opt_or_arg
Send the argument
.I \%opt_or_arg
as an option or option argument to the actual
.B \%groff
.Opt_def - T -- device devname
This option determines
.BR \%groff 's
output device.
The most important devices are the text output devices for referring
to the different character sets, such as
.BR \%ascii ,
.BR \%utf8 ,
.BR \%latin1 ,
and others.
Each of these arguments switches
.B \%groffer
into a
.I \%text\~mode
using this device, to
.I \%mode\~tty
if the actual mode is not a
.IR \%text\~mode .
The following
.I \%devname
arguments are mapped to the corresponding
.B \%groffer
.Opt_long_arg mode \fIdevname\fR
.BR \%dvi ,
.BR \%html ,
.BR \%ps .
.B \%X*
arguments are mapped to
.IR \%mode\~x .
Each other
.I \%devname
argument switches to
.I \%mode\~groff
using this device.
.Opt_def - X
is equivalent to
.BR "groff \-X" .
It displays the
.I groff intermediate output
.BR gxditview .
As the quality is relatively bad this option is deprecated; use
.Opt_long X
instead because the
.I \%x\~mode
uses an
.IR X *
device for a better display.
.Opt_def - Z -- intermediate-output -- ditroff
Switch into
.I \%groff\~mode
and format the input with the
.I \%groff intermediate output
without postprocessing; see
.BR \%groff_out (5).
This is equivalent to option
.Opt_long ditroff
.IR \%man ,
which can be used as well.
All other
.B \%groff
options are supported by
.BR \%groffer ,
but they are just transparently transferred to
.B \%groff
without any intervention.
The options that are not explicitly handled by
.B \%groffer
are transparently passed to
.BR \%groff .
Therefore these transparent options are not documented here, but in
.BR \%groff (1).
Due to the automatism in
.BR \%groffer ,
none of these
.B \%groff
options should be needed, except for advanced usage.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "Options for man\~pages"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.Opt_def -- apropos
Start the
.BR \%apropos (1)
command or facility of
.BR \%man (1)
for searching the
.I \%filespec
arguments within all
.I \%man\~page
.I \%filespec
argument is taken for search as it is; section specific parts are not
handled, such that
.B 7 groff
searches for the two arguments
.B 7
.B groff
with a large result; for the
.I \%filespec
.B groff.7
nothing will be found.
The display differs from the
.B \%apropos
program by the following concepts:
construct a
.I \%groff
frame to the output of
.BR \%apropos ,
.I \%filespec
argument is searched on its own.
the restriction by
.Opt_long sections
is handled as well,
wildcard characters are allowed and handled without a further option.
.Opt_def -- apropos\-data
Show only the
.B \%apropos
descriptions for data documents, these are the
.BR \%man (7)
sections 4, 5, and 7.
Direct section declarations are ignored, wildcards are accepted.
.Opt_def -- apropos\-devel
Show only the
.B \%apropos
descriptions for development documents, these are the
.BR man (7)
sections 2, 3, and 9.
Direct section declarations are ignored, wildcards are accepted.
.Opt_def -- apropos\-progs
Show only the
.B \%apropos
descriptions for documents on programs, these are the
.BR \%man (7)
sections 1, 6, and 8.
Direct section declarations are ignored, wildcards are accepted.
.Opt_def -- whatis
For each
.I \%filespec
argument search all
.I \%man\~pages
and display their description \[em] or say that it is not a
.IR \%man\~page .
This differs from
.IR man 's
.B whatis
output by the following concepts
each retrieved file name is added,
local files are handled as well,
the display is framed by a
.I groff
output format,
wildcard characters are allowed without a further option.
The following two options were added to
.B \%groffer
for choosing whether the file name arguments are interpreted as names
for local files or as a search pattern for
.IR \%man\~pages .
The default is looking up for local files.
.Opt_def -- man
Check the non-option command line arguments
.RI ( filespecs )
first on being
.IR \%man\~pages ,
then whether they represent an existing file.
By default, a
.I \%filespec
is first tested whether it is an existing file.
.Opt_def -- no-man -- local-file
Do not check for
.IR \%man\~pages .
.Opt_long local-file
is the corresponding
.B man
.Opt_def -- no-special
Disable former calls of
.Opt_long all ,
.Opt_long apropos* ,
.Opt_long whatis .
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "Long options taken over from GNU man"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
The long options of
.B \%groffer
were synchronized with the long options of \f[CR]GNU\f[]
.BR man .
All long options of \f[CR]GNU\f[]
.B man
are recognized, but not all of these options are important to
.BR \%groffer ,
so most of them are just ignored.
In the following, the
.B man
options that have a special meaning for
.B \%groffer
are documented.
The full set of long and short options of the \f[CR]GNU\f[]
.B man
program can be passed via the environment variable
.Env_var $MANOPT ;
.BR \%man (1)
if your system has \f[CR]GNU\f[]
.B man
.Opt_def -- all
In searching
.IR \%man\~pages ,
retrieve all suitable documents instead of only one.
.Opt_def - 7 -- ascii
.IR \%text\~modes ,
display ASCII translation of special characters for critical environment.
This is equivalent to
.BR "groff -mtty_char" ;
.BR groff_tmac (5).
.Opt_def -- ditroff
Eqivalent to
.B \%groffer
.Opt_short Z .
.Opt_def -- extension suffix
.I \%man\~page
search to file names that have
.I \%suffix
appended to their section element.
For example, in the file name
.I \%/usr/share/man/man3/terminfo.3ncurses.gz
.I \%man\~page
extension is
.IR \%ncurses .
.Opt_def -- locale language
Set the language for
.IR \%man\~pages .
This has the same effect, but overwrites
.Env_var $LANG
.Opt_def -- location
Print the location of the retrieved files to standard error.
.Opt_def -- no-location
Do not display the location of retrieved files; this resets a former
call to
.Opt_long location .
This was added by
.BR \%groffer .
.Opt_def -- manpath "'dir1:dir2:\*[Ellipsis]'"
Use the specified search path for retrieving
.I \%man\~pages
instead of the program defaults.
If the argument is set to the empty string "" the search for
.I \%man\~page
is disabled.
.Opt_def -- pager
Set the pager program in
.IR \%tty\~mode ;
default is
.BR \%less .
This is equivalent to
.Opt_long tty\-viewer .
.Opt_def -- sections "'sec1:sec2:\*[Ellipsis]'"
Restrict searching for
.I \%man\~pages
to the given
.IR sections ,
a colon-separated list.
.Opt_def -- systems "'sys1,sys2,\*[Ellipsis]'"
Search for
.I \%man\~pages
for the given operating systems; the argument
.I \%systems
is a comma-separated list.
.Opt_def -- where
Eqivalent to
.Opt_long location .
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "X\~\%Window\~\%Toolkit Options"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
The following long options were adapted from the corresponding
\%\f[CR]X\~\Window\~Toolkit\f[] options.
.B \%groffer
will pass them to the actual viewer program if it is an
\%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] program.
Otherwise these options are ignored.
Unfortunately these options use the old style of a single minus for
long options.
.B \%groffer
that was changed to the standard with using a double minus for long
options, for example,
.B \%groffer
uses the option
.Opt_long font
for the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] option
.Opt_short font .
.BR \%X (1),
.BR \%X (7),
and the documentation on the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\~Toolkit\f[] options
for more details on these options and their arguments.
.Opt_def -- background color
Set the background color of the viewer window.
.Opt_def -- bd pixels
Specifies the color of the border surrounding the viewer window.
.Opt_def -- bg color
This is equivalent to
.Opt_long background .
.Opt_def -- bw pixels
Specifies the width in pixels of the border surrounding the viewer
.Opt_def -- display X-display
Set the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] display on which the viewer program
shall be started, see the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] documentation for the
syntax of the argument.
.Opt_def -- foreground color
Set the foreground color of the viewer window.
.Opt_def -- fg color
This is equivalent to
.Opt_short foreground .
.Opt_def -- font font_name
Set the font used by the viewer window.
The argument is an \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] font name.
.Opt_def -- ft font_name
This is equivalent to
.Opt_long ft .
.Opt_def -- geometry size_pos
Set the geometry of the display window, that means its size and its
starting position.
.BR \%X (7)
for the syntax of the argument.
.Opt_def -- resolution value
Set \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] resolution in dpi (dots per inch) in some
viewer programs.
The only supported dpi values are
.B 75
.BR 100 .
Actually, the default resolution for
.B \%groffer
is set to
.BR 75\~dpi .
The resolution also sets the default device in
.IR "mode x" .
.Opt_def -- rv
Reverse foreground and background color of the viewer window.
.Opt_def -- title "'some text'"
Set the title for the viewer window.
.Opt_def -- xrm "'resource'"
Set \f[CR]\%X\~Window\f[] resource.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "Filespec Arguments"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.I \%filespec
parameter is an argument that is not an option or option argument.
It means an input source.
.BR \%groffer ,
.I \%filespec
parameters are a file name or a template for searching
.IR \%man\~pages .
These input sources are collected and composed into a single output
file such as
.B \%groff
The strange \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[] behavior to regard all arguments behind
the first non-option argument as
.I \%filespec
arguments is ignored.
The \f[CR]GNU\f[] behavior to recognize options even when mixed with
.I \%filespec
arguments is used througout.
But, as usual, the double minus argument
ends the option handling and interprets all following arguments as
.I \%filespec
arguments; so the \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[] behavior can be easily adopted.
For the following, it is necessary to know that on each system the
.I \%man\~pages
are sorted according to their content into several sections.
.I classical man sections
have a single-character name, either a digit from
.B 1
.B 9
or one of the characters
.B n
.BR o .
In the following, a stand-alone character
.I s
stands for a
.IR "classical man section" .
The internal precedence of
.B \%man
for searching
.I \%man\~pages
with the same name within several sections goes according to the
classical single-character sequence.
On some systems, this single character can be extended by a following
But the special
.B \%groffer
.I \%man\~page
facility is based on the classical single character sections.
.I \%filespec
parameter can have one of the following forms in decreasing sequence.
.I \%filespec
parameters means that
.B \%groffer
waits for standard input.
The minus option
.Opt_short ""
stands for standard input, too; it can occur several times.
Next a
.I \%filespec
is tested whether it is the path name of an existing file.
Otherwise it is assumed to be a searching pattern for a
.IR \%man\~page .
.BI \%man: name ( section )
.IB \%name ( section )
search the \%man\~page
.I \%name
in \%man\~section\~\c
.IR \%section ,
.I \%section
can be any string, but it must exist in the
.I \%man
Next some patterns based on the
.I classical man sections
are checked.
.BI \%man: name . s
.IB \%name . s
search for a \%man\~page
.I \%name
in \%man\~section
.I s
.I s
is a
.I classical man section
mentioned above.
Otherwise a
.I \%man\~page
.IR \%name.s
is searched in the lowest
.B man\~section .
.BI \%man: name
searches for a
.I \%man\~page
in the lowest
.I \%man\~section
that has a document called
.IR \%name .
The pattern
.I \%s\~name
originates from a strange argument parsing of the
.B man
.I s
is a
.I classical man section
interpret it as a search for a
.I \%man\~page
.I \%name
in man\~section
.IR s ,
otherwise interpret both
.I s
.I \%name
as two independent
.I \%filespec
We are left with the argument
.I \%name
which is not an existing file.
So this searches for the
.I \%man\~page
.I \%name
in the lowest
.I \%man\~section
that has a document for this name.
Wildcards in
.I \%filespec
arguments are only accepted for
.Opt_long apropos*
.Opt_long whatis ;
for normal display, they are interpreted as characters.
Several file name arguments can be supplied.
They are mixed by
.B \%groff
into a single document.
Note that the set of option arguments must fit to all of these file
So they should have at least the same style of the
.I \%groff
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
By default, the
.B \%groffer
program collects all input into a single file, formats it with the
.B \%groff
program for a certain device, and then chooses a suitable viewer
The device and viewer process in
.B \%groffer
is called a
.IR \%mode .
The mode and viewer of a running
.B \%groffer
program is selected automatically, but the user can also choose it
with options.
The modes are selected by option the arguments of
.Opt_long_arg mode \fIanymode .
Additionally, each of this argument can be specified as an option of
its own, such as
.Opt_long \fIanymode .
Most of these modes have a viewer program, which can be chosen by an
option that is constructed like
.Opt_long \fIanymode\fR\-viewer .
Several different modes are offered, graphical modes for
.IR \%text\~modes ,
and some direct
.I \%groff\~modes
for debugging and development.
By default,
.B \%groffer
first tries whether
.I \%x\~mode
is possible, then
.IR \%ps\~mode ,
and finally
.IR \%tty\~mode .
This mode testing sequence for
.I \%auto\~mode
can be changed by specifying a comma separated list of modes with the
.Opt_long default\-modes.
The searching for
.I \%man\~pages
and the decompression of the input are active in every mode.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "Graphical Display Modes"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
The graphical display modes work mostly in the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[]
environment (or similar implementations within other windowing
The environment variable
.Env_var $DISPLAY
and the option
.Opt_long display
are used for specifying the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] display to be used.
If this environment variable is empty
.B \%groffer
assumes that no \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] is running and changes to a
.IR \%text\~mode .
You can change this automatic behavior by the option
.Opt_long default\-modes .
Known viewers for the graphical display modes and their standard
\%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewer progams are
.I roff
viewers such as
.BR \%gxditview (1)
.BR \%xditview (1)
.IR \%x\~mode ),
in a Postscript viewer
.RI ( \%ps\~mode ),
in a dvi viewer program
.RI ( \%dvi\~mode ),
in a PDF viewer
.RI ( \%pdf\~mode ),
in a web browser
.RI ( html
.IR \%www\~mode ).
.I \%pdf\~mode
has a major advantage \[em] it is the only graphical diplay mode that
allows to search for text within the viewer; this can be a really
important feature.
Unfortunately, it takes some time to transform the input into the PDF
format, so it was not chosen as the major mode.
These graphical viewers can be customized by options of the
But the
.B \%groffer
options use a leading double minus instead of the single minus used by
the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\~Toolkit\f[].
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "Text modes"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
There are two modes for text output,
.I \%mode\~text
for plain output without a pager and
.I \%mode\~tty
for a text output on a text terminal using some pager program.
If the variable
.Env_var \%$DISPLAY
is not set or empty,
.B \%groffer
assumes that it should use
.IR \%tty\~\%mode .
In the actual implementation, the
.I groff
output device
.I \%latin1
is chosen for
.IR \%text\~modes .
This can be changed by specifying option
.Opt_short T
.Opt_long device .
The pager to be used can be specified by one of the options
.Opt_long pager
.Opt_long tty\-viewer ,
or by the environment variable
.Env_var $PAGER .
If all of this is not used the
.BR \%less (1)
program with the option
.Opt_short r
for correctly displaying control sequences is used as the default
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "Special Modes for Debugging and Development"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
These modes use the
.I \%groffer
file determination and decompression.
This is combined into a single input file that is fed directly into
.B \%groff
with different strategy without the
.I \%groffer
viewing facilities.
These modes are regarded as advanced, they are useful for debugging
and development purposes.
.I \%source\~mode
with option
.Opt_short Q
.Opt_long source
just displays the decompressed input.
.I \%groff\~mode
passes the input to
.B \%groff
using only some suitable options provided to
.BR \%groffer .
This enables the user to save the generated output into a file or pipe
it into another program.
.IR \%groff\~\%mode ,
the option
.Opt_short Z
disables post-processing, thus producing the
.I groff intermediate
.IR output .
In this mode, the input is formatted, but not postprocessed; see
.BR \%groff_out (5)
for details.
.B \%groff
short options are supported by
.BR \%groffer .
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
The default behavior of
.B \%groffer
is to first test whether a file parameter represents a local file; if
it is not an existing file name, it is assumed to represent a name of
.IR \%man\~page .
This behavior can be modified by the following options.
.Opt_long man
forces to interpret all file parameters as
.I \%filespecs
for searching
.IR \%man\~pages .
.Opt_long no\-man
.Opt_long local\-file
disable the
.I man
searching; so only local files are displayed.
If neither a local file nor a
.I \%man\~page
was retrieved for some file parameter a warning is issued on standard
error, but processing is continued.
.B \%groffer
program provides a search facility for
.IR \%man\~pages .
All long options, all environment variables, and most of the
functionality of the \f[CR]GNU\f[]
.BR \%man (1)
program were implemented.
This inludes the extended file names of
.IR \%man\~pages ,
for example, the
.I \%man\~page
.B \%groff
in man\~section 7 may be stored under
.File_name /usr/share/man/man7/groff.7.gz ,
.File_name /usr/share/man/
is part of the man\~path, the subdirectory
.I \%man7
and the file extension
.I .7
refer to the man\~section 7;
.I \%.gz
shows the compression of the file.
.I cat\~pages
.IR \%man\~pages )
are intentionally excluded from the search because
.B \%groffer
is a
.I roff
program that wants to format by its own.
With the excellent performance of the actual computers, the
.I \%man\~pages
aren't necessary any longer.
The algorithm for retrieving
\I \%man\~pages
uses five search methods.
They are successively tried until a method works.
The search path can be manually specified by using the option
.Opt_long manpath .
An empty argument disables the
.I \%man\~page
This overwrites the other methods.
If this is not available the environment variable
.Env_var $MANPATH
is searched.
If this is empty, the program tries to read it from the environment
.Env_var $MANOPT .
If this does not work a reasonable default path from
.Env_var $PATH
is searched for
.IR \%man\~pages .
If this does not work, the
.BR \%manpath (1)
program for determining a path of
.I man
directories is tried.
After this, the path elements for the language (locale) and operating
system specific
.I \%man\~pages
are added to the
.IR man\~path ;
their sequence is determined automatically.
For example, both
.File_name /usr/share/man/linux/fr
.File_name /usr/share/man/fr/linux
for french linux
.I \%man\~pages
are found.
The language and operating system names are determined from both
environment variables and command line options.
The locale (language) is determined like in \f[CR]GNU\f[]
.BR man ,
that is from highest to lowest precedence:
.Opt_long locale
.Env_var $MANOPT
.Env_var $LCALL
.Env_var $LANG .
The language locale is usually specified in the
\%\f[CR]POSIX\~1003.1\f[] based format:
but the two-letter code in
.I <language>
is sufficient for most purposes.
If no
.I \%man\~pages
for a complicated locale are found the country part consisting of the
first two characters (without the `\f[CB]_\f[]', `\f[CB].\f[]', and
`\f[CB],\f[]' parts) of the locale is searched as well.
If still not found the corresponding
.I \%man\~page
in the default language is used instead.
As usual, this default can be specified by one of \f[CR]C\f[] or
.I \%man\~pages
in the default language are usually in English.
Several operating systems can be given by appending their names,
separated by a comma.
This is then specified by the environment variable
.Env_var $SYSTEM
or by the command line option
.Opt_long systems .
The precedence is similar to the locale case above from highest to
lowest precedence:
.Opt_long systems
.Env_var $MANOPT
.Env_var $SYSTEM .
When searching for
.I \%man\~pages
.I man\~path
with the additional language and system specific directories is used.
The search can further be restricted by limiting it to certain
A single section can be specified within each
.I \%filespec
argument, several sections as a colon-separated list in command line
.Opt_long sections
or environment variable
.Env_var $MANSECT .
When no section was specified a set of standard sections is searched
until a suitable
.I \%man\~page
was found.
Finally, the search can be restricted to a so-called
.IR extension .
This is a postfix that acts like a subsection.
It can be specified by
.Opt_long extension
or environment variable
.Env_var $EXTENSION .
For further details on
.I \%man\~page
searching, see
.BR \%man (1).
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
The program has a decompression facility.
If standard input or a file that was retrieved from the command line
parameters is compressed with a format that is supported by either
.BR \%gzip (1)
.BR \%bzip2 (1)
it is decompressed on-the-fly.
This includes the \f[CR]GNU\f[]
.BR \%.gz ,
.BR \%.bz2 ,
and the traditional
.B \%.Z
The program displays the concatenation of all decompressed input in
the sequence that was specified on the command line.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.B \%groffer
program supports many system variables, most of them by courtesy of
other programs.
All environment variables of
.BR \%groff (1)
and \f[CR]GNU\f[]
.BR \%man (1)
and some standard system variables are honored.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "Native groffer Variables"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
Store options for a run of
.BR \%groffer .
The options specified in this variable are overridden by the options
given on the command line.
The content of this variable is run through the shell builtin `eval';
so arguments containing white-space or special shell characters should
be quoted.
Do not forget to export this variable, otherwise it does not exist
during the run of
.BR groffer .
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "System Variables"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.B \%groffer
program is a shell script that is run through
.File_name /bin/sh ,
which can be internally linked to programs like
.BR \%bash (1).
The corresponding system environment is automatically effective.
The following variables have a special meaning for
.BR \%groffer .
.Env_var $DISPLAY
If this variable is set this indicates that the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[]
system is running.
Testing this variable decides on whether graphical or text output is
This variable should not be changed by the user carelessly, but it can
be used to start the graphical
.B \%groffer
on a remote \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] terminal.
For example, depending on your system,
.B \%groffer
can be started on the second monitor by the command
.Shell_cmd DISPLAY=:0.1\~groffer\~ what.ever &
.Env_var $LC_ALL
.Env_var $LANG
If one of these variables is set (in the above sequence), its content
is interpreted as the locale, the language to be used, especially when
\IR \%man\~pages .
A locale name is typically of the form
.IR language [\c
.B _\c
.IR territory [\c
.B .\c
.IR codeset [\c
.B @\c
.IR modifier ]]],
.I \%language
is an ISO 639 language code,
.I \%territory
is an ISO 3166 country code, and
.I \%codeset
is a character set or encoding identifier like ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8;
.BR \%setlocale (3).
The locale values \f[CR]C\f[] and \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[]
stand for the default, i.e. the
.I \%man\~page
directories without a language prefix.
This is the same behavior as when all 3\~variables are unset.
.Env_var $PAGER
This variable can be used to set the pager for the tty output.
For example, to disable the use of a pager completely set this
variable to the
.BR \%cat (1)
.Shell_cmd PAGER=cat\~groffer\~ anything
.Env_var $PATH
All programs within the
.B \%groffer
shell script are called without a fixed path.
Thus this environment variable determines the set of programs used
within the run of
.BR \%groffer .
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "Groff Variables"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.B \%groffer
program internally calls
.BR \%groff ,
so all environment variables documented in
.BR \%groff (1)
are internally used within
.B \%groffer
as well.
The following variable has a direct meaning for the
.B \%groffer
If the value of this variable is an existing, writable directory,
.B \%groffer
uses it for storing its temporary files, just as
.B groff
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "Man Variables"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
Parts of the functionality of the
.B man
program were implemented in
.BR \%groffer ;
support for all environment variables documented in
.BR \%man (1)
was added to
.BR \%groffer ,
but the meaning was slightly modified due to the different approach in
.BR \%groffer ;
but the user interface is the same.
.B man
environment variables can be overwritten by options provided with
.Env_var $MANOPT ,
which in turn is overwritten by the command line.
Restrict the search for
.I \%man\~pages
to files having this extension.
This is overridden by option
.Opt_long extension ;
see there for details.
.Env_var $MANOPT
This variable contains options as a preset for
.BR \%man (1).
As not all of these are relevant for
.B \%groffer
only the essential parts of its value are extracted.
The options specified in this variable overwrite the values of the
other environment variables that are specific to
.IR man .
All options specified in this variable are overridden by the options
given on the command line.
.Env_var $MANPATH
If set, this variable contains the directories in which the
.I \%man\~page
trees are stored.
This is overridden by option
.Opt_long manpath .
.Env_var $MANSECT
If this is a colon separated list of section names, the search for
.I \%man\~pages
is restricted to those manual sections in that order.
This is overridden by option
.Opt_long sections .
.Env_var $SYSTEM
If this is set to a comma separated list of names these are interpreted
.I \%man\~page
trees for different operating systems.
This variable can be overwritten by option
.Opt_long systems ;
see there for details.
The environment variable
is ignored by
.B \%groffer
because the necessary preprocessors are determined automatically.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.B \%groffer
program can be preconfigured by two configuration files.
.File_name /etc/groff/groffer.conf
System-wide configuration file for
.BR \%groffer .
.File_name $HOME/.groff/groffer.conf
User-specific configuration file for
.BR \%groffer ,
.Env_var $HOME
denotes the user's home directory.
This file is called after the system-wide configuration file to enable
overriding by the user.
The precedence of option delivery is given in the following.
The configuration file in
.File_name /etc
has the lowest precedence; it is overwritten by the configuration file
in the home directory; both configuration files are overwritten by the
environment variable
.Env_var $GROFFER_OPT ;
everything is overwritten by the command line.
In the configuration files, arbitrary spaces are allowed at the
beginning of each line, they are just ignored.
Apart from that, the lines of the configuration lines either start
with a minus character, all other lines are interpreted as shell
The lines with the beginning minus are interpreted as
.B groffer
This easily allows to set general
.B \%groffer
options that should be used with any call of
.BR \%groffer .
Each line can represent a single short option, a short option cluster,
or a long option with two minus signs, eventually with an argument.
The argument can be appended either after a space character or an
equal sign
.RB ` = '.
The argument can be surrounded by quotes, but this is not necessary.
The options from these lines are collected and prepended to the
existing value of
at the end of each configuration file.
After the transformation of the minus lines, the configuration files
have been transferred into a shell script that is called within
.B \%groffer
using the `\c
.CB \.\~\c
.IR \%filename '
shell syntax.
It makes sense to use these configuration files for the following
Preset command line options, such as choosing a
.I \%mode
or a viewer.
These are written into lines starting with a single or double minus
sign, followed by the option name.
Preset environment variables recognized by
.BR \%groffer ;
but do not forget to export them.
You can also write a shell function for calling, for example a viewer
program for some
.IR \%mode .
Such a function can be fed into a corresponding
.Opt_long \f[I]mode\f[]\-viewer
.Opt_long shell
to specify a shell for the run of
.File_name groffer2.sh .
Some shells run much faster than the standard shell.
As an example, consider the following configuration file in
.File_name ~/.groff/groffer.conf ,
.ft CR
# groffer configuration file
# groffer options that are used in each call of groffer
\-\-x\-viewer='gxditview \-geometry 900x1200'
# some shell commands
if test "$DISPLAY" = ""; then
export DISPLAY='localhost:0.0'
date >>~/mygroffer.log
The lines starting with
.B #
are command lines.
This configuration sets four
.B \%groffer
options (the lines starting with `\-') and runs two shell commands (the
rest of the script).
This has the following effects:
.B ksh
as the shell to run the
.B \%groffer
script; if it works it should be faster than the usual
.BR sh .
Use a text color of
.B \%DarkBlue
in all viewers that support this, such as
.BR \%gxditview .
Use a resolution of
.B 100\~dpi
in all viewers that support this, such as
.BR \%gxditview .
By this, the default device in
.I x mode
is set to
.BR X100 .
.BR \%gxditview (1)
as the
.I \%x-mode
viewer using the geometry option for setting the width to
.B 900\~dpi
and the height to
.BR 1200\~dpi .
This geometry is suitable for a resolution of
.BR 100\~dpi .
If the environment variable
.Env_var $DISPLAY
is empty set it to
.IR localhost:0.0 .
That allows to start
.B \%groffer
in the standard \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] display, even when the program
is called from a text console.
Just for fun, the date of each
.B \%groffer
start is written to the file
.File_name mygroffer.log
in the home directory.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
The usage of
.B \%groffer
is very easy.
Usually, it is just called with a file name or
.IR \%man\~page .
The following examples, however, show that
.B \%groffer
has much more fancy capabilities.
.Shell_cmd "groffer\~/usr/local/share/doc/groff/meintro.ms.gz"
Decompress, format and display the compressed file
.File_name meintro.ms.gz
in the directory
.File_name /usr/local/share/doc/groff ,
using the standard viewer
.B \%gxditview
as graphical viewer when in \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[], or the
.BR \%less (1)
pager program when not in \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[].
.Shell_cmd "groffer\~groff"
If the file
.File_name \%./groff
exists use it as input.
Otherwise interpret the argument as a search for the
.I \%man\~page
.B \%groff
in the smallest possible
.IR \%man\~section ,
being section 1 in this case.
.Shell_cmd "groffer\~man:groff"
search for the
.I \%man\~page
.B \%groff
even when the file
.File_name ./groff
.Shell_cmd "groffer\~groff.7"
.Shell_cmd "groffer\~7\~groff"
search the
.I \%man\~page
.B \%groff
.I \%man\~section
.BR 7 .
This section search works only for a digit or a single character from
a small set.
.Shell_cmd "groffer\~fb.modes"
If the file
.File_name ./fb.modes
does not exist interpret this as a search for the
.I \%man\~page
.BR fb.modes .
As the extension
.I \%modes
is not a single character in classical section style the argument is
not split to a search for
.BR fb .
.Shell_cmd "groffer\~groff\~\[cq]troff(1)\[cq]\~man:roff"
The arguments that are not existing files are looked-up as the
.IR \%man\~pages :
.B \%groff
(automatic search, should be found in \fIman\fP\~section\~1),
.B \%troff
(in section\~1),
.B \%roff
(in the section with the lowest number, being\~7 in this case).
The quotes around
.I \[cq]troff(1)\[cq]
are necessary because the paranthesis are special shell characters;
escaping them with a backslash character
.I \[rs](
.I \[rs])
would be possible, too.
The formatted files are concatenated and displayed in one piece.
.Shell_cmd "LANG=de\~groffer\~--man\~--www\~--www-viever=galeon\~ls"
Retrieve the German
.I \%man\~page
.IR de )
for the
.B ls
program, decompress it, format it to
.I \%html
.RI ( \%www\~mode )
and view the result in the web browser
.BR \%galeon .
The option
.Opt_long man
guarantees that the
.I \%man\~page
is retrieved, even when a local file
.File_name \%ls
exists in the actual directory.
.Shell_cmd "groffer\~--source\~'man:roff(7)'"
Get the
.I \%man\~page
.I \%roff
in \fIman\fP\~section 7, decompress it, and print its unformatted
content, its source code.
.Shell_cmd "cat\~file.gz\~|\~groffer\~-Z\~-mfoo"
Decompress the standard input, send this to
.I \%groff intermediate output mode
without post-processing
.RB ( groff
.Opt_short Z ),
using macro package by
.I \%foo
.RB ( groff
.Opt_short m ) .
.Shell_cmd "echo\~'\[rs]f[CB]WOW!'\~|"
.Shell_cmd+ "groffer --x --bg red --fg yellow --geometry 200x100 -"
Display the word \f[CB]WOW!\f[] in a small window in constant-width
bold font, using color yellow on red background.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.B \%groffer
program consists of two shell scripts.
The starting script is the file
.File_name \%groffer
that is installed in a
.File_name bin
It is generated from the source file
.File_name \%groffer.sh .
It is just a short starting script without any functions such that it
can run on very poor shells.
The main part of the
.B \%groffer
program is the file
.File_name groffer2.sh
that is installed in the
.I groff
library directory.
This script can be run under a different shell by using the
.B \%groffer
.Opt_long shell .
Both scripts are compatible with both
\f[CR]GNU\f[] and \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[].
\%\f[CR]POSIX\f[] compatibility refers to
\%\f[CR]IEEE\~P1003.2/D11.2\f[] of September 1991, a very early
version of the \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[] standard that is still freely
available in the internet at
.URL http://\:www.funet.fi/\:pub/\:doc/\:posix/\:p1003.2/\:d11.2/\:all \
"\%POSIX\~P1003.2\~draft\~11.2" .
Only a restricted set of shell language elements and shell builtins is
used to achieve even compatibility with some Bourne shells that are
not fully \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[] compatible.
.B \%groffer
shell scripts were tested on many shells, including the following
Bourne shells:
.BR \%ash (1),
.BR \%bash (1),
.BR \%dash (1),
.BR \%ksh (1),
.BR \%pdksh (1),
.BR \%posh (1),
.BR \%zsh (1).
So it should work on most actual free and commercial operating
The shell for the run of
.File_name groffer2.sh
can be chosen by the option
.Opt_long shell
on the command line or the environment variable
.Env_var $GROFF_OPT .
If you want to add it to one of the
.B \%groffer
configuration files you must write a line starting with
.Opt_long shell .
.B \%groffer
program provides its own parser for command line arguments that is
compatible to both \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[]
.BR \%getopts (1)
and \%\f[CR]GNU\f[]
.BR \%getopt (1).
It can handle option arguments and file names containing white space
and a large set of special characters.
The following standard types of options are supported.
The option consisiting of a single minus
refers to standard input.
A single minus followed by characters refers to a single character
option or a combination thereof; for example, the
.B \%groffer
short option combination
.Opt_short Qmfoo
is equivalent to
.Opt_short Q\~\-m\~foo .
Long options are options with names longer than one character; they
are always preceded by a double minus.
An option argument can either go to the next command line argument or
be appended with an equal sign to the argument; for example,
.Opt_alt -- long=arg
is equivalent to
.Opt_alt -- long\~arg .
An argument of
ends option parsing; all further command line arguments are
interpreted as
.I \%filespec
parameters, i.e. file names or constructs for searching
.IR \%man\~pages ).
All command line arguments that are neither options nor option
arguments are interpreted as
.I \%filespec
parameters and stored until option parsing has finished.
For example, the command line
.Shell_cmd "groffer file1 -a -o arg file2"
is equivalent to
.Shell_cmd "groffer -a -o arg -- file1 file2"
The free mixing of options and
.I \%filespec
parameters follows the GNU principle.
That does not fulfill the strange option behavior of \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[]
that ends option processing as soon as the first non-option argument
has been reached.
The end of option processing can be forced by the option
.RB ` \-\- '
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
Report bugs to the
.MTO bug-groff@gnu.org "bug-groff mailing list" .
Include a complete, self-contained example that will allow the bug to
be reproduced, and say which version of
.B \%groffer
you are using.
You can also use the
.MTO groff@gnu.org "groff mailing list" ,
but you must first subscribe to this list.
You can do that by visiting the
.URL http://\:lists.gnu.org/\:mailman/\:listinfo/\:groff \
"groff mailing list web page" .
.BR \%groff (1)
for information on availability.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.BR \%groff (1),
.BR \%troff (1)
Details on the options and environment variables available in
.BR \%groff ;
all of them can be used with
.BR \%groffer .
.BR \%groff (7)
Documentation of the
.I \%groff
.BR \%grog (1)
.B \%groffer
tries to guess the
.B \%groff
command line options from the input using this program.
.BR groff_out (5)
Documentation on the
.I \%groff intermediate output
.RI ( ditroff
.BR groff_tmac (5)
Documentation on the
.I \%groff
macro files.
.BR \%man (1)
The standard program to display
.IR \%man\~pages .
The information there is only useful if it is the
.I \%man\~page
for GNU
.BR man .
Then it documents the options and environment variables that are
supported by
.BR \%groffer .
.BR \%ash (1),
.BR \%bash (1),
.BR \%dash (1),
.BR \%ksh (1),
.BR \%pdksh (1),
.BR \%posh (1),
.BR \%sh (1),
.BR \%zsh (1)
Bourne shells that were tested with
.BR \%groffer .
.BR \%gxditview (1),
.BR \%xditview (1x)
Viewers for
.BR \%groffer 's
.IR \%x\~mode .
.BR \%kghostview (1),
.BR \%ggv (1),
.BR \%gv (1),
.BR \%ghostview (1),
.BR \%gs (1)
Viewers for
.BR \%groffer 's
.IR \%ps\~mode .
.BR \%kghostview (1),
.BR \%ggv (1),
.BR \%xpdf (1),
.BR \%acroread (1),
.BR \%kpdf (1)
Viewers for
.BR \%groffer 's
.IR \%pdf\~mode .
.BR \%kdvi (1),
.BR \%xdvi (1),
.BR \%dvilx (1)
Viewers for
.BR \%groffer 's
.IR \%dvi\~mode .
.BR \%konqueror (1),
.BR \%mozilla (1),
.BR \%lynx (1)
Web-browsers for
.BR \%groffer 's
.I \%html
.IR \%www\~mode .
.BR \%less (1)
Standard pager program for the
.I \%tty\~mode .
.BR \%gzip (1),
.BR \%bzip2 (1)
The decompression programs supported by
.BR \%groffer .
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Emacs settings
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Local Variables:
.\" mode: nroff
.\" End:
To unsubscribe send an email to discuss+unsubscribe@mandoc.bsd.lv
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 6+ messages in thread
* Re: makewhatis stuck on groffer.1
2019-04-20 18:16 makewhatis stuck on groff.1 Jan Stary
@ 2019-04-20 18:18 ` Jan Stary
2019-04-20 18:21 ` Jan Stary
0 siblings, 1 reply; 6+ messages in thread
From: Jan Stary @ 2019-04-20 18:18 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: discuss
Hi Ingo,
this is mandoc 1.14.5 on MacOS 10.14.4.
Rendering manpages with man(1) works just fine,
but there seems to be an issue with makewhatis.
MacOS uses something called XCode, which is an SDK you install
to do C development (it installs cc, ar, libtool, etc).
It installs into /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools,
with manpages in /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/share/man
That's not where mandoc looks for manpages, so I added that to MANPATH.
Upon `man strlen' (or whatever from there), mandoc informs me that
there is no mandoc.db entry, so I run makewhatis on that dir:
/usr/local/sbin/makewhatis -Da \
That takes 100% cpu and gets stuck at
Adding to database
I killed it after 10 minutes, and did the individual subdirs with
/usr/local/sbin/makewhatis -Da \
etc (man2 to man9); each of those gets done in seconds.
Just man1 takes so long and gets stuck, always with the groff.1 message.
After moving away gro*.1 temprorarily, and adding them back on by one,
it turns out it is actually groffer.1 (below) where it gets stuck.
(So groff.1 is probably the last one reported before the bad one.)
Isolating groffer.1 into a separate /tmp/man/man1/groffer,
$ time /usr/local/sbin/makewhatis -QDDa /tmp/man/man1/
/private/tmp/man/man1//groffer.1: Adding name groffer, bits=0x6
/private/tmp/man/man1//groffer.1: Adding name groffer, bits=0x8
/private/tmp/man/man1//groffer.1: Adding name groffer, bits=0x10
/private/tmp/man/man1//groffer.1: Adding to database
real 0m0.008s
user 0m0.003s
sys 0m0.005s
$ time /usr/local/sbin/makewhatis -DDa /tmp/man/man1/
mandoc -Tlint reports a lot of problems with the groffer.1,
no idea which if them is the one that makes makewhatis stuck.
.TH GROFFER 1 "22 August 2005" "Groff Version 1.19.2"
groffer \- display groff files and man\~pages on X and tty
.\" The .SH was moved to this place in order to appease `apropos'.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Legalize
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
groffer.1 - man page for groffer (section 1).
Source file position: <groff_source_top>/contrib/groffer/groffer.man
Installed position: $prefix/share/man/man1/groffer.1
Last update: 22 August 2005
Source file position: <groff-source>/contrib/groffer/groffer.man
.de author
This file was written by
.MTO "" "Bernd Warken" .
.de copyleft
Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2004,2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of
.IR \%groffer ,
which is part of
.IR \%groff ,
a free software project.
You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
.B GNU General Public License
as published by the
.BR "Free Software Foundation" ,
either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
You should have received a copy of the \f[CR]GNU General Public
License\f[] along with
.IR groff ,
see the files \%\f[CB]COPYING\f[] and \%\f[CB]LICENSE\f[] in the top
directory of the
.I groff
source package.
Or read the
.I man\~page
.BR gpl (1).
You can also write to the
.B Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston,
.BR "MA 02110-1301, USA" .
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Setup
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.mso www.tmac
.if n \{\
. mso tty-char.tmac
. ftr CR R
. ftr CI I
. ftr CB B
.if '\*[.T]'dvi' \{\
. ftr CB CW
.ds Ellipsis ".\|.\|.\""
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" setup for the macro definitions below
.\" naming: namespace:cathegory_macro.variable_name (experimental)
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" configuration of prompt for `.Shell_cmd'* macros
.ds groffer:Shell_cmd.prompt_text sh#\" prompt for shell commands
.ds groffer:Shell_cmd+.prompt_text >\" prompt on continuation lines
.ds groffer:Shell_cmd_base.prompt_font I\" font for prompts
.\" automatically determine setup from the configuration above
.als @f groffer:Shell_cmd_base.prompt_font\"
.als @t groffer:Shell_cmd.prompt_text\"
.als @t+ groffer:Shell_cmd+.prompt_text\"
.ds groffer:Shell_cmd.prompt \f[\*[@f]]\*[@t]\f[]\" needed
.ds groffer:Shell_cmd+.prompt \f[\*[@f]]\*[@t+]\f[]\" needed
.nr @w \w'\*[groffer:Shell_cmd.prompt]'\"
.nr @w+ \w'\*[groffer:Shell_cmd+.prompt]'\"
.ft \*[@f]
.\" Full prompt width is maximum of texts plus 1m
.nr groffer:Shell_cmd_base.prompt_width (\n[@w]>?\n[@w+]+1m)\" needed
.rm @f
.rm @f+
.rm @t
.rm @t+
.rr @w
.rr @w+
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" static register for inter-macro communication in `.Synopsis'*
.nr groffer:Synopsis.level 0
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" static registers for inter-macro communication in `.TP'*
.nr groffer:TP.level 0
.rr groffer:TP_header.flag
.rr groffer:TP_body.flag
.rr groffer:TP.indent
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Macro definitions
.\" Ignore all arguments like a comment, even after a .eo call.
.de c
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .CB (<text>...)
.c Print in constant-width bold font.
.de CB
. ft CB
. Text \\$*
. ft
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .CI (<text>...)
.c Print in constant-width italic font.
.de CI
. ft CI
. Text \\$*
. ft
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .CR (<text>...)
.c Print in constant-width roman font.
.de CR
. ft CR
. Text \\$*
. ft
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Error (<text>...)
.c Print error message to terminal and abort.
.de Error
. tm \\$*
. ab
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Env_var (<env_var_name> [<punct>])
.c Display an environment variable, with optional punctuation.
.de Env_var
. nh
. SM
. Text \f[CB]\\$1\f[]\\$2
. hy
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .File_name (<path_name>)
.c Display a file or directory name in CB font.
.de File_name
. Header_CB \\$@
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Header_CB (<path_name>)
.c Display a line in CB font, for example after .TP
.de Header_CB
. nh
. Text \f[CB]\\$1\f[]\\$2
. hy
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_- ([<punct>])
.c Print `-' (minus sign); optional punctuation.
.de Opt_-
. ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \
. Opt_alt - ""
. el \
. Opt_alt - "" "\\$1"
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_[-] ([<punct>])
.c Print `Opt_[-]' (minus sign in brackets); optional punctuation.
.de Opt_[-]
. ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \
. Opt_[alt] - ""
. el \
. Opt_[alt] - "" "\\$1"
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_-- ([<punct>])
.c Print `--' (double minus); optional punctuation.
.de Opt_--
. ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \
. Opt_alt -- ""
. el \
. Opt_alt -- "" "\\$1"
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_[--] ([<punct>])
.c Print `Opt_[--]' (double minus in brackets); optional punctuation.
.de Opt_[--]
. ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \
. Opt_[alt] -- ""
. el \
. Opt_[alt] -- "" "\\$1"
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_alt ([<minus> <opt>]... [<arg> [<punct>]])
.c Alternate options separated by a vertical bar.
.c Arguments:
.c minus: either `-' or `--' (font CB).
.c opt: a name for an option, empty allowed (font CB).
.c arg: optionally, the argument to the option (font I).
.c punct: optional punctuation (in the starting font).
.c Result:
.c The minus/opt argument pairs, each
.c separated by a vertical bar `|', optionally add 'arg', separated
.c a space character ` '.
.c Example:
.c .Opt_alt - T -- device -- device-troff device .
.c results in
.c -T|--device|--device-troff device.
.de Opt_alt
. Opt_alt_base "" | "" \\$@
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_[alt] ([<minus> <opt>]... [<arg> [<punct>]])
.c Alternate options in brackets for section SYNOPSIS.
.c Arguments:
.c minus: either `-' or `--' (font CB).
.c opt: a name for an option, empty allowed (font CB).
.c arg: optionally, the argument to the option (font I).
.c punct: optional punctuation (in the starting font).
.c Global strings written to:
.c `@oa_prefix': left enclosing character (`[')
.c `@oa_sep': separator (`|')
.c `@oa_postfix': right enclosing character (`]')
.c Result:
.c The minus/opt argument pairs, each separated by a vertical
.c bar `|', optionally add 'arg', separated by a space character ` '.
.c Example:
.c .Opt_[alt] - T -- device -- device-troff device .
.c results in
.c [-T|--device|--device-troff device].
.de Opt_[alt]
. Opt_alt_base [ | ] \\$@
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_alt_base (<pre> <sep> <post> [<minus> <opt>]... [arg [punct]])
.c Alternating options; base macro for many others; do not use directly.
.c Arguments:
.c <pre>: prefix, result is preceded by this.
.c <sep>: separator between minus/opt pairs.
.c <post>: postfix, is appended to the result.
.c <minus>: either `-' or `--' (font CB).
.c <opt>: a name for an option, empty allowed (font CB).
.c <arg>: optionally, the argument to the option (font I).
.c <punct>: optional punctuation (in the starting font).
.c Result:
.c String `<pre>' followed by the <minus>/<opt> argument pairs, each
.c separated by string `<sep>', optionally add '<arg>', separated by
.c a single space ` ', followed by the string `<post>'. Terminated
.c by the optional punctuation <punct>.
.de Opt_alt_base
. nr @font \\n[.f]\"
. if (\\n[.$] < 3) \
. Error .\\0: not enough arguments.
. ds @pre \)\\$1\)\" prefix
. ds @sep \)\\$2\)\" separator
. ds @post \)\\$3\)\" postfix
. shift 3
. nr @count 0
. ds @res \f[CR]\\*[@pre]\"
. while (\\n[.$] >= 2) \{\
. c do the pairs, break on no `-'
. if !'\\$1'-' \{\
. if !'\\$1'--' \
. break
. \}
. c separator
. if (\\n[@count] > 0) \
. as @res \f[CR]\\*[@sep]\:\"
. nr @count +1
. c combine minus with option name
. as @res \f[CB]\\-\"
. if '\\$1'--' \
. as @res \\-\"
. as @res \\$2\"
. shift 2
. \}
. if (\\n[.$] >= 3) \
. Error .\\0: wrong arguments: \\$@
. c all pairs are done
. ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \
. as @res \f[CR]\\*[@post]\"
. el \{\
. c optional option argument
. if !'\\$1'' \
. as @res \f[CR] \,\f[I]\\$1\"
. shift
. c postfix
. as @res \\f[CR]\\*[@post]\"
. if (\\n[.$] >= 1) \{\
. c add punctuation
. as @res \f[\\n[@font]]\\$1\"
. \}
. \}
. nh
. Text \\*[@res]
. hy
. ft \\n[@font]
. rr @count
. rr @font
. rm @pre
. rm @post
. rm @sep
. rm @res
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_def ([<minus> <opt>]... [<arg> [<punct>]])
.c Definitions of options in section OPTIONS.
.c Arguments:
.c minus: either `-' or `--' (font CB).
.c opt: a name for an option, empty allowed (font CB).
.c arg: optionally, the argument to the option (font I).
.c punct: optional punctuation (in the starting font).
.c Result:
.c The header for an indented paragraph, consisting of
.c minus/opt argument pairs, each, separated by a space
.c character ` ', optionally add 'arg', separated a space
.c character ` '.
.c Example:
.c .Opt_def - T -- device -- device-troff device .
.c results in
.c -T --device --device-troff device.
.c as the header of for indented paragraph.
.de Opt_def
. TP
. Opt_alt_base "" "\~|\~" "" \\$@
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_element ([<minus> <opt>]... [<arg> [<punct>]])
.c Definitions of options in section OPTIONS.
.c Arguments:
.c minus: either `-' or `--' (font CB).
.c opt: a name for an option, empty allowed (font CB).
.c arg: optionally, the argument to the option (font I).
.c punct: optional punctuation (in the starting font).
.c Result:
.c The minus/opt argument pairs, each, separated by a space
.c character ` ', optionally add 'arg', separated a space
.c character ` '.
.c Example:
.c .Opt_element - T -- device -- device-troff device .
.c results in
.c -T --device --device-troff device.
.de Opt_element
. Opt_alt_base "" "\~" "" \\$@
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.als Opt_list Opt_element
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_long ([<name> [<punct>]])
.c Print `--name' somewhere in the text; optional punctuation.
.de Opt_long
. Opt_alt -- "\\$1" "" "\\$2"
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_long_arg ([<name> <arg> [<punct>]])
.c Print `--name=arg' somewhere in the text; optional punctuation.
.de Opt_long_arg
. Opt_alt -- "\\$1=\\$2" "" "\\$3"
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_[long] ([<name> [<punct>]])
.c Print `--name' somewhere in the text; optional punctuation.
.de Opt_[long]
. Opt_[alt] -- "\\$1" "" "\\$2"
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_short ([<name> [<punct>]])
.c Print `-name' somewhere in the Text; optional punctuation.
.de Opt_short
. Opt_alt - "\\$1" "" "\\$2"
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Opt_[short] ([name [punct]])
.c Print `[-name]' somewhere in the Text; optional punctuation.
.de Opt_[short]
. Opt_[alt] - "\\$1" "" "\\$2"
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Shell_cmd (<CR> [<CI>] ...)
.c A shell command line; display args alternating in fonts CR and CI.
.c Examples:
.c .Shell_cmd "groffer --dpi 100 file"
.c result: `sh# groffer --dpi 100 file'
.c with 'sh#' in font I, the rest in CR
.c .Shell_cmd groffer\~--dpi\~100\~file
.c result: the same as above
.c .Shell_cmd "groffer --dpi=" value " file"
.c result: sh# groffer --dpi=value file
.c with `groffer --dpi=' and `file' in CR; `value' in CI
.c .Shell_cmd groffer\~--dpi= value \~file
.c result: the same as the previous example
.de Shell_cmd
. groffer:Shell_cmd_base "\*[groffer:Shell_cmd.prompt]" \\$@
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Shell_cmd+ (<CR> [<CI>] ...)
.c A continuation line for .Shell_cmd.
.de Shell_cmd+
. groffer:Shell_cmd_base "\*[groffer:Shell_cmd+.prompt]" \\$@
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Shell_cmd_base (<prompt> [<CR> [<CI>] ...])
.c A shell command line; display args alternating in fonts CR and CI.
.c Internal, do not use directly.
.c Globals: read-only register @.Shell_cmd_width
.de groffer:Shell_cmd_base
. if (\\n[.$] <= 0) \
. return
. nr @+font \\n[.f]\"
. ds @prompt \\$1\"
. ft CR
. c gap between prompt and command
. nr @+gap \\n[groffer:Shell_cmd_base.prompt_width]-\\w'\\*[@prompt]'\"
. ds @res \\*[@prompt]\h'\\n[@+gap]u'\"
. shift
. ds @cf CR\"
. while (\\n[.$] > 0) \{\
. as @res \\f[\\*[@cf]]\\$1\"
. shift
. ie '\\*[@cf]'CR' \
. ds @cf I\"
. el \
. ds @cf CR\"
. \}
. br
. ad l
. nh
. nf
. Text \\*[@res]\"
. fi
. hy
. ad
. br
. ft \\n[@+font]
. rr @+font
. rr @+gap
. rm @cf
. rm @res
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Synopsis ()
.c Begin a synopsis section, to be ended by a ./Synopsis macro.
.de Synopsis
. if (\\n[groffer:Synopsis.level] > 0) \
. Error .\\$0: previous .Synopsis was not closed by ./Synopsis.
. nh
. ds @1 \\$1\"
. nr @old_indent \\n(.i
. ad l
. in +\w'\fB\\*[@1]\0'u
. ti \\n[@old_indent]u
. B \\*[@1]\0\c
. rr @old_indent
. rm @1
. nr groffer:Synopsis.level +1\" marker for ./Synopsis
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c ./Synopsis ()
.c Close a synopsis section opened by the previous .Synopsis macro.
.de /Synopsis
. if (\\n[groffer:Synopsis.level] <= 0) \
. Error .\\$0: no previous call of .Synopsis
. br
. ad
. in
. hy
. nr groffer:Synopsis.level -1
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Text (<text>...)
.c Treat the arguments as text, no matter how they look.
.de Text
. if (\\n[.$] == 0) \
. return
. nh
. nop \)\\$*\)
. hy
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .Topic ([<indent>])
.c A bulleted paragraph
.de Topic
. ie (\\n[.$] = 0) \
. ds @indent 2m\"
. el \
. ds @indent \\$1\"
. TP \\*[@indent]
. Text \[bu]
. rm @indent
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .TP+ ()
.c Continuation line for .TP header.
.de TP+
. br
. ns
. TP \\$1
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .TP_header ([<indent>])
.c Start a multi-line header for a .TP-like paragraph
.de TP_header
. if (\\n[groffer:TP.level] < 0) \
. Error .\\$0: wrong level.
. nr groffer:TP.level +1
. P
. ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \
. rr groffer:TP.indent
. el \
. nr groffer:TP.indent \\$1
. nr groffer:TP_header.flag 1
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c .TP_body ([<indent>])
.c End a previous .TP-header and beging the body of the paragraph.
.de TP_body
. if !rgroffer:TP_header.flag \
. Error .\\$0: no previous call of .TP_header
. if (\\n[groffer:TP.level] <= 0) \
. Error .\\$0: wrong level.
. br
. ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \{\
. ie rgroffer:TP.indent \{\
. RS \\n[groffer:TP.indent]u
. \}
. el \
. RS
. \}
. el \
. RS \\$1u
. rr groffer:TP.indent
. rr groffer:TP_header.flag
. nr groffer:TP_body.flag 1
.c --------------------------------------------------------------------
.c TP_end ()
.c End of former .TP_body paragraph.
.de TP_end
. if !rgroffer:TP_body.flag \
. Error .\\$0: no previous .TP_body.
. if (\\n[groffer:TP.level] <= 0) \
. Error TP_end: wrong level.
. nr groffer:TP.level -1
. rr grogger:TP.indent
. rr groffer:TP_header.flag
. rr groffer:TP_body.flag
. br
. RE
.\" End of macro definitions
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.ad l
.Synopsis groffer
.RI [ option... ]
.RI [ "\%filespec" "\*[Ellipsis]]"
.Synopsis groffer
.Opt_alt - h -- help
.Synopsis groffer
.Opt_alt - v -- version
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.B \%groffer
program is the easiest way to use
.BR \%groff (1).
It can display arbitrary documents written in the
.I \%groff
language, see
.BR \%groff (7),
or other
.I \%roff
languages, see
.BR \%roff (7),
that are compatible to the original
.I \%troff
.B \%groffer
program also includes many of the features for finding and displaying
the \%\f[CR]Unix\f[] manual pages
.RI ( man\~pages ),
such that it can be used as a replacement for a
.BR \%man (1)
Moreover, compressed files that can be handled by
.BR \%gzip (1)
.BR \%bzip2 (1)
are decompressed on-the-fly.
The normal usage is quite simple by supplying a file name or name of a
.I \%man\~page
without further options.
But the option handling has many possibilities for creating special
This can be done either in configuration files, with the shell
environment variable
or on the command line.
The output can be generated and viewed in several different ways
available for
.IR \%groff .
This includes the
.I \%groff
native \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewer
.BR \%gxditview (1),
.IR \%Postcript ,
.IR \%pdf ,
.I \%dvi
display program, a web browser by generating
.I \%html
.IR \%www\~mode ,
or several
.I \%text\~modes
in text terminals.
Most of the options that must be named when running
.B \%groff
directly are determined automatically for
.BR \%groffer ,
due to the internal usage of the
.BR \%grog (1)
But all parts can also be controlled manually by arguments.
Several file names can be specified on the command line arguments.
They are transformed into a single document in the normal way of
.BR \%groff .
Option handling is done in \f[CR]GNU\f[] style.
Options and file names can be mixed freely.
The option
.RB ` \-\- '
closes the option handling, all following arguments are treated as
file names.
Long options can be abbreviated.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.I breaking options
.Opt_[alt] - h -- help
.Opt_[alt] - v -- version
.I \%groffer mode options
.Opt_[alt] -- auto
.Opt_[alt] -- default
.Opt_[alt] -- default\-modes mode1,mode2,\*[Ellipsis]
.Opt_[alt] -- dvi
.Opt_[alt] -- dvi\-viewer prog
.Opt_[alt] -- dvi\-viewer\-tty prog
.Opt_[alt] -- groff
.Opt_[alt] -- html
.Opt_[alt] -- html\-viewer prog
.Opt_[alt] -- html\-viewer\-tty prog
.Opt_[alt] -- mode display_mode
.Opt_[alt] -- pdf
.Opt_[alt] -- pdf\-viewer prog
.Opt_[alt] -- pdf\-viewer\-tty prog
.Opt_[alt] -- ps
.Opt_[alt] -- ps\-viewer prog
.Opt_[alt] -- ps\-viewer\-tty prog
.Opt_[alt] -- text
.Opt_[alt] -- tty
.Opt_[alt] -- tty\-viewer prog
.Opt_[alt] -- tty\-viewer\-tty prog
.Opt_[alt] -- www
.Opt_[alt] -- www\-viewer prog
.Opt_[alt] -- www\-viewer\- prog
.Opt_[alt] -- x -- X
.Opt_[alt] -- x\-viewer -- X\-viewer prog
.Opt_[alt] -- x\-viewer\-tty -- X\-viewer\-tty prog
.I development options
.Opt_[alt] -- debug
.Opt_[alt] -- do\-nothing
.Opt_[alt] -- shell prog
.Opt_[alt] - Q -- source
.Opt_[alt] - V
.I options related to \%groff
.Opt_[alt] - T -- device device
.Opt_[alt] - Z -- intermediate\-output -- ditroff
All further
.B \%groff
short options are accepted.
.I options for man\~pages
.Opt_[alt] -- apropos
.Opt_[alt] -- apropos\-data
.Opt_[alt] -- apropos\-devel
.Opt_[alt] -- apropos\-progs
.Opt_[alt] -- whatis
.Opt_[alt] -- man
.Opt_[alt] -- no-man
.Opt_[alt] -- no-special
.I long options taken over from GNU man
.Opt_[alt] -- all
.Opt_[alt] -- ascii
.Opt_[alt] -- ditroff
.Opt_[alt] -- extension suffix
.Opt_[alt] -- locale language
.Opt_[alt] -- local-file
.Opt_[alt] -- manpath dir1:dir2:\*[Ellipsis]
.Opt_[alt] -- pager program
.Opt_[alt] -- sections sec1:sec2:\*[Ellipsis]
.Opt_[alt] -- systems sys1,sys2,\*[Ellipsis]
.Opt_[alt] -- troff-device device
Further long options of \f[CR]GNU\f[]
.B man
are accepted as well.
.I X Window Toolkit options
.Opt_[alt] -- bd pixels
.Opt_[alt] -- bg -- background color
.Opt_[alt] -- bw pixels
.Opt_[alt] -- display X-display
.Opt_[alt] -- fg -- foreground color
.Opt_[alt] -- ft -- font font_name
.Opt_[alt] -- geometry size_pos
.Opt_[alt] -- resolution value
.Opt_[alt] -- rv
.Opt_[alt] -- title string
.Opt_[alt] -- xrm X-resource
.I \%filespec arguments
.I \%filespec
parameters means standard input.
.TP 10m
.Opt_short ""
stands for standard input (can occur several times).
.I filename
the path name of an existing file.
.BI man: name ( section )
.IB name ( section )
search the \%man\~page
.I \%name
in \%man\~section
.IR section .
.BI man: name . s
.IB name . s
.I s
is a character in
.BR \%[1-9on] ,
search for a \%man\~page
.I \%name
in \%man\~section
.IR s .
.BI man: name
\%man\~page in the lowest \%man\~section that has
.IR \%name .
.I "s name"
.I s
is a character in
.BR \%[1-9on] ,
search for a \%man\~page
.I \%name
in \%man\~section
.IR s .
.I name
.I \%name
is not an existing file search for the man\~page
.I \%name
in the lowest man\~section.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.B \%groffer
program can usually be run with very few options.
But for special purposes, it supports many options.
These can be classified in 5 option classes.
All short options of
.B \%groffer
are compatible with the short options of
.BR \%groff (1).
All long options of
.B \%groffer
are compatible with the long options of
.BR \%man (1).
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "groffer breaking Options"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
As soon as one of these options is found on the command line it is
executed, printed to standard output, and the running
.B \%groffer
is terminated thereafter.
All other arguments are ignored.
.Opt_def - h -- help
Print a helping information with a short explanation of option sto
standard output.
.Opt_def - v -- version
Print version information to standard output.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "groffer Mode Options"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
The display mode and the viewer programs are determined by these
If none of these mode and viewer options is specified
.B \%groffer
tries to find a suitable display mode automatically.
The default modes are
.I mode x
.B gxditview
in \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] and
.I mode tty
with device
.I latin1
.B less
on a terminal.
There are two kinds of options for viewers.
.Opt_long \fImode\fP-viewer
chooses the normal viewer programs that run on their own in
\%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[], while
.Opt_long \fImode\fP-viewer-tty
chooses programs that run on the terminal (on tty).
Most graphical viewers are programs running in \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[],
so there aren't many opportunities to call the tty viewers.
But they give the chance to view the output source; for example,
.Opt_long ps\-viewer\-tty=less
shows the content of the
.I Postscript
output with the pager
.BR less .
The \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewers are not critical, you can use both
.Opt_long *\-viewer
.Opt_long *\-viewer\-tty
for them; with
.Opt_long *\-viewer\-tty
the viewer program will not become independently, it just stays
coupled with
.BR groffer .
But the program will not run if you specify a terminal program with
.Opt_long *\-viewer
because this viewer will stay in background without a chance to reach
So you really need
.Opt_long *\-viewer\-tty
for viewers that run on tty.
.Opt_def -- auto
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode auto .
.Opt_def -- default
Reset all configuration from previously processed command line options
to the default values.
This is useful to wipe out all former options of the configuration, in
.Env_var $GROFFER_OPT ,
and restart option processing using only the rest of the command line.
.Opt_def -- default\-modes mode1,mode2,\*[Ellipsis]
Set the sequence of modes for
.I \%auto\~mode
to the comma separated list given in the argument.
.Opt_long mode
for details on modes. Display in the default manner; actually, this
means to try the modes
.IR x ,
.IR ps ,
.I \%tty
in this sequence.
.Opt_def -- dvi
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode \%dvi .
.Opt_def -- dvi\-viewer prog
Choose an \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewer program for
.IR \%dvi\~mode .
This can be a file name or a program to be searched in
.Env_var $PATH .
Known \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[]
.I \%dvi
viewers include
.BR \%xdvi (1)
.BR \%dvilx (1)
In each case, arguments can be provided additionally.
.Opt_def -- dvi\-viewer\-tty prog
Choose a program running on the terminal for viewing the output of
.IR \%dvi\~mode .
This can be a file name or a program to be searched in
.Env_var $PATH ;
arguments can be provided additionally.
.Opt_def -- groff
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode groff .
.Opt_def -- html
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode html .
.Opt_def -- html\-viewer
Choose an \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] web browser program for viewing in
.I \%html\~mode .
It can be the path name of an executable file or a program in
.Env_var $PATH .
In each case, arguments can be provided additionally.
.Opt_def -- html\-viewer\-tty
Choose a terminal program for viewing the output of
.I \%html\~mode .
It can be the path name of an executable file or a program in
.Env_var $PATH ;
arguments can be provided additionally.
.Opt_def -- mode value
Set the display mode.
The following mode values are recognized:
.Header_CB auto
Select the automatic determination of the display mode.
The sequence of modes that are tried can be set with the
.Opt_long default\-modes
Useful for restoring the
.I \%default\~mode
when a different mode was specified before.
.Header_CB dvi
Display formatted input in a
.I \%dvi
viewer program.
By default, the formatted input is displayed with the
.BR \%xdvi (1)
.Opt_long dvi .
.Header_CB groff
After the file determination, switch
.B \%groffer
to process the input like
.BR \%groff (1)
would do.
This disables the
.I \%groffer
viewing features.
.Header_CB html
Translate the input into html format and display the result in a web
browser program.
By default, the existence of a sequence of standard web browsers is
tested, starting with
.BR \%konqueror (1)
.BR \%mozilla (1).
The text html viewer is
.BR \%lynx (1).
.Header_CB pdf
Display formatted input in a
.I \%PDF
(Portable Document Format) viewer
By default, the input is formatted by
.B \%groff
using the Postscript device, then it is transformed into the PDF file
format using
.BR \%gs (1),
and finally displayed either with the
.BR \%xpdf (1)
or the
.BR \%acroread (1)
PDF has a big advantage because the text is displayed graphically and
is searchable as well.
But as the transformation takes a considerable amount of time, this
mode is not suitable as a default device for the
.I \%auto\~mode .
.Header_CB ps
Display formatted input in a Postscript viewer program.
By default, the formatted input is displayed with the
.BR \%ghostview (1)
.Header_CB text
Format in a
.I \%groff\~text\~mode
and write the result to standard output without a pager or viewer
The text device,
.I \%latin1
by default, can be chosen with option
.Opt_short T .
.Header_CB tty
Format in a
.I \%groff\~text\~mode
and write the result to standard output using a text pager program,
even when in \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[].
.Header_CB www
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode html .
.Header_CB x
Display the formatted input in a native
.I roff
By default, the formatted input is displayed with the
.BR \%gxditview (1)
program being distributed together with
.BR \%groff .
But the standard \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] tool
.BR \%xditview (1)
can also be chosen with the option
.Opt_long x\-viewer .
The default resolution is
.BR 75\~dpi ,
.B 100\~dpi
are also possible.
The default
.I groff
for the resolution of
.B 75\~dpi
.BR X75\-12 ,
.B 100\~dpi
it is
.BR X100 .
The corresponding
.I "groff intermediate output"
for the actual device is generated and the result is displayed.
For a resolution of
.BR 100\~dpi ,
the default width of the geometry of the display program is chosen to
.BR 850\~dpi .
.Header_CB X
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode x .
The following modes do not use the
.I \%groffer
viewing features.
They are only interesting for advanced applications.
.Header_CB groff
Generate device output with plain
.I \%groff
without using the special viewing features of
.IR \%groffer .
If no device was specified by option
.Opt_short T
.I \%groff
.B \%ps
is assumed.
.Header_CB source
Display the source code of the input without formatting; equivalent to
.Opt_short Q .
.Opt_def -- pdf
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode pdf .
.Opt_def -- pdf\-viewer prog
Choose an \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewer program for
.IR \%pdf\~mode .
This can be a file name or a program to be searched in
.Env_var $PATH ;
arguments can be provided additionally.
.Opt_def -- pdf\-viewer\-tty prog
Choose a terminal viewer program for
.IR \%pdf\~mode .
This can be a file name or a program to be searched in
.Env_var $PATH ;
arguments can be provided additionally.
.Opt_def -- ps
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode ps .
.Opt_def -- ps\-viewer prog
Choose an \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewer program for
.IR \%ps\~mode .
This can be a file name or a program to be searched in
.Env_var $PATH .
Common Postscript viewers inlude
.BR \%gv (1),
.BR \%ghostview (1),
.BR \%gs (1),
In each case, arguments can be provided additionally.
.Opt_def -- ps\-viewer\-tty prog
Choose a terminal viewer program for
.IR \%ps\~mode .
This can be a file name or a program to be searched in
.Env_var $PATH ;
arguments can be provided additionally.
.Opt_def -- text
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode text .
.Opt_def -- tty
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode tty .
.Opt_def -- tty\-viewer prog
Choose a text pager for mode
.IR tty .
The standard pager is
.BR less (1).
This option is eqivalent to
.I man
.Opt_long_arg pager prog .
The option argument can be a file name or a program to be searched in
.Env_var $PATH ;
arguments can be provided additionally.
.Opt_def -- tty\-viewer\-tty prog
This is equivalent to
.Opt_long tty\-viewer
because the programs for
.I tty
mode run on a terminal anyway.
.Opt_def -- www
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode html .
.Opt_def -- www\-viewer prog
Equivalent to
.Opt_long html\-viewer .
.Opt_def -- www\-viewer\-tty prog
Equivalent to
.Opt_long html\-viewer\-tty .
.Opt_def -- X -- x
Equivalent to
.Opt_long_arg mode x .
.Opt_def -- X\-viewer -- x\-viewer prog
Choose an \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewer program for
.IR \%x\~mode .
Suitable viewer programs are
.BR \%gxditview (1)
which is the default and
.BR \%xditview (1).
The argument can be any executable file or a program in
.Env_var $PATH ;
arguments can be provided additionally.
.Opt_def -- X\-viewer\-tty -- x\-viewer\-tty prog
Choose a terminal viewer program for
.IR \%x\~mode .
The argument can be any executable file or a program in
.Env_var $PATH ;
arguments can be provided additionally.
Signals the end of option processing; all remaining arguments are
interpreted as
.I \%filespec
Besides these,
.B \%groffer
accepts all short options that are valid for the
.BR \%groff (1)
.RB \%non- groffer
options are sent unmodified via
.B \%grog
.BR \%groff .
So postprocessors, macro packages, compatibility with
.I classical
.IR \%troff ,
and much more can be manually specified.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SH "Options for Development"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.Opt_def -- debug
Enable five debugging informations.
The temporary files are kept and not deleted, the name of the
temporary directory and the shell name for
.File_name groffer2.sh
are printed, the parameters are printed at several steps of
development, and a function stack is output with function
\f[CR]error_user()\f[] as well.
Neither the function call stack that is printed at each opening and
closing of a function call nor the landmark information that is
printed to determine how far the program is running are used.
This seems to be the most useful among all debugging options.
.Opt_def -- debug\-all
Enable all seven debugging informations including the function call
stack and the landmark information.
.Opt_def -- debug\-keep
Enable two debugging information, the printing of the name of the
temporary directory and the keeping of the temporary files.
.Opt_def -- debug\-lm
Enable one debugging information, the landmark information.
.Opt_def -- debug\-params
Enable one debugging information, the parameters at several steps.
.Opt_def -- debug\-shell
Enable one debugging information, the shell name for
.File_name groffer2.sh .
.Opt_def -- debug\-stacks
Enable one debugging information, the function call stack.
.Opt_def -- debug\-tmpdir
Enable one debugging information, the name of the temporary directory.
.Opt_def -- debug\-user
Enable one debugging information, the function stack with
.Opt_def -- do-nothing
This is like
.Opt_long version ,
but without the output; no viewer is started.
This makes only sense in development.
.Opt_def -- print=text
Just print the argument to standard error.
This is good for parameter check.
.Opt_def -- shell "shell_program"
Specify the shell under which the
.File_name \%groffer2.sh
script should be run.
This option overwrites the automatic shell determination of the
If the argument
.I shell_program
is empty a former shell option and the automatic shell determination
is cancelled and the default shell is restored.
Some shells run considerably faster than the standard shell.
.Opt_def - Q -- source
Output the roff source code of the input files without further
This is the equivalent
.Opt_long_arg mode source .
.Opt_def - V
This is an advanced option for debugging only.
Instead of displaying the formatted input, a lot of
.I \%groffer
specific information is printed to standard output:
the output file name in the temporary directory,
the display mode of the actual
.B \%groffer
the display program for viewing the output with its arguments,
the active parameters from the config files, the arguments in
.Env_var $GROFFER_OPT ,
and the arguments of the command line,
the pipeline that would be run by the
.B \%groff
program, but without executing it.
Other useful debugging options are the
.B \%groff
.Opt_short Z
.Opt_long_arg mode groff .
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SH "Options related to groff"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
All short options of
.B \%groffer
are compatible with the short options of
.BR \%groff (1).
The following of
.B \%groff
options have either an additional special meaning within
.B \%groffer
or make sense for normal usage.
Because of the special outputting behavior of the
.B \%groff
.Opt_short Z
.B \%groffer
was designed to be switched into
.I \%groff\~mode ;
.I \%groffer
viewing features are disabled there.
The other
.B \%groff
options do not switch the mode, but allow to customize the formatting
.Opt_def - a
This generates an ascii approximation of output in the
.IR \%text\~modes .
That could be important when the text pager has problems with control
sequences in
.IR "tty mode" .
.Opt_def - m file
.I \%file
as a
.I \%groff
macro file.
This is useful in case it cannot be recognized automatically.
.Opt_def - P opt_or_arg
Send the argument
.I \%opt_or_arg
as an option or option argument to the actual
.B \%groff
.Opt_def - T -- device devname
This option determines
.BR \%groff 's
output device.
The most important devices are the text output devices for referring
to the different character sets, such as
.BR \%ascii ,
.BR \%utf8 ,
.BR \%latin1 ,
and others.
Each of these arguments switches
.B \%groffer
into a
.I \%text\~mode
using this device, to
.I \%mode\~tty
if the actual mode is not a
.IR \%text\~mode .
The following
.I \%devname
arguments are mapped to the corresponding
.B \%groffer
.Opt_long_arg mode \fIdevname\fR
.BR \%dvi ,
.BR \%html ,
.BR \%ps .
.B \%X*
arguments are mapped to
.IR \%mode\~x .
Each other
.I \%devname
argument switches to
.I \%mode\~groff
using this device.
.Opt_def - X
is equivalent to
.BR "groff \-X" .
It displays the
.I groff intermediate output
.BR gxditview .
As the quality is relatively bad this option is deprecated; use
.Opt_long X
instead because the
.I \%x\~mode
uses an
.IR X *
device for a better display.
.Opt_def - Z -- intermediate-output -- ditroff
Switch into
.I \%groff\~mode
and format the input with the
.I \%groff intermediate output
without postprocessing; see
.BR \%groff_out (5).
This is equivalent to option
.Opt_long ditroff
.IR \%man ,
which can be used as well.
All other
.B \%groff
options are supported by
.BR \%groffer ,
but they are just transparently transferred to
.B \%groff
without any intervention.
The options that are not explicitly handled by
.B \%groffer
are transparently passed to
.BR \%groff .
Therefore these transparent options are not documented here, but in
.BR \%groff (1).
Due to the automatism in
.BR \%groffer ,
none of these
.B \%groff
options should be needed, except for advanced usage.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "Options for man\~pages"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.Opt_def -- apropos
Start the
.BR \%apropos (1)
command or facility of
.BR \%man (1)
for searching the
.I \%filespec
arguments within all
.I \%man\~page
.I \%filespec
argument is taken for search as it is; section specific parts are not
handled, such that
.B 7 groff
searches for the two arguments
.B 7
.B groff
with a large result; for the
.I \%filespec
.B groff.7
nothing will be found.
The display differs from the
.B \%apropos
program by the following concepts:
construct a
.I \%groff
frame to the output of
.BR \%apropos ,
.I \%filespec
argument is searched on its own.
the restriction by
.Opt_long sections
is handled as well,
wildcard characters are allowed and handled without a further option.
.Opt_def -- apropos\-data
Show only the
.B \%apropos
descriptions for data documents, these are the
.BR \%man (7)
sections 4, 5, and 7.
Direct section declarations are ignored, wildcards are accepted.
.Opt_def -- apropos\-devel
Show only the
.B \%apropos
descriptions for development documents, these are the
.BR man (7)
sections 2, 3, and 9.
Direct section declarations are ignored, wildcards are accepted.
.Opt_def -- apropos\-progs
Show only the
.B \%apropos
descriptions for documents on programs, these are the
.BR \%man (7)
sections 1, 6, and 8.
Direct section declarations are ignored, wildcards are accepted.
.Opt_def -- whatis
For each
.I \%filespec
argument search all
.I \%man\~pages
and display their description \[em] or say that it is not a
.IR \%man\~page .
This differs from
.IR man 's
.B whatis
output by the following concepts
each retrieved file name is added,
local files are handled as well,
the display is framed by a
.I groff
output format,
wildcard characters are allowed without a further option.
The following two options were added to
.B \%groffer
for choosing whether the file name arguments are interpreted as names
for local files or as a search pattern for
.IR \%man\~pages .
The default is looking up for local files.
.Opt_def -- man
Check the non-option command line arguments
.RI ( filespecs )
first on being
.IR \%man\~pages ,
then whether they represent an existing file.
By default, a
.I \%filespec
is first tested whether it is an existing file.
.Opt_def -- no-man -- local-file
Do not check for
.IR \%man\~pages .
.Opt_long local-file
is the corresponding
.B man
.Opt_def -- no-special
Disable former calls of
.Opt_long all ,
.Opt_long apropos* ,
.Opt_long whatis .
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "Long options taken over from GNU man"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
The long options of
.B \%groffer
were synchronized with the long options of \f[CR]GNU\f[]
.BR man .
All long options of \f[CR]GNU\f[]
.B man
are recognized, but not all of these options are important to
.BR \%groffer ,
so most of them are just ignored.
In the following, the
.B man
options that have a special meaning for
.B \%groffer
are documented.
The full set of long and short options of the \f[CR]GNU\f[]
.B man
program can be passed via the environment variable
.Env_var $MANOPT ;
.BR \%man (1)
if your system has \f[CR]GNU\f[]
.B man
.Opt_def -- all
In searching
.IR \%man\~pages ,
retrieve all suitable documents instead of only one.
.Opt_def - 7 -- ascii
.IR \%text\~modes ,
display ASCII translation of special characters for critical environment.
This is equivalent to
.BR "groff -mtty_char" ;
.BR groff_tmac (5).
.Opt_def -- ditroff
Eqivalent to
.B \%groffer
.Opt_short Z .
.Opt_def -- extension suffix
.I \%man\~page
search to file names that have
.I \%suffix
appended to their section element.
For example, in the file name
.I \%/usr/share/man/man3/terminfo.3ncurses.gz
.I \%man\~page
extension is
.IR \%ncurses .
.Opt_def -- locale language
Set the language for
.IR \%man\~pages .
This has the same effect, but overwrites
.Env_var $LANG
.Opt_def -- location
Print the location of the retrieved files to standard error.
.Opt_def -- no-location
Do not display the location of retrieved files; this resets a former
call to
.Opt_long location .
This was added by
.BR \%groffer .
.Opt_def -- manpath "'dir1:dir2:\*[Ellipsis]'"
Use the specified search path for retrieving
.I \%man\~pages
instead of the program defaults.
If the argument is set to the empty string "" the search for
.I \%man\~page
is disabled.
.Opt_def -- pager
Set the pager program in
.IR \%tty\~mode ;
default is
.BR \%less .
This is equivalent to
.Opt_long tty\-viewer .
.Opt_def -- sections "'sec1:sec2:\*[Ellipsis]'"
Restrict searching for
.I \%man\~pages
to the given
.IR sections ,
a colon-separated list.
.Opt_def -- systems "'sys1,sys2,\*[Ellipsis]'"
Search for
.I \%man\~pages
for the given operating systems; the argument
.I \%systems
is a comma-separated list.
.Opt_def -- where
Eqivalent to
.Opt_long location .
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "X\~\%Window\~\%Toolkit Options"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
The following long options were adapted from the corresponding
\%\f[CR]X\~\Window\~Toolkit\f[] options.
.B \%groffer
will pass them to the actual viewer program if it is an
\%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] program.
Otherwise these options are ignored.
Unfortunately these options use the old style of a single minus for
long options.
.B \%groffer
that was changed to the standard with using a double minus for long
options, for example,
.B \%groffer
uses the option
.Opt_long font
for the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] option
.Opt_short font .
.BR \%X (1),
.BR \%X (7),
and the documentation on the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\~Toolkit\f[] options
for more details on these options and their arguments.
.Opt_def -- background color
Set the background color of the viewer window.
.Opt_def -- bd pixels
Specifies the color of the border surrounding the viewer window.
.Opt_def -- bg color
This is equivalent to
.Opt_long background .
.Opt_def -- bw pixels
Specifies the width in pixels of the border surrounding the viewer
.Opt_def -- display X-display
Set the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] display on which the viewer program
shall be started, see the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] documentation for the
syntax of the argument.
.Opt_def -- foreground color
Set the foreground color of the viewer window.
.Opt_def -- fg color
This is equivalent to
.Opt_short foreground .
.Opt_def -- font font_name
Set the font used by the viewer window.
The argument is an \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] font name.
.Opt_def -- ft font_name
This is equivalent to
.Opt_long ft .
.Opt_def -- geometry size_pos
Set the geometry of the display window, that means its size and its
starting position.
.BR \%X (7)
for the syntax of the argument.
.Opt_def -- resolution value
Set \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] resolution in dpi (dots per inch) in some
viewer programs.
The only supported dpi values are
.B 75
.BR 100 .
Actually, the default resolution for
.B \%groffer
is set to
.BR 75\~dpi .
The resolution also sets the default device in
.IR "mode x" .
.Opt_def -- rv
Reverse foreground and background color of the viewer window.
.Opt_def -- title "'some text'"
Set the title for the viewer window.
.Opt_def -- xrm "'resource'"
Set \f[CR]\%X\~Window\f[] resource.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "Filespec Arguments"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.I \%filespec
parameter is an argument that is not an option or option argument.
It means an input source.
.BR \%groffer ,
.I \%filespec
parameters are a file name or a template for searching
.IR \%man\~pages .
These input sources are collected and composed into a single output
file such as
.B \%groff
The strange \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[] behavior to regard all arguments behind
the first non-option argument as
.I \%filespec
arguments is ignored.
The \f[CR]GNU\f[] behavior to recognize options even when mixed with
.I \%filespec
arguments is used througout.
But, as usual, the double minus argument
ends the option handling and interprets all following arguments as
.I \%filespec
arguments; so the \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[] behavior can be easily adopted.
For the following, it is necessary to know that on each system the
.I \%man\~pages
are sorted according to their content into several sections.
.I classical man sections
have a single-character name, either a digit from
.B 1
.B 9
or one of the characters
.B n
.BR o .
In the following, a stand-alone character
.I s
stands for a
.IR "classical man section" .
The internal precedence of
.B \%man
for searching
.I \%man\~pages
with the same name within several sections goes according to the
classical single-character sequence.
On some systems, this single character can be extended by a following
But the special
.B \%groffer
.I \%man\~page
facility is based on the classical single character sections.
.I \%filespec
parameter can have one of the following forms in decreasing sequence.
.I \%filespec
parameters means that
.B \%groffer
waits for standard input.
The minus option
.Opt_short ""
stands for standard input, too; it can occur several times.
Next a
.I \%filespec
is tested whether it is the path name of an existing file.
Otherwise it is assumed to be a searching pattern for a
.IR \%man\~page .
.BI \%man: name ( section )
.IB \%name ( section )
search the \%man\~page
.I \%name
in \%man\~section\~\c
.IR \%section ,
.I \%section
can be any string, but it must exist in the
.I \%man
Next some patterns based on the
.I classical man sections
are checked.
.BI \%man: name . s
.IB \%name . s
search for a \%man\~page
.I \%name
in \%man\~section
.I s
.I s
is a
.I classical man section
mentioned above.
Otherwise a
.I \%man\~page
.IR \%name.s
is searched in the lowest
.B man\~section .
.BI \%man: name
searches for a
.I \%man\~page
in the lowest
.I \%man\~section
that has a document called
.IR \%name .
The pattern
.I \%s\~name
originates from a strange argument parsing of the
.B man
.I s
is a
.I classical man section
interpret it as a search for a
.I \%man\~page
.I \%name
in man\~section
.IR s ,
otherwise interpret both
.I s
.I \%name
as two independent
.I \%filespec
We are left with the argument
.I \%name
which is not an existing file.
So this searches for the
.I \%man\~page
.I \%name
in the lowest
.I \%man\~section
that has a document for this name.
Wildcards in
.I \%filespec
arguments are only accepted for
.Opt_long apropos*
.Opt_long whatis ;
for normal display, they are interpreted as characters.
Several file name arguments can be supplied.
They are mixed by
.B \%groff
into a single document.
Note that the set of option arguments must fit to all of these file
So they should have at least the same style of the
.I \%groff
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
By default, the
.B \%groffer
program collects all input into a single file, formats it with the
.B \%groff
program for a certain device, and then chooses a suitable viewer
The device and viewer process in
.B \%groffer
is called a
.IR \%mode .
The mode and viewer of a running
.B \%groffer
program is selected automatically, but the user can also choose it
with options.
The modes are selected by option the arguments of
.Opt_long_arg mode \fIanymode .
Additionally, each of this argument can be specified as an option of
its own, such as
.Opt_long \fIanymode .
Most of these modes have a viewer program, which can be chosen by an
option that is constructed like
.Opt_long \fIanymode\fR\-viewer .
Several different modes are offered, graphical modes for
.IR \%text\~modes ,
and some direct
.I \%groff\~modes
for debugging and development.
By default,
.B \%groffer
first tries whether
.I \%x\~mode
is possible, then
.IR \%ps\~mode ,
and finally
.IR \%tty\~mode .
This mode testing sequence for
.I \%auto\~mode
can be changed by specifying a comma separated list of modes with the
.Opt_long default\-modes.
The searching for
.I \%man\~pages
and the decompression of the input are active in every mode.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "Graphical Display Modes"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
The graphical display modes work mostly in the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[]
environment (or similar implementations within other windowing
The environment variable
.Env_var $DISPLAY
and the option
.Opt_long display
are used for specifying the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] display to be used.
If this environment variable is empty
.B \%groffer
assumes that no \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] is running and changes to a
.IR \%text\~mode .
You can change this automatic behavior by the option
.Opt_long default\-modes .
Known viewers for the graphical display modes and their standard
\%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewer progams are
.I roff
viewers such as
.BR \%gxditview (1)
.BR \%xditview (1)
.IR \%x\~mode ),
in a Postscript viewer
.RI ( \%ps\~mode ),
in a dvi viewer program
.RI ( \%dvi\~mode ),
in a PDF viewer
.RI ( \%pdf\~mode ),
in a web browser
.RI ( html
.IR \%www\~mode ).
.I \%pdf\~mode
has a major advantage \[em] it is the only graphical diplay mode that
allows to search for text within the viewer; this can be a really
important feature.
Unfortunately, it takes some time to transform the input into the PDF
format, so it was not chosen as the major mode.
These graphical viewers can be customized by options of the
But the
.B \%groffer
options use a leading double minus instead of the single minus used by
the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\~Toolkit\f[].
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "Text modes"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
There are two modes for text output,
.I \%mode\~text
for plain output without a pager and
.I \%mode\~tty
for a text output on a text terminal using some pager program.
If the variable
.Env_var \%$DISPLAY
is not set or empty,
.B \%groffer
assumes that it should use
.IR \%tty\~\%mode .
In the actual implementation, the
.I groff
output device
.I \%latin1
is chosen for
.IR \%text\~modes .
This can be changed by specifying option
.Opt_short T
.Opt_long device .
The pager to be used can be specified by one of the options
.Opt_long pager
.Opt_long tty\-viewer ,
or by the environment variable
.Env_var $PAGER .
If all of this is not used the
.BR \%less (1)
program with the option
.Opt_short r
for correctly displaying control sequences is used as the default
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "Special Modes for Debugging and Development"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
These modes use the
.I \%groffer
file determination and decompression.
This is combined into a single input file that is fed directly into
.B \%groff
with different strategy without the
.I \%groffer
viewing facilities.
These modes are regarded as advanced, they are useful for debugging
and development purposes.
.I \%source\~mode
with option
.Opt_short Q
.Opt_long source
just displays the decompressed input.
.I \%groff\~mode
passes the input to
.B \%groff
using only some suitable options provided to
.BR \%groffer .
This enables the user to save the generated output into a file or pipe
it into another program.
.IR \%groff\~\%mode ,
the option
.Opt_short Z
disables post-processing, thus producing the
.I groff intermediate
.IR output .
In this mode, the input is formatted, but not postprocessed; see
.BR \%groff_out (5)
for details.
.B \%groff
short options are supported by
.BR \%groffer .
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
The default behavior of
.B \%groffer
is to first test whether a file parameter represents a local file; if
it is not an existing file name, it is assumed to represent a name of
.IR \%man\~page .
This behavior can be modified by the following options.
.Opt_long man
forces to interpret all file parameters as
.I \%filespecs
for searching
.IR \%man\~pages .
.Opt_long no\-man
.Opt_long local\-file
disable the
.I man
searching; so only local files are displayed.
If neither a local file nor a
.I \%man\~page
was retrieved for some file parameter a warning is issued on standard
error, but processing is continued.
.B \%groffer
program provides a search facility for
.IR \%man\~pages .
All long options, all environment variables, and most of the
functionality of the \f[CR]GNU\f[]
.BR \%man (1)
program were implemented.
This inludes the extended file names of
.IR \%man\~pages ,
for example, the
.I \%man\~page
.B \%groff
in man\~section 7 may be stored under
.File_name /usr/share/man/man7/groff.7.gz ,
.File_name /usr/share/man/
is part of the man\~path, the subdirectory
.I \%man7
and the file extension
.I .7
refer to the man\~section 7;
.I \%.gz
shows the compression of the file.
.I cat\~pages
.IR \%man\~pages )
are intentionally excluded from the search because
.B \%groffer
is a
.I roff
program that wants to format by its own.
With the excellent performance of the actual computers, the
.I \%man\~pages
aren't necessary any longer.
The algorithm for retrieving
\I \%man\~pages
uses five search methods.
They are successively tried until a method works.
The search path can be manually specified by using the option
.Opt_long manpath .
An empty argument disables the
.I \%man\~page
This overwrites the other methods.
If this is not available the environment variable
.Env_var $MANPATH
is searched.
If this is empty, the program tries to read it from the environment
.Env_var $MANOPT .
If this does not work a reasonable default path from
.Env_var $PATH
is searched for
.IR \%man\~pages .
If this does not work, the
.BR \%manpath (1)
program for determining a path of
.I man
directories is tried.
After this, the path elements for the language (locale) and operating
system specific
.I \%man\~pages
are added to the
.IR man\~path ;
their sequence is determined automatically.
For example, both
.File_name /usr/share/man/linux/fr
.File_name /usr/share/man/fr/linux
for french linux
.I \%man\~pages
are found.
The language and operating system names are determined from both
environment variables and command line options.
The locale (language) is determined like in \f[CR]GNU\f[]
.BR man ,
that is from highest to lowest precedence:
.Opt_long locale
.Env_var $MANOPT
.Env_var $LCALL
.Env_var $LANG .
The language locale is usually specified in the
\%\f[CR]POSIX\~1003.1\f[] based format:
but the two-letter code in
.I <language>
is sufficient for most purposes.
If no
.I \%man\~pages
for a complicated locale are found the country part consisting of the
first two characters (without the `\f[CB]_\f[]', `\f[CB].\f[]', and
`\f[CB],\f[]' parts) of the locale is searched as well.
If still not found the corresponding
.I \%man\~page
in the default language is used instead.
As usual, this default can be specified by one of \f[CR]C\f[] or
.I \%man\~pages
in the default language are usually in English.
Several operating systems can be given by appending their names,
separated by a comma.
This is then specified by the environment variable
.Env_var $SYSTEM
or by the command line option
.Opt_long systems .
The precedence is similar to the locale case above from highest to
lowest precedence:
.Opt_long systems
.Env_var $MANOPT
.Env_var $SYSTEM .
When searching for
.I \%man\~pages
.I man\~path
with the additional language and system specific directories is used.
The search can further be restricted by limiting it to certain
A single section can be specified within each
.I \%filespec
argument, several sections as a colon-separated list in command line
.Opt_long sections
or environment variable
.Env_var $MANSECT .
When no section was specified a set of standard sections is searched
until a suitable
.I \%man\~page
was found.
Finally, the search can be restricted to a so-called
.IR extension .
This is a postfix that acts like a subsection.
It can be specified by
.Opt_long extension
or environment variable
.Env_var $EXTENSION .
For further details on
.I \%man\~page
searching, see
.BR \%man (1).
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
The program has a decompression facility.
If standard input or a file that was retrieved from the command line
parameters is compressed with a format that is supported by either
.BR \%gzip (1)
.BR \%bzip2 (1)
it is decompressed on-the-fly.
This includes the \f[CR]GNU\f[]
.BR \%.gz ,
.BR \%.bz2 ,
and the traditional
.B \%.Z
The program displays the concatenation of all decompressed input in
the sequence that was specified on the command line.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.B \%groffer
program supports many system variables, most of them by courtesy of
other programs.
All environment variables of
.BR \%groff (1)
and \f[CR]GNU\f[]
.BR \%man (1)
and some standard system variables are honored.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "Native groffer Variables"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
Store options for a run of
.BR \%groffer .
The options specified in this variable are overridden by the options
given on the command line.
The content of this variable is run through the shell builtin `eval';
so arguments containing white-space or special shell characters should
be quoted.
Do not forget to export this variable, otherwise it does not exist
during the run of
.BR groffer .
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "System Variables"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.B \%groffer
program is a shell script that is run through
.File_name /bin/sh ,
which can be internally linked to programs like
.BR \%bash (1).
The corresponding system environment is automatically effective.
The following variables have a special meaning for
.BR \%groffer .
.Env_var $DISPLAY
If this variable is set this indicates that the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[]
system is running.
Testing this variable decides on whether graphical or text output is
This variable should not be changed by the user carelessly, but it can
be used to start the graphical
.B \%groffer
on a remote \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] terminal.
For example, depending on your system,
.B \%groffer
can be started on the second monitor by the command
.Shell_cmd DISPLAY=:0.1\~groffer\~ what.ever &
.Env_var $LC_ALL
.Env_var $LANG
If one of these variables is set (in the above sequence), its content
is interpreted as the locale, the language to be used, especially when
\IR \%man\~pages .
A locale name is typically of the form
.IR language [\c
.B _\c
.IR territory [\c
.B .\c
.IR codeset [\c
.B @\c
.IR modifier ]]],
.I \%language
is an ISO 639 language code,
.I \%territory
is an ISO 3166 country code, and
.I \%codeset
is a character set or encoding identifier like ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8;
.BR \%setlocale (3).
The locale values \f[CR]C\f[] and \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[]
stand for the default, i.e. the
.I \%man\~page
directories without a language prefix.
This is the same behavior as when all 3\~variables are unset.
.Env_var $PAGER
This variable can be used to set the pager for the tty output.
For example, to disable the use of a pager completely set this
variable to the
.BR \%cat (1)
.Shell_cmd PAGER=cat\~groffer\~ anything
.Env_var $PATH
All programs within the
.B \%groffer
shell script are called without a fixed path.
Thus this environment variable determines the set of programs used
within the run of
.BR \%groffer .
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "Groff Variables"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.B \%groffer
program internally calls
.BR \%groff ,
so all environment variables documented in
.BR \%groff (1)
are internally used within
.B \%groffer
as well.
The following variable has a direct meaning for the
.B \%groffer
If the value of this variable is an existing, writable directory,
.B \%groffer
uses it for storing its temporary files, just as
.B groff
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.SS "Man Variables"
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
Parts of the functionality of the
.B man
program were implemented in
.BR \%groffer ;
support for all environment variables documented in
.BR \%man (1)
was added to
.BR \%groffer ,
but the meaning was slightly modified due to the different approach in
.BR \%groffer ;
but the user interface is the same.
.B man
environment variables can be overwritten by options provided with
.Env_var $MANOPT ,
which in turn is overwritten by the command line.
Restrict the search for
.I \%man\~pages
to files having this extension.
This is overridden by option
.Opt_long extension ;
see there for details.
.Env_var $MANOPT
This variable contains options as a preset for
.BR \%man (1).
As not all of these are relevant for
.B \%groffer
only the essential parts of its value are extracted.
The options specified in this variable overwrite the values of the
other environment variables that are specific to
.IR man .
All options specified in this variable are overridden by the options
given on the command line.
.Env_var $MANPATH
If set, this variable contains the directories in which the
.I \%man\~page
trees are stored.
This is overridden by option
.Opt_long manpath .
.Env_var $MANSECT
If this is a colon separated list of section names, the search for
.I \%man\~pages
is restricted to those manual sections in that order.
This is overridden by option
.Opt_long sections .
.Env_var $SYSTEM
If this is set to a comma separated list of names these are interpreted
.I \%man\~page
trees for different operating systems.
This variable can be overwritten by option
.Opt_long systems ;
see there for details.
The environment variable
is ignored by
.B \%groffer
because the necessary preprocessors are determined automatically.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.B \%groffer
program can be preconfigured by two configuration files.
.File_name /etc/groff/groffer.conf
System-wide configuration file for
.BR \%groffer .
.File_name $HOME/.groff/groffer.conf
User-specific configuration file for
.BR \%groffer ,
.Env_var $HOME
denotes the user's home directory.
This file is called after the system-wide configuration file to enable
overriding by the user.
The precedence of option delivery is given in the following.
The configuration file in
.File_name /etc
has the lowest precedence; it is overwritten by the configuration file
in the home directory; both configuration files are overwritten by the
environment variable
.Env_var $GROFFER_OPT ;
everything is overwritten by the command line.
In the configuration files, arbitrary spaces are allowed at the
beginning of each line, they are just ignored.
Apart from that, the lines of the configuration lines either start
with a minus character, all other lines are interpreted as shell
The lines with the beginning minus are interpreted as
.B groffer
This easily allows to set general
.B \%groffer
options that should be used with any call of
.BR \%groffer .
Each line can represent a single short option, a short option cluster,
or a long option with two minus signs, eventually with an argument.
The argument can be appended either after a space character or an
equal sign
.RB ` = '.
The argument can be surrounded by quotes, but this is not necessary.
The options from these lines are collected and prepended to the
existing value of
at the end of each configuration file.
After the transformation of the minus lines, the configuration files
have been transferred into a shell script that is called within
.B \%groffer
using the `\c
.CB \.\~\c
.IR \%filename '
shell syntax.
It makes sense to use these configuration files for the following
Preset command line options, such as choosing a
.I \%mode
or a viewer.
These are written into lines starting with a single or double minus
sign, followed by the option name.
Preset environment variables recognized by
.BR \%groffer ;
but do not forget to export them.
You can also write a shell function for calling, for example a viewer
program for some
.IR \%mode .
Such a function can be fed into a corresponding
.Opt_long \f[I]mode\f[]\-viewer
.Opt_long shell
to specify a shell for the run of
.File_name groffer2.sh .
Some shells run much faster than the standard shell.
As an example, consider the following configuration file in
.File_name ~/.groff/groffer.conf ,
.ft CR
# groffer configuration file
# groffer options that are used in each call of groffer
\-\-x\-viewer='gxditview \-geometry 900x1200'
# some shell commands
if test "$DISPLAY" = ""; then
export DISPLAY='localhost:0.0'
date >>~/mygroffer.log
The lines starting with
.B #
are command lines.
This configuration sets four
.B \%groffer
options (the lines starting with `\-') and runs two shell commands (the
rest of the script).
This has the following effects:
.B ksh
as the shell to run the
.B \%groffer
script; if it works it should be faster than the usual
.BR sh .
Use a text color of
.B \%DarkBlue
in all viewers that support this, such as
.BR \%gxditview .
Use a resolution of
.B 100\~dpi
in all viewers that support this, such as
.BR \%gxditview .
By this, the default device in
.I x mode
is set to
.BR X100 .
.BR \%gxditview (1)
as the
.I \%x-mode
viewer using the geometry option for setting the width to
.B 900\~dpi
and the height to
.BR 1200\~dpi .
This geometry is suitable for a resolution of
.BR 100\~dpi .
If the environment variable
.Env_var $DISPLAY
is empty set it to
.IR localhost:0.0 .
That allows to start
.B \%groffer
in the standard \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] display, even when the program
is called from a text console.
Just for fun, the date of each
.B \%groffer
start is written to the file
.File_name mygroffer.log
in the home directory.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
The usage of
.B \%groffer
is very easy.
Usually, it is just called with a file name or
.IR \%man\~page .
The following examples, however, show that
.B \%groffer
has much more fancy capabilities.
.Shell_cmd "groffer\~/usr/local/share/doc/groff/meintro.ms.gz"
Decompress, format and display the compressed file
.File_name meintro.ms.gz
in the directory
.File_name /usr/local/share/doc/groff ,
using the standard viewer
.B \%gxditview
as graphical viewer when in \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[], or the
.BR \%less (1)
pager program when not in \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[].
.Shell_cmd "groffer\~groff"
If the file
.File_name \%./groff
exists use it as input.
Otherwise interpret the argument as a search for the
.I \%man\~page
.B \%groff
in the smallest possible
.IR \%man\~section ,
being section 1 in this case.
.Shell_cmd "groffer\~man:groff"
search for the
.I \%man\~page
.B \%groff
even when the file
.File_name ./groff
.Shell_cmd "groffer\~groff.7"
.Shell_cmd "groffer\~7\~groff"
search the
.I \%man\~page
.B \%groff
.I \%man\~section
.BR 7 .
This section search works only for a digit or a single character from
a small set.
.Shell_cmd "groffer\~fb.modes"
If the file
.File_name ./fb.modes
does not exist interpret this as a search for the
.I \%man\~page
.BR fb.modes .
As the extension
.I \%modes
is not a single character in classical section style the argument is
not split to a search for
.BR fb .
.Shell_cmd "groffer\~groff\~\[cq]troff(1)\[cq]\~man:roff"
The arguments that are not existing files are looked-up as the
.IR \%man\~pages :
.B \%groff
(automatic search, should be found in \fIman\fP\~section\~1),
.B \%troff
(in section\~1),
.B \%roff
(in the section with the lowest number, being\~7 in this case).
The quotes around
.I \[cq]troff(1)\[cq]
are necessary because the paranthesis are special shell characters;
escaping them with a backslash character
.I \[rs](
.I \[rs])
would be possible, too.
The formatted files are concatenated and displayed in one piece.
.Shell_cmd "LANG=de\~groffer\~--man\~--www\~--www-viever=galeon\~ls"
Retrieve the German
.I \%man\~page
.IR de )
for the
.B ls
program, decompress it, format it to
.I \%html
.RI ( \%www\~mode )
and view the result in the web browser
.BR \%galeon .
The option
.Opt_long man
guarantees that the
.I \%man\~page
is retrieved, even when a local file
.File_name \%ls
exists in the actual directory.
.Shell_cmd "groffer\~--source\~'man:roff(7)'"
Get the
.I \%man\~page
.I \%roff
in \fIman\fP\~section 7, decompress it, and print its unformatted
content, its source code.
.Shell_cmd "cat\~file.gz\~|\~groffer\~-Z\~-mfoo"
Decompress the standard input, send this to
.I \%groff intermediate output mode
without post-processing
.RB ( groff
.Opt_short Z ),
using macro package by
.I \%foo
.RB ( groff
.Opt_short m ) .
.Shell_cmd "echo\~'\[rs]f[CB]WOW!'\~|"
.Shell_cmd+ "groffer --x --bg red --fg yellow --geometry 200x100 -"
Display the word \f[CB]WOW!\f[] in a small window in constant-width
bold font, using color yellow on red background.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.B \%groffer
program consists of two shell scripts.
The starting script is the file
.File_name \%groffer
that is installed in a
.File_name bin
It is generated from the source file
.File_name \%groffer.sh .
It is just a short starting script without any functions such that it
can run on very poor shells.
The main part of the
.B \%groffer
program is the file
.File_name groffer2.sh
that is installed in the
.I groff
library directory.
This script can be run under a different shell by using the
.B \%groffer
.Opt_long shell .
Both scripts are compatible with both
\f[CR]GNU\f[] and \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[].
\%\f[CR]POSIX\f[] compatibility refers to
\%\f[CR]IEEE\~P1003.2/D11.2\f[] of September 1991, a very early
version of the \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[] standard that is still freely
available in the internet at
.URL http://\:www.funet.fi/\:pub/\:doc/\:posix/\:p1003.2/\:d11.2/\:all \
"\%POSIX\~P1003.2\~draft\~11.2" .
Only a restricted set of shell language elements and shell builtins is
used to achieve even compatibility with some Bourne shells that are
not fully \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[] compatible.
.B \%groffer
shell scripts were tested on many shells, including the following
Bourne shells:
.BR \%ash (1),
.BR \%bash (1),
.BR \%dash (1),
.BR \%ksh (1),
.BR \%pdksh (1),
.BR \%posh (1),
.BR \%zsh (1).
So it should work on most actual free and commercial operating
The shell for the run of
.File_name groffer2.sh
can be chosen by the option
.Opt_long shell
on the command line or the environment variable
.Env_var $GROFF_OPT .
If you want to add it to one of the
.B \%groffer
configuration files you must write a line starting with
.Opt_long shell .
.B \%groffer
program provides its own parser for command line arguments that is
compatible to both \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[]
.BR \%getopts (1)
and \%\f[CR]GNU\f[]
.BR \%getopt (1).
It can handle option arguments and file names containing white space
and a large set of special characters.
The following standard types of options are supported.
The option consisiting of a single minus
refers to standard input.
A single minus followed by characters refers to a single character
option or a combination thereof; for example, the
.B \%groffer
short option combination
.Opt_short Qmfoo
is equivalent to
.Opt_short Q\~\-m\~foo .
Long options are options with names longer than one character; they
are always preceded by a double minus.
An option argument can either go to the next command line argument or
be appended with an equal sign to the argument; for example,
.Opt_alt -- long=arg
is equivalent to
.Opt_alt -- long\~arg .
An argument of
ends option parsing; all further command line arguments are
interpreted as
.I \%filespec
parameters, i.e. file names or constructs for searching
.IR \%man\~pages ).
All command line arguments that are neither options nor option
arguments are interpreted as
.I \%filespec
parameters and stored until option parsing has finished.
For example, the command line
.Shell_cmd "groffer file1 -a -o arg file2"
is equivalent to
.Shell_cmd "groffer -a -o arg -- file1 file2"
The free mixing of options and
.I \%filespec
parameters follows the GNU principle.
That does not fulfill the strange option behavior of \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[]
that ends option processing as soon as the first non-option argument
has been reached.
The end of option processing can be forced by the option
.RB ` \-\- '
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
Report bugs to the
.MTO bug-groff@gnu.org "bug-groff mailing list" .
Include a complete, self-contained example that will allow the bug to
be reproduced, and say which version of
.B \%groffer
you are using.
You can also use the
.MTO groff@gnu.org "groff mailing list" ,
but you must first subscribe to this list.
You can do that by visiting the
.URL http://\:lists.gnu.org/\:mailman/\:listinfo/\:groff \
"groff mailing list web page" .
.BR \%groff (1)
for information on availability.
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.BR \%groff (1),
.BR \%troff (1)
Details on the options and environment variables available in
.BR \%groff ;
all of them can be used with
.BR \%groffer .
.BR \%groff (7)
Documentation of the
.I \%groff
.BR \%grog (1)
.B \%groffer
tries to guess the
.B \%groff
command line options from the input using this program.
.BR groff_out (5)
Documentation on the
.I \%groff intermediate output
.RI ( ditroff
.BR groff_tmac (5)
Documentation on the
.I \%groff
macro files.
.BR \%man (1)
The standard program to display
.IR \%man\~pages .
The information there is only useful if it is the
.I \%man\~page
for GNU
.BR man .
Then it documents the options and environment variables that are
supported by
.BR \%groffer .
.BR \%ash (1),
.BR \%bash (1),
.BR \%dash (1),
.BR \%ksh (1),
.BR \%pdksh (1),
.BR \%posh (1),
.BR \%sh (1),
.BR \%zsh (1)
Bourne shells that were tested with
.BR \%groffer .
.BR \%gxditview (1),
.BR \%xditview (1x)
Viewers for
.BR \%groffer 's
.IR \%x\~mode .
.BR \%kghostview (1),
.BR \%ggv (1),
.BR \%gv (1),
.BR \%ghostview (1),
.BR \%gs (1)
Viewers for
.BR \%groffer 's
.IR \%ps\~mode .
.BR \%kghostview (1),
.BR \%ggv (1),
.BR \%xpdf (1),
.BR \%acroread (1),
.BR \%kpdf (1)
Viewers for
.BR \%groffer 's
.IR \%pdf\~mode .
.BR \%kdvi (1),
.BR \%xdvi (1),
.BR \%dvilx (1)
Viewers for
.BR \%groffer 's
.IR \%dvi\~mode .
.BR \%konqueror (1),
.BR \%mozilla (1),
.BR \%lynx (1)
Web-browsers for
.BR \%groffer 's
.I \%html
.IR \%www\~mode .
.BR \%less (1)
Standard pager program for the
.I \%tty\~mode .
.BR \%gzip (1),
.BR \%bzip2 (1)
The decompression programs supported by
.BR \%groffer .
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Emacs settings
.\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Local Variables:
.\" mode: nroff
.\" End:
To unsubscribe send an email to discuss+unsubscribe@mandoc.bsd.lv
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 6+ messages in thread
* Re: makewhatis stuck on groffer.1
2019-04-20 18:18 ` makewhatis stuck on groffer.1 Jan Stary
@ 2019-04-20 18:21 ` Jan Stary
2019-04-21 23:03 ` Ingo Schwarze
0 siblings, 1 reply; 6+ messages in thread
From: Jan Stary @ 2019-04-20 18:21 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: discuss
> mandoc -Tlint reports a lot of problems with the groffer.1,
... and 'man groffer' also never gets to rendering it.
> no idea which if them is the one that makes makewhatis stuck.
> Jan
> .TH GROFFER 1 "22 August 2005" "Groff Version 1.19.2"
> groffer \- display groff files and man\~pages on X and tty
> .
> .\" The .SH was moved to this place in order to appease `apropos'.
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" Legalize
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> .ig
> groffer.1 - man page for groffer (section 1).
> Source file position: <groff_source_top>/contrib/groffer/groffer.man
> Installed position: $prefix/share/man/man1/groffer.1
> Last update: 22 August 2005
> Source file position: <groff-source>/contrib/groffer/groffer.man
> ..
> .de author
> This file was written by
> .MTO "" "Bernd Warken" .
> ..
> .de copyleft
> Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2004,2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> .
> .P
> This file is part of
> .IR \%groffer ,
> which is part of
> .IR \%groff ,
> a free software project.
> .
> You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
> .nh
> .B GNU General Public License
> .hy
> as published by the
> .nh
> .BR "Free Software Foundation" ,
> .hy
> either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
> .
> .P
> You should have received a copy of the \f[CR]GNU General Public
> License\f[] along with
> .IR groff ,
> see the files \%\f[CB]COPYING\f[] and \%\f[CB]LICENSE\f[] in the top
> directory of the
> .I groff
> source package.
> .
> Or read the
> .I man\~page
> .BR gpl (1).
> You can also write to the
> .nh
> .B Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston,
> .BR "MA 02110-1301, USA" .
> .hy
> ..
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" Setup
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> .mso www.tmac
> .
> .if n \{\
> . mso tty-char.tmac
> . ftr CR R
> . ftr CI I
> . ftr CB B
> .\}
> .
> .if '\*[.T]'dvi' \{\
> . ftr CB CW
> .\}
> .
> .ds Ellipsis ".\|.\|.\""
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" setup for the macro definitions below
> .\"
> .\" naming: namespace:cathegory_macro.variable_name (experimental)
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" configuration of prompt for `.Shell_cmd'* macros
> .ds groffer:Shell_cmd.prompt_text sh#\" prompt for shell commands
> .ds groffer:Shell_cmd+.prompt_text >\" prompt on continuation lines
> .ds groffer:Shell_cmd_base.prompt_font I\" font for prompts
> .
> .\" automatically determine setup from the configuration above
> .als @f groffer:Shell_cmd_base.prompt_font\"
> .als @t groffer:Shell_cmd.prompt_text\"
> .als @t+ groffer:Shell_cmd+.prompt_text\"
> .ds groffer:Shell_cmd.prompt \f[\*[@f]]\*[@t]\f[]\" needed
> .ds groffer:Shell_cmd+.prompt \f[\*[@f]]\*[@t+]\f[]\" needed
> .nr @w \w'\*[groffer:Shell_cmd.prompt]'\"
> .nr @w+ \w'\*[groffer:Shell_cmd+.prompt]'\"
> .ft \*[@f]
> .\" Full prompt width is maximum of texts plus 1m
> .nr groffer:Shell_cmd_base.prompt_width (\n[@w]>?\n[@w+]+1m)\" needed
> .ft
> .rm @f
> .rm @f+
> .rm @t
> .rm @t+
> .rr @w
> .rr @w+
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" static register for inter-macro communication in `.Synopsis'*
> .nr groffer:Synopsis.level 0
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" static registers for inter-macro communication in `.TP'*
> .nr groffer:TP.level 0
> .rr groffer:TP_header.flag
> .rr groffer:TP_body.flag
> .rr groffer:TP.indent
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" Macro definitions
> .
> .\" Ignore all arguments like a comment, even after a .eo call.
> .de c
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .CB (<text>...)
> .c
> .c Print in constant-width bold font.
> .c
> .de CB
> . ft CB
> . Text \\$*
> . ft
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .CI (<text>...)
> .c
> .c Print in constant-width italic font.
> .c
> .de CI
> . ft CI
> . Text \\$*
> . ft
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .CR (<text>...)
> .c
> .c Print in constant-width roman font.
> .c
> .de CR
> . ft CR
> . Text \\$*
> . ft
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Error (<text>...)
> .c
> .c Print error message to terminal and abort.
> .c
> .de Error
> . tm \\$*
> . ab
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Env_var (<env_var_name> [<punct>])
> .c
> .c Display an environment variable, with optional punctuation.
> .c
> .de Env_var
> . nh
> . SM
> . Text \f[CB]\\$1\f[]\\$2
> . hy
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .File_name (<path_name>)
> .c
> .c Display a file or directory name in CB font.
> .c
> .de File_name
> . Header_CB \\$@
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Header_CB (<path_name>)
> .c
> .c Display a line in CB font, for example after .TP
> .c
> .de Header_CB
> . nh
> . Text \f[CB]\\$1\f[]\\$2
> . hy
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Opt_- ([<punct>])
> .c
> .c Print `-' (minus sign); optional punctuation.
> .c
> .de Opt_-
> . ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \
> . Opt_alt - ""
> . el \
> . Opt_alt - "" "\\$1"
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Opt_[-] ([<punct>])
> .c
> .c Print `Opt_[-]' (minus sign in brackets); optional punctuation.
> .c
> .de Opt_[-]
> . ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \
> . Opt_[alt] - ""
> . el \
> . Opt_[alt] - "" "\\$1"
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Opt_-- ([<punct>])
> .c
> .c Print `--' (double minus); optional punctuation.
> .c
> .de Opt_--
> . ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \
> . Opt_alt -- ""
> . el \
> . Opt_alt -- "" "\\$1"
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Opt_[--] ([<punct>])
> .c
> .c Print `Opt_[--]' (double minus in brackets); optional punctuation.
> .c
> .de Opt_[--]
> . ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \
> . Opt_[alt] -- ""
> . el \
> . Opt_[alt] -- "" "\\$1"
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Opt_alt ([<minus> <opt>]... [<arg> [<punct>]])
> .c
> .c Alternate options separated by a vertical bar.
> .c
> .c Arguments:
> .c minus: either `-' or `--' (font CB).
> .c opt: a name for an option, empty allowed (font CB).
> .c arg: optionally, the argument to the option (font I).
> .c punct: optional punctuation (in the starting font).
> .c Result:
> .c The minus/opt argument pairs, each
> .c separated by a vertical bar `|', optionally add 'arg', separated
> .c a space character ` '.
> .c
> .c Example:
> .c .Opt_alt - T -- device -- device-troff device .
> .c results in
> .c -T|--device|--device-troff device.
> .c
> .de Opt_alt
> . Opt_alt_base "" | "" \\$@
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Opt_[alt] ([<minus> <opt>]... [<arg> [<punct>]])
> .c
> .c Alternate options in brackets for section SYNOPSIS.
> .c
> .c Arguments:
> .c minus: either `-' or `--' (font CB).
> .c opt: a name for an option, empty allowed (font CB).
> .c arg: optionally, the argument to the option (font I).
> .c punct: optional punctuation (in the starting font).
> .c Global strings written to:
> .c `@oa_prefix': left enclosing character (`[')
> .c `@oa_sep': separator (`|')
> .c `@oa_postfix': right enclosing character (`]')
> .c Result:
> .c The minus/opt argument pairs, each separated by a vertical
> .c bar `|', optionally add 'arg', separated by a space character ` '.
> .c
> .c Example:
> .c .Opt_[alt] - T -- device -- device-troff device .
> .c results in
> .c [-T|--device|--device-troff device].
> .c
> .de Opt_[alt]
> . Opt_alt_base [ | ] \\$@
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Opt_alt_base (<pre> <sep> <post> [<minus> <opt>]... [arg [punct]])
> .c
> .c Alternating options; base macro for many others; do not use directly.
> .c
> .c Arguments:
> .c <pre>: prefix, result is preceded by this.
> .c <sep>: separator between minus/opt pairs.
> .c <post>: postfix, is appended to the result.
> .c <minus>: either `-' or `--' (font CB).
> .c <opt>: a name for an option, empty allowed (font CB).
> .c <arg>: optionally, the argument to the option (font I).
> .c <punct>: optional punctuation (in the starting font).
> .c Result:
> .c String `<pre>' followed by the <minus>/<opt> argument pairs, each
> .c separated by string `<sep>', optionally add '<arg>', separated by
> .c a single space ` ', followed by the string `<post>'. Terminated
> .c by the optional punctuation <punct>.
> .c
> .de Opt_alt_base
> . nr @font \\n[.f]\"
> . if (\\n[.$] < 3) \
> . Error .\\0: not enough arguments.
> . ds @pre \)\\$1\)\" prefix
> . ds @sep \)\\$2\)\" separator
> . ds @post \)\\$3\)\" postfix
> . shift 3
> . nr @count 0
> . ds @res \f[CR]\\*[@pre]\"
> . while (\\n[.$] >= 2) \{\
> . c do the pairs, break on no `-'
> . if !'\\$1'-' \{\
> . if !'\\$1'--' \
> . break
> . \}
> . c separator
> . if (\\n[@count] > 0) \
> . as @res \f[CR]\\*[@sep]\:\"
> . nr @count +1
> . c combine minus with option name
> . as @res \f[CB]\\-\"
> . if '\\$1'--' \
> . as @res \\-\"
> . as @res \\$2\"
> . shift 2
> . \}
> . if (\\n[.$] >= 3) \
> . Error .\\0: wrong arguments: \\$@
> . c all pairs are done
> . ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \
> . as @res \f[CR]\\*[@post]\"
> . el \{\
> . c optional option argument
> . if !'\\$1'' \
> . as @res \f[CR] \,\f[I]\\$1\"
> . shift
> . c postfix
> . as @res \\f[CR]\\*[@post]\"
> . if (\\n[.$] >= 1) \{\
> . c add punctuation
> . as @res \f[\\n[@font]]\\$1\"
> . \}
> . \}
> . nh
> . Text \\*[@res]
> . hy
> . ft \\n[@font]
> . rr @count
> . rr @font
> . rm @pre
> . rm @post
> . rm @sep
> . rm @res
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Opt_def ([<minus> <opt>]... [<arg> [<punct>]])
> .c
> .c Definitions of options in section OPTIONS.
> .c
> .c Arguments:
> .c minus: either `-' or `--' (font CB).
> .c opt: a name for an option, empty allowed (font CB).
> .c arg: optionally, the argument to the option (font I).
> .c punct: optional punctuation (in the starting font).
> .c Result:
> .c The header for an indented paragraph, consisting of
> .c minus/opt argument pairs, each, separated by a space
> .c character ` ', optionally add 'arg', separated a space
> .c character ` '.
> .c
> .c Example:
> .c .Opt_def - T -- device -- device-troff device .
> .c results in
> .c -T --device --device-troff device.
> .c as the header of for indented paragraph.
> .c
> .de Opt_def
> . TP
> . Opt_alt_base "" "\~|\~" "" \\$@
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Opt_element ([<minus> <opt>]... [<arg> [<punct>]])
> .c
> .c Definitions of options in section OPTIONS.
> .c
> .c Arguments:
> .c minus: either `-' or `--' (font CB).
> .c opt: a name for an option, empty allowed (font CB).
> .c arg: optionally, the argument to the option (font I).
> .c punct: optional punctuation (in the starting font).
> .c Result:
> .c The minus/opt argument pairs, each, separated by a space
> .c character ` ', optionally add 'arg', separated a space
> .c character ` '.
> .c
> .c Example:
> .c .Opt_element - T -- device -- device-troff device .
> .c results in
> .c -T --device --device-troff device.
> .c
> .de Opt_element
> . Opt_alt_base "" "\~" "" \\$@
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .als Opt_list Opt_element
> .
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Opt_long ([<name> [<punct>]])
> .c
> .c Print `--name' somewhere in the text; optional punctuation.
> .c
> .de Opt_long
> . Opt_alt -- "\\$1" "" "\\$2"
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Opt_long_arg ([<name> <arg> [<punct>]])
> .c
> .c Print `--name=arg' somewhere in the text; optional punctuation.
> .c
> .de Opt_long_arg
> . Opt_alt -- "\\$1=\\$2" "" "\\$3"
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Opt_[long] ([<name> [<punct>]])
> .c
> .c Print `--name' somewhere in the text; optional punctuation.
> .c
> .de Opt_[long]
> . Opt_[alt] -- "\\$1" "" "\\$2"
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Opt_short ([<name> [<punct>]])
> .c
> .c Print `-name' somewhere in the Text; optional punctuation.
> .c
> .de Opt_short
> . Opt_alt - "\\$1" "" "\\$2"
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Opt_[short] ([name [punct]])
> .c
> .c Print `[-name]' somewhere in the Text; optional punctuation.
> .c
> .de Opt_[short]
> . Opt_[alt] - "\\$1" "" "\\$2"
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Shell_cmd (<CR> [<CI>] ...)
> .c
> .c A shell command line; display args alternating in fonts CR and CI.
> .c
> .c Examples:
> .c .Shell_cmd "groffer --dpi 100 file"
> .c result: `sh# groffer --dpi 100 file'
> .c with 'sh#' in font I, the rest in CR
> .c
> .c .Shell_cmd groffer\~--dpi\~100\~file
> .c result: the same as above
> .c
> .c .Shell_cmd "groffer --dpi=" value " file"
> .c result: sh# groffer --dpi=value file
> .c with `groffer --dpi=' and `file' in CR; `value' in CI
> .c
> .c .Shell_cmd groffer\~--dpi= value \~file
> .c result: the same as the previous example
> .c
> .de Shell_cmd
> . groffer:Shell_cmd_base "\*[groffer:Shell_cmd.prompt]" \\$@
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Shell_cmd+ (<CR> [<CI>] ...)
> .c
> .c A continuation line for .Shell_cmd.
> .c
> .de Shell_cmd+
> . groffer:Shell_cmd_base "\*[groffer:Shell_cmd+.prompt]" \\$@
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Shell_cmd_base (<prompt> [<CR> [<CI>] ...])
> .c
> .c A shell command line; display args alternating in fonts CR and CI.
> .c Internal, do not use directly.
> .c
> .c Globals: read-only register @.Shell_cmd_width
> .c
> .de groffer:Shell_cmd_base
> . if (\\n[.$] <= 0) \
> . return
> . nr @+font \\n[.f]\"
> . ds @prompt \\$1\"
> . ft CR
> . c gap between prompt and command
> . nr @+gap \\n[groffer:Shell_cmd_base.prompt_width]-\\w'\\*[@prompt]'\"
> . ds @res \\*[@prompt]\h'\\n[@+gap]u'\"
> . shift
> . ds @cf CR\"
> . while (\\n[.$] > 0) \{\
> . as @res \\f[\\*[@cf]]\\$1\"
> . shift
> . ie '\\*[@cf]'CR' \
> . ds @cf I\"
> . el \
> . ds @cf CR\"
> . \}
> . br
> . ad l
> . nh
> . nf
> . Text \\*[@res]\"
> . fi
> . hy
> . ad
> . br
> . ft \\n[@+font]
> . rr @+font
> . rr @+gap
> . rm @cf
> . rm @res
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Synopsis ()
> .c
> .c Begin a synopsis section, to be ended by a ./Synopsis macro.
> .c
> .de Synopsis
> . if (\\n[groffer:Synopsis.level] > 0) \
> . Error .\\$0: previous .Synopsis was not closed by ./Synopsis.
> . nh
> . ds @1 \\$1\"
> . nr @old_indent \\n(.i
> . ad l
> . in +\w'\fB\\*[@1]\0'u
> . ti \\n[@old_indent]u
> . B \\*[@1]\0\c
> . rr @old_indent
> . rm @1
> . nr groffer:Synopsis.level +1\" marker for ./Synopsis
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c ./Synopsis ()
> .c
> .c Close a synopsis section opened by the previous .Synopsis macro.
> .c
> .de /Synopsis
> . if (\\n[groffer:Synopsis.level] <= 0) \
> . Error .\\$0: no previous call of .Synopsis
> . br
> . ad
> . in
> . hy
> . nr groffer:Synopsis.level -1
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Text (<text>...)
> .c
> .c Treat the arguments as text, no matter how they look.
> .c
> .de Text
> . if (\\n[.$] == 0) \
> . return
> . nh
> . nop \)\\$*\)
> . hy
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .Topic ([<indent>])
> .c
> .c A bulleted paragraph
> .c
> .de Topic
> . ie (\\n[.$] = 0) \
> . ds @indent 2m\"
> . el \
> . ds @indent \\$1\"
> . TP \\*[@indent]
> . Text \[bu]
> . rm @indent
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .TP+ ()
> .c
> .c Continuation line for .TP header.
> .c
> .de TP+
> . br
> . ns
> . TP \\$1
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .TP_header ([<indent>])
> .c
> .c Start a multi-line header for a .TP-like paragraph
> .c
> .de TP_header
> . if (\\n[groffer:TP.level] < 0) \
> . Error .\\$0: wrong level.
> . nr groffer:TP.level +1
> . P
> . ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \
> . rr groffer:TP.indent
> . el \
> . nr groffer:TP.indent \\$1
> . nr groffer:TP_header.flag 1
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c .TP_body ([<indent>])
> .c
> .c End a previous .TP-header and beging the body of the paragraph.
> .c
> .de TP_body
> . if !rgroffer:TP_header.flag \
> . Error .\\$0: no previous call of .TP_header
> . if (\\n[groffer:TP.level] <= 0) \
> . Error .\\$0: wrong level.
> . br
> . ie (\\n[.$] == 0) \{\
> . ie rgroffer:TP.indent \{\
> . RS \\n[groffer:TP.indent]u
> . \}
> . el \
> . RS
> . \}
> . el \
> . RS \\$1u
> . rr groffer:TP.indent
> . rr groffer:TP_header.flag
> . nr groffer:TP_body.flag 1
> ..
> .c --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .c TP_end ()
> .c
> .c End of former .TP_body paragraph.
> .c
> .de TP_end
> . if !rgroffer:TP_body.flag \
> . Error .\\$0: no previous .TP_body.
> . if (\\n[groffer:TP.level] <= 0) \
> . Error TP_end: wrong level.
> . nr groffer:TP.level -1
> . rr grogger:TP.indent
> . rr groffer:TP_header.flag
> . rr groffer:TP_body.flag
> . br
> . RE
> ..
> .
> .\" End of macro definitions
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> .ad l
> .Synopsis groffer
> .RI [ option... ]
> .Opt_[--]
> .RI [ "\%filespec" "\*[Ellipsis]]"
> ./Synopsis
> .
> .Synopsis groffer
> .Opt_alt - h -- help
> ./Synopsis
> .
> .Synopsis groffer
> .Opt_alt - v -- version
> ./Synopsis
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> The
> .B \%groffer
> program is the easiest way to use
> .BR \%groff (1).
> It can display arbitrary documents written in the
> .I \%groff
> language, see
> .BR \%groff (7),
> or other
> .I \%roff
> languages, see
> .BR \%roff (7),
> that are compatible to the original
> .I \%troff
> language.
> .
> The
> .B \%groffer
> program also includes many of the features for finding and displaying
> the \%\f[CR]Unix\f[] manual pages
> .nh
> .RI ( man\~pages ),
> .hy
> such that it can be used as a replacement for a
> .BR \%man (1)
> program.
> .
> Moreover, compressed files that can be handled by
> .BR \%gzip (1)
> or
> .BR \%bzip2 (1)
> are decompressed on-the-fly.
> .
> .
> .P
> The normal usage is quite simple by supplying a file name or name of a
> .I \%man\~page
> without further options.
> .
> But the option handling has many possibilities for creating special
> behaviors.
> .
> This can be done either in configuration files, with the shell
> environment variable
> or on the command line.
> .
> .
> .P
> The output can be generated and viewed in several different ways
> available for
> .IR \%groff .
> .
> This includes the
> .I \%groff
> native \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewer
> .BR \%gxditview (1),
> each
> .IR \%Postcript ,
> .IR \%pdf ,
> or
> .I \%dvi
> display program, a web browser by generating
> .I \%html
> in
> .IR \%www\~mode ,
> or several
> .I \%text\~modes
> in text terminals.
> .
> .
> .P
> Most of the options that must be named when running
> .B \%groff
> directly are determined automatically for
> .BR \%groffer ,
> due to the internal usage of the
> .BR \%grog (1)
> program.
> .
> But all parts can also be controlled manually by arguments.
> .
> .
> .P
> Several file names can be specified on the command line arguments.
> .
> They are transformed into a single document in the normal way of
> .BR \%groff .
> .
> .
> .P
> Option handling is done in \f[CR]GNU\f[] style.
> .
> Options and file names can be mixed freely.
> .
> The option
> .RB ` \-\- '
> closes the option handling, all following arguments are treated as
> file names.
> .
> Long options can be abbreviated.
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> .TP
> .I breaking options
> .RS
> .P
> .Opt_[alt] - h -- help
> .Opt_[alt] - v -- version
> .RE
> .
> .
> .TP
> .I \%groffer mode options
> .RS
> .P
> .Opt_[alt] -- auto
> .Opt_[alt] -- default
> .Opt_[alt] -- default\-modes mode1,mode2,\*[Ellipsis]
> .Opt_[alt] -- dvi
> .Opt_[alt] -- dvi\-viewer prog
> .Opt_[alt] -- dvi\-viewer\-tty prog
> .Opt_[alt] -- groff
> .Opt_[alt] -- html
> .Opt_[alt] -- html\-viewer prog
> .Opt_[alt] -- html\-viewer\-tty prog
> .Opt_[alt] -- mode display_mode
> .Opt_[alt] -- pdf
> .Opt_[alt] -- pdf\-viewer prog
> .Opt_[alt] -- pdf\-viewer\-tty prog
> .Opt_[alt] -- ps
> .Opt_[alt] -- ps\-viewer prog
> .Opt_[alt] -- ps\-viewer\-tty prog
> .Opt_[alt] -- text
> .Opt_[alt] -- tty
> .Opt_[alt] -- tty\-viewer prog
> .Opt_[alt] -- tty\-viewer\-tty prog
> .Opt_[alt] -- www
> .Opt_[alt] -- www\-viewer prog
> .Opt_[alt] -- www\-viewer\- prog
> .Opt_[alt] -- x -- X
> .Opt_[alt] -- x\-viewer -- X\-viewer prog
> .Opt_[alt] -- x\-viewer\-tty -- X\-viewer\-tty prog
> .RE
> .
> .
> .TP
> .I development options
> .RS
> .P
> .Opt_[alt] -- debug
> .Opt_[alt] -- do\-nothing
> .Opt_[alt] -- shell prog
> .Opt_[alt] - Q -- source
> .Opt_[alt] - V
> .RE
> .
> .
> .TP
> .I options related to \%groff
> .RS
> .P
> .Opt_[alt] - T -- device device
> .Opt_[alt] - Z -- intermediate\-output -- ditroff
> .P
> All further
> .B \%groff
> short options are accepted.
> .RE
> .
> .
> .TP
> .I options for man\~pages
> .Opt_[alt] -- apropos
> .Opt_[alt] -- apropos\-data
> .Opt_[alt] -- apropos\-devel
> .Opt_[alt] -- apropos\-progs
> .Opt_[alt] -- whatis
> .Opt_[alt] -- man
> .Opt_[alt] -- no-man
> .Opt_[alt] -- no-special
> .
> .
> .TP
> .I long options taken over from GNU man
> .RS
> .P
> .Opt_[alt] -- all
> .Opt_[alt] -- ascii
> .Opt_[alt] -- ditroff
> .Opt_[alt] -- extension suffix
> .Opt_[alt] -- locale language
> .Opt_[alt] -- local-file
> .Opt_[alt] -- manpath dir1:dir2:\*[Ellipsis]
> .Opt_[alt] -- pager program
> .Opt_[alt] -- sections sec1:sec2:\*[Ellipsis]
> .Opt_[alt] -- systems sys1,sys2,\*[Ellipsis]
> .Opt_[alt] -- troff-device device
> .P
> Further long options of \f[CR]GNU\f[]
> .B man
> are accepted as well.
> .RE
> .
> .
> .TP
> .I X Window Toolkit options
> .RS
> .P
> .Opt_[alt] -- bd pixels
> .Opt_[alt] -- bg -- background color
> .Opt_[alt] -- bw pixels
> .Opt_[alt] -- display X-display
> .Opt_[alt] -- fg -- foreground color
> .Opt_[alt] -- ft -- font font_name
> .Opt_[alt] -- geometry size_pos
> .Opt_[alt] -- resolution value
> .Opt_[alt] -- rv
> .Opt_[alt] -- title string
> .Opt_[alt] -- xrm X-resource
> .RE
> .
> .
> .TP
> .I \%filespec arguments
> .RS
> .P
> No
> .I \%filespec
> parameters means standard input.
> .
> .
> .TP 10m
> .Opt_short ""
> stands for standard input (can occur several times).
> .
> .
> .TP
> .I filename
> the path name of an existing file.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .BI man: name ( section )
> .TP+
> .IB name ( section )
> search the \%man\~page
> .I \%name
> in \%man\~section
> .IR section .
> .
> .
> .TP
> .BI man: name . s
> .TP+
> .IB name . s
> if
> .I s
> is a character in
> .BR \%[1-9on] ,
> search for a \%man\~page
> .I \%name
> in \%man\~section
> .IR s .
> .
> .
> .TP
> .BI man: name
> \%man\~page in the lowest \%man\~section that has
> .IR \%name .
> .
> .
> .TP
> .I "s name"
> if
> .I s
> is a character in
> .BR \%[1-9on] ,
> search for a \%man\~page
> .I \%name
> in \%man\~section
> .IR s .
> .
> .
> .TP
> .I name
> if
> .I \%name
> is not an existing file search for the man\~page
> .I \%name
> in the lowest man\~section.
> .
> .RE
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> The
> .B \%groffer
> program can usually be run with very few options.
> .
> But for special purposes, it supports many options.
> .
> These can be classified in 5 option classes.
> .
> .
> .P
> All short options of
> .B \%groffer
> are compatible with the short options of
> .BR \%groff (1).
> .
> All long options of
> .B \%groffer
> are compatible with the long options of
> .BR \%man (1).
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .SS "groffer breaking Options"
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> As soon as one of these options is found on the command line it is
> executed, printed to standard output, and the running
> .B \%groffer
> is terminated thereafter.
> .
> All other arguments are ignored.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def - h -- help
> Print a helping information with a short explanation of option sto
> standard output.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def - v -- version
> Print version information to standard output.
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .SS "groffer Mode Options"
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> The display mode and the viewer programs are determined by these
> options.
> .
> If none of these mode and viewer options is specified
> .B \%groffer
> tries to find a suitable display mode automatically.
> .
> The default modes are
> .I mode x
> with
> .B gxditview
> in \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] and
> .I mode tty
> with device
> .I latin1
> under
> .B less
> on a terminal.
> .
> .
> .P
> There are two kinds of options for viewers.
> .Opt_long \fImode\fP-viewer
> chooses the normal viewer programs that run on their own in
> \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[], while
> .Opt_long \fImode\fP-viewer-tty
> chooses programs that run on the terminal (on tty).
> .
> Most graphical viewers are programs running in \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[],
> so there aren't many opportunities to call the tty viewers.
> .
> But they give the chance to view the output source; for example,
> .Opt_long ps\-viewer\-tty=less
> shows the content of the
> .I Postscript
> output with the pager
> .BR less .
> .
> .
> .P
> The \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewers are not critical, you can use both
> .Opt_long *\-viewer
> and
> .Opt_long *\-viewer\-tty
> for them; with
> .Opt_long *\-viewer\-tty
> the viewer program will not become independently, it just stays
> coupled with
> .BR groffer .
> But the program will not run if you specify a terminal program with
> .Opt_long *\-viewer
> because this viewer will stay in background without a chance to reach
> it.
> .
> So you really need
> .Opt_long *\-viewer\-tty
> for viewers that run on tty.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- auto
> Equivalent to
> .Opt_long_arg mode auto .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- default
> Reset all configuration from previously processed command line options
> to the default values.
> .
> This is useful to wipe out all former options of the configuration, in
> .Env_var $GROFFER_OPT ,
> and restart option processing using only the rest of the command line.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- default\-modes mode1,mode2,\*[Ellipsis]
> Set the sequence of modes for
> .I \%auto\~mode
> to the comma separated list given in the argument.
> .
> See
> .Opt_long mode
> for details on modes. Display in the default manner; actually, this
> means to try the modes
> .IR x ,
> .IR ps ,
> and
> .I \%tty
> in this sequence.
> .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- dvi
> Equivalent to
> .Opt_long_arg mode \%dvi .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- dvi\-viewer prog
> Choose an \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewer program for
> .IR \%dvi\~mode .
> .
> This can be a file name or a program to be searched in
> .Env_var $PATH .
> .
> Known \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[]
> .I \%dvi
> viewers include
> .BR \%xdvi (1)
> and
> .BR \%dvilx (1)
> .
> In each case, arguments can be provided additionally.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- dvi\-viewer\-tty prog
> Choose a program running on the terminal for viewing the output of
> .IR \%dvi\~mode .
> .
> This can be a file name or a program to be searched in
> .Env_var $PATH ;
> arguments can be provided additionally.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- groff
> Equivalent to
> .Opt_long_arg mode groff .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- html
> Equivalent to
> .Opt_long_arg mode html .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- html\-viewer
> Choose an \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] web browser program for viewing in
> .I \%html\~mode .
> .
> It can be the path name of an executable file or a program in
> .Env_var $PATH .
> .
> In each case, arguments can be provided additionally.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- html\-viewer\-tty
> Choose a terminal program for viewing the output of
> .I \%html\~mode .
> .
> It can be the path name of an executable file or a program in
> .Env_var $PATH ;
> arguments can be provided additionally.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- mode value
> .
> Set the display mode.
> .
> The following mode values are recognized:
> .
> .RS
> .
> .TP
> .Header_CB auto
> Select the automatic determination of the display mode.
> .
> The sequence of modes that are tried can be set with the
> .Opt_long default\-modes
> option.
> .
> Useful for restoring the
> .I \%default\~mode
> when a different mode was specified before.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Header_CB dvi
> Display formatted input in a
> .I \%dvi
> viewer program.
> .
> By default, the formatted input is displayed with the
> .BR \%xdvi (1)
> program.
> .Opt_long dvi .
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Header_CB groff
> After the file determination, switch
> .B \%groffer
> to process the input like
> .BR \%groff (1)
> would do.
> .
> This disables the
> .I \%groffer
> viewing features.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Header_CB html
> Translate the input into html format and display the result in a web
> browser program.
> .
> By default, the existence of a sequence of standard web browsers is
> tested, starting with
> .BR \%konqueror (1)
> and
> .BR \%mozilla (1).
> The text html viewer is
> .BR \%lynx (1).
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Header_CB pdf
> Display formatted input in a
> .I \%PDF
> (Portable Document Format) viewer
> program.
> .
> By default, the input is formatted by
> .B \%groff
> using the Postscript device, then it is transformed into the PDF file
> format using
> .BR \%gs (1),
> and finally displayed either with the
> .BR \%xpdf (1)
> or the
> .BR \%acroread (1)
> program.
> .
> PDF has a big advantage because the text is displayed graphically and
> is searchable as well.
> .
> But as the transformation takes a considerable amount of time, this
> mode is not suitable as a default device for the
> .I \%auto\~mode .
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Header_CB ps
> Display formatted input in a Postscript viewer program.
> .
> By default, the formatted input is displayed with the
> .BR \%ghostview (1)
> program.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Header_CB text
> Format in a
> .I \%groff\~text\~mode
> and write the result to standard output without a pager or viewer
> program.
> .
> The text device,
> .I \%latin1
> by default, can be chosen with option
> .Opt_short T .
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Header_CB tty
> Format in a
> .I \%groff\~text\~mode
> and write the result to standard output using a text pager program,
> even when in \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[].
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Header_CB www
> Equivalent to
> .Opt_long_arg mode html .
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Header_CB x
> Display the formatted input in a native
> .I roff
> viewer.
> .
> By default, the formatted input is displayed with the
> .BR \%gxditview (1)
> program being distributed together with
> .BR \%groff .
> But the standard \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] tool
> .BR \%xditview (1)
> can also be chosen with the option
> .Opt_long x\-viewer .
> The default resolution is
> .BR 75\~dpi ,
> but
> .B 100\~dpi
> are also possible.
> .
> The default
> .I groff
> device
> for the resolution of
> .B 75\~dpi
> is
> .BR X75\-12 ,
> for
> .B 100\~dpi
> it is
> .BR X100 .
> .
> The corresponding
> .I "groff intermediate output"
> for the actual device is generated and the result is displayed.
> .
> For a resolution of
> .BR 100\~dpi ,
> the default width of the geometry of the display program is chosen to
> .BR 850\~dpi .
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Header_CB X
> Equivalent to
> .Opt_long_arg mode x .
> .
> .
> .P
> The following modes do not use the
> .I \%groffer
> viewing features.
> .
> They are only interesting for advanced applications.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Header_CB groff
> Generate device output with plain
> .I \%groff
> without using the special viewing features of
> .IR \%groffer .
> If no device was specified by option
> .Opt_short T
> the
> .I \%groff
> default
> .B \%ps
> is assumed.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Header_CB source
> Display the source code of the input without formatting; equivalent to
> .Opt_short Q .
> .
> .
> .RE
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- pdf
> Equivalent to
> .Opt_long_arg mode pdf .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- pdf\-viewer prog
> Choose an \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewer program for
> .IR \%pdf\~mode .
> .
> This can be a file name or a program to be searched in
> .Env_var $PATH ;
> arguments can be provided additionally.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- pdf\-viewer\-tty prog
> Choose a terminal viewer program for
> .IR \%pdf\~mode .
> .
> This can be a file name or a program to be searched in
> .Env_var $PATH ;
> arguments can be provided additionally.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- ps
> Equivalent to
> .Opt_long_arg mode ps .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- ps\-viewer prog
> Choose an \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewer program for
> .IR \%ps\~mode .
> .
> This can be a file name or a program to be searched in
> .Env_var $PATH .
> .
> Common Postscript viewers inlude
> .BR \%gv (1),
> .BR \%ghostview (1),
> and
> .BR \%gs (1),
> .
> In each case, arguments can be provided additionally.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- ps\-viewer\-tty prog
> Choose a terminal viewer program for
> .IR \%ps\~mode .
> .
> This can be a file name or a program to be searched in
> .Env_var $PATH ;
> arguments can be provided additionally.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- text
> Equivalent to
> .Opt_long_arg mode text .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- tty
> Equivalent to
> .Opt_long_arg mode tty .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- tty\-viewer prog
> Choose a text pager for mode
> .IR tty .
> The standard pager is
> .BR less (1).
> This option is eqivalent to
> .I man
> option
> .Opt_long_arg pager prog .
> The option argument can be a file name or a program to be searched in
> .Env_var $PATH ;
> arguments can be provided additionally.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- tty\-viewer\-tty prog
> This is equivalent to
> .Opt_long tty\-viewer
> because the programs for
> .I tty
> mode run on a terminal anyway.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- www
> Equivalent to
> .Opt_long_arg mode html .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- www\-viewer prog
> Equivalent to
> .Opt_long html\-viewer .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- www\-viewer\-tty prog
> Equivalent to
> .Opt_long html\-viewer\-tty .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- X -- x
> Equivalent to
> .Opt_long_arg mode x .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- X\-viewer -- x\-viewer prog
> Choose an \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewer program for
> .IR \%x\~mode .
> Suitable viewer programs are
> .BR \%gxditview (1)
> which is the default and
> .BR \%xditview (1).
> The argument can be any executable file or a program in
> .Env_var $PATH ;
> arguments can be provided additionally.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- X\-viewer\-tty -- x\-viewer\-tty prog
> Choose a terminal viewer program for
> .IR \%x\~mode .
> The argument can be any executable file or a program in
> .Env_var $PATH ;
> arguments can be provided additionally.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Opt_--
> Signals the end of option processing; all remaining arguments are
> interpreted as
> .I \%filespec
> parameters.
> .
> .
> .P
> Besides these,
> .B \%groffer
> accepts all short options that are valid for the
> .BR \%groff (1)
> program.
> .
> All
> .RB \%non- groffer
> options are sent unmodified via
> .B \%grog
> to
> .BR \%groff .
> .
> So postprocessors, macro packages, compatibility with
> .I classical
> .IR \%troff ,
> and much more can be manually specified.
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .SH "Options for Development"
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> .Opt_def -- debug
> Enable five debugging informations.
> .
> The temporary files are kept and not deleted, the name of the
> temporary directory and the shell name for
> .File_name groffer2.sh
> are printed, the parameters are printed at several steps of
> development, and a function stack is output with function
> \f[CR]error_user()\f[] as well.
> .
> Neither the function call stack that is printed at each opening and
> closing of a function call nor the landmark information that is
> printed to determine how far the program is running are used.
> .
> This seems to be the most useful among all debugging options.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- debug\-all
> Enable all seven debugging informations including the function call
> stack and the landmark information.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- debug\-keep
> Enable two debugging information, the printing of the name of the
> temporary directory and the keeping of the temporary files.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- debug\-lm
> Enable one debugging information, the landmark information.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- debug\-params
> Enable one debugging information, the parameters at several steps.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- debug\-shell
> Enable one debugging information, the shell name for
> .File_name groffer2.sh .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- debug\-stacks
> Enable one debugging information, the function call stack.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- debug\-tmpdir
> Enable one debugging information, the name of the temporary directory.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- debug\-user
> Enable one debugging information, the function stack with
> \f[CR]error_user()\f[].
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- do-nothing
> This is like
> .Opt_long version ,
> but without the output; no viewer is started.
> .
> This makes only sense in development.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- print=text
> Just print the argument to standard error.
> .
> This is good for parameter check.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- shell "shell_program"
> Specify the shell under which the
> .File_name \%groffer2.sh
> script should be run.
> .
> This option overwrites the automatic shell determination of the
> program.
> .
> If the argument
> .I shell_program
> is empty a former shell option and the automatic shell determination
> is cancelled and the default shell is restored.
> .
> Some shells run considerably faster than the standard shell.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def - Q -- source
> Output the roff source code of the input files without further
> processing.
> .
> This is the equivalent
> .Opt_long_arg mode source .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def - V
> This is an advanced option for debugging only.
> .
> Instead of displaying the formatted input, a lot of
> .I \%groffer
> specific information is printed to standard output:
> .
> .RS
> .Topic
> the output file name in the temporary directory,
> .
> .Topic
> the display mode of the actual
> .B \%groffer
> run,
> .
> .Topic
> the display program for viewing the output with its arguments,
> .
> .Topic
> the active parameters from the config files, the arguments in
> .Env_var $GROFFER_OPT ,
> and the arguments of the command line,
> .
> .Topic
> the pipeline that would be run by the
> .B \%groff
> program, but without executing it.
> .RE
> .
> .
> .P
> Other useful debugging options are the
> .B \%groff
> option
> .Opt_short Z
> and
> .Opt_long_arg mode groff .
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .SH "Options related to groff"
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> All short options of
> .B \%groffer
> are compatible with the short options of
> .BR \%groff (1).
> .
> The following of
> .B \%groff
> options have either an additional special meaning within
> .B \%groffer
> or make sense for normal usage.
> .
> .
> .P
> Because of the special outputting behavior of the
> .B \%groff
> option
> .Opt_short Z
> .B \%groffer
> was designed to be switched into
> .I \%groff\~mode ;
> the
> .I \%groffer
> viewing features are disabled there.
> .
> The other
> .B \%groff
> options do not switch the mode, but allow to customize the formatting
> process.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def - a
> This generates an ascii approximation of output in the
> .IR \%text\~modes .
> .
> That could be important when the text pager has problems with control
> sequences in
> .IR "tty mode" .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def - m file
> Add
> .I \%file
> as a
> .I \%groff
> macro file.
> .
> This is useful in case it cannot be recognized automatically.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def - P opt_or_arg
> Send the argument
> .I \%opt_or_arg
> as an option or option argument to the actual
> .B \%groff
> postprocessor.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def - T -- device devname
> .
> This option determines
> .BR \%groff 's
> output device.
> .
> The most important devices are the text output devices for referring
> to the different character sets, such as
> .BR \%ascii ,
> .BR \%utf8 ,
> .BR \%latin1 ,
> and others.
> .
> Each of these arguments switches
> .B \%groffer
> into a
> .I \%text\~mode
> using this device, to
> .I \%mode\~tty
> if the actual mode is not a
> .IR \%text\~mode .
> .
> The following
> .I \%devname
> arguments are mapped to the corresponding
> .B \%groffer
> .Opt_long_arg mode \fIdevname\fR
> option:
> .BR \%dvi ,
> .BR \%html ,
> and
> .BR \%ps .
> All
> .B \%X*
> arguments are mapped to
> .IR \%mode\~x .
> Each other
> .I \%devname
> argument switches to
> .I \%mode\~groff
> using this device.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def - X
> is equivalent to
> .BR "groff \-X" .
> It displays the
> .I groff intermediate output
> with
> .BR gxditview .
> As the quality is relatively bad this option is deprecated; use
> .Opt_long X
> instead because the
> .I \%x\~mode
> uses an
> .IR X *
> device for a better display.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def - Z -- intermediate-output -- ditroff
> Switch into
> .I \%groff\~mode
> and format the input with the
> .I \%groff intermediate output
> without postprocessing; see
> .BR \%groff_out (5).
> This is equivalent to option
> .Opt_long ditroff
> of
> .IR \%man ,
> which can be used as well.
> .
> .
> .P
> All other
> .B \%groff
> options are supported by
> .BR \%groffer ,
> but they are just transparently transferred to
> .B \%groff
> without any intervention.
> .
> The options that are not explicitly handled by
> .B \%groffer
> are transparently passed to
> .BR \%groff .
> .
> Therefore these transparent options are not documented here, but in
> .BR \%groff (1).
> Due to the automatism in
> .BR \%groffer ,
> none of these
> .B \%groff
> options should be needed, except for advanced usage.
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .SS "Options for man\~pages"
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> .Opt_def -- apropos
> Start the
> .BR \%apropos (1)
> command or facility of
> .BR \%man (1)
> for searching the
> .I \%filespec
> arguments within all
> .I \%man\~page
> descriptions.
> .
> Each
> .I \%filespec
> argument is taken for search as it is; section specific parts are not
> handled, such that
> .B 7 groff
> searches for the two arguments
> .B 7
> and
> .B groff
> with a large result; for the
> .I \%filespec
> .B groff.7
> nothing will be found.
> .
> The display differs from the
> .B \%apropos
> program by the following concepts:
> .RS
> .Topic
> construct a
> .I \%groff
> frame to the output of
> .BR \%apropos ,
> .Topic
> each
> .I \%filespec
> argument is searched on its own.
> .Topic
> the restriction by
> .Opt_long sections
> is handled as well,
> .Topic
> wildcard characters are allowed and handled without a further option.
> .RE
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- apropos\-data
> Show only the
> .B \%apropos
> descriptions for data documents, these are the
> .BR \%man (7)
> sections 4, 5, and 7.
> .
> Direct section declarations are ignored, wildcards are accepted.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- apropos\-devel
> Show only the
> .B \%apropos
> descriptions for development documents, these are the
> .BR man (7)
> sections 2, 3, and 9.
> .
> Direct section declarations are ignored, wildcards are accepted.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- apropos\-progs
> Show only the
> .B \%apropos
> descriptions for documents on programs, these are the
> .BR \%man (7)
> sections 1, 6, and 8.
> .
> Direct section declarations are ignored, wildcards are accepted.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- whatis
> For each
> .I \%filespec
> argument search all
> .I \%man\~pages
> and display their description \[em] or say that it is not a
> .IR \%man\~page .
> This differs from
> .IR man 's
> .B whatis
> output by the following concepts
> .RS
> .Topic
> each retrieved file name is added,
> .Topic
> local files are handled as well,
> .Topic
> the display is framed by a
> .I groff
> output format,
> .Topic
> wildcard characters are allowed without a further option.
> .RE
> .
> .
> .P
> The following two options were added to
> .B \%groffer
> for choosing whether the file name arguments are interpreted as names
> for local files or as a search pattern for
> .IR \%man\~pages .
> .
> The default is looking up for local files.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- man
> Check the non-option command line arguments
> .nh
> .RI ( filespecs )
> .hy
> first on being
> .IR \%man\~pages ,
> then whether they represent an existing file.
> .
> By default, a
> .I \%filespec
> is first tested whether it is an existing file.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- no-man -- local-file
> Do not check for
> .IR \%man\~pages .
> .
> .Opt_long local-file
> is the corresponding
> .B man
> option.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- no-special
> Disable former calls of
> .Opt_long all ,
> .Opt_long apropos* ,
> and
> .Opt_long whatis .
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .SS "Long options taken over from GNU man"
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> The long options of
> .B \%groffer
> were synchronized with the long options of \f[CR]GNU\f[]
> .BR man .
> .
> All long options of \f[CR]GNU\f[]
> .B man
> are recognized, but not all of these options are important to
> .BR \%groffer ,
> so most of them are just ignored.
> .
> .
> .P
> In the following, the
> .B man
> options that have a special meaning for
> .B \%groffer
> are documented.
> .
> .
> .P
> The full set of long and short options of the \f[CR]GNU\f[]
> .B man
> program can be passed via the environment variable
> .Env_var $MANOPT ;
> see
> .BR \%man (1)
> if your system has \f[CR]GNU\f[]
> .B man
> installed.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- all
> In searching
> .IR \%man\~pages ,
> retrieve all suitable documents instead of only one.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def - 7 -- ascii
> In
> .IR \%text\~modes ,
> display ASCII translation of special characters for critical environment.
> .
> This is equivalent to
> .BR "groff -mtty_char" ;
> see
> .BR groff_tmac (5).
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- ditroff
> Eqivalent to
> .B \%groffer
> .Opt_short Z .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- extension suffix
> Restrict
> .I \%man\~page
> search to file names that have
> .I \%suffix
> appended to their section element.
> .
> For example, in the file name
> .I \%/usr/share/man/man3/terminfo.3ncurses.gz
> the
> .I \%man\~page
> extension is
> .IR \%ncurses .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- locale language
> .
> Set the language for
> .IR \%man\~pages .
> .
> This has the same effect, but overwrites
> .Env_var $LANG
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- location
> Print the location of the retrieved files to standard error.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- no-location
> Do not display the location of retrieved files; this resets a former
> call to
> .Opt_long location .
> .
> This was added by
> .BR \%groffer .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- manpath "'dir1:dir2:\*[Ellipsis]'"
> Use the specified search path for retrieving
> .I \%man\~pages
> instead of the program defaults.
> .
> If the argument is set to the empty string "" the search for
> .I \%man\~page
> is disabled.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- pager
> Set the pager program in
> .IR \%tty\~mode ;
> default is
> .BR \%less .
> This is equivalent to
> .Opt_long tty\-viewer .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- sections "'sec1:sec2:\*[Ellipsis]'"
> Restrict searching for
> .I \%man\~pages
> to the given
> .IR sections ,
> a colon-separated list.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- systems "'sys1,sys2,\*[Ellipsis]'"
> Search for
> .I \%man\~pages
> for the given operating systems; the argument
> .I \%systems
> is a comma-separated list.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- where
> Eqivalent to
> .Opt_long location .
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .SS "X\~\%Window\~\%Toolkit Options"
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> The following long options were adapted from the corresponding
> \%\f[CR]X\~\Window\~Toolkit\f[] options.
> .
> .B \%groffer
> will pass them to the actual viewer program if it is an
> \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] program.
> .
> Otherwise these options are ignored.
> .
> .
> .P
> Unfortunately these options use the old style of a single minus for
> long options.
> .
> For
> .B \%groffer
> that was changed to the standard with using a double minus for long
> options, for example,
> .B \%groffer
> uses the option
> .Opt_long font
> for the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] option
> .Opt_short font .
> .
> .
> .P
> See
> .BR \%X (1),
> .BR \%X (7),
> and the documentation on the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\~Toolkit\f[] options
> for more details on these options and their arguments.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- background color
> Set the background color of the viewer window.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- bd pixels
> Specifies the color of the border surrounding the viewer window.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- bg color
> This is equivalent to
> .Opt_long background .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- bw pixels
> Specifies the width in pixels of the border surrounding the viewer
> window.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- display X-display
> Set the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] display on which the viewer program
> shall be started, see the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] documentation for the
> syntax of the argument.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- foreground color
> Set the foreground color of the viewer window.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- fg color
> This is equivalent to
> .Opt_short foreground .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- font font_name
> Set the font used by the viewer window.
> .
> The argument is an \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] font name.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- ft font_name
> This is equivalent to
> .Opt_long ft .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- geometry size_pos
> Set the geometry of the display window, that means its size and its
> starting position.
> .
> See
> .BR \%X (7)
> for the syntax of the argument.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- resolution value
> Set \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] resolution in dpi (dots per inch) in some
> viewer programs.
> .
> The only supported dpi values are
> .B 75
> and
> .BR 100 .
> .
> Actually, the default resolution for
> .B \%groffer
> is set to
> .BR 75\~dpi .
> The resolution also sets the default device in
> .IR "mode x" .
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- rv
> Reverse foreground and background color of the viewer window.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- title "'some text'"
> Set the title for the viewer window.
> .
> .
> .Opt_def -- xrm "'resource'"
> Set \f[CR]\%X\~Window\f[] resource.
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .SS "Filespec Arguments"
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> A
> .I \%filespec
> parameter is an argument that is not an option or option argument.
> .
> It means an input source.
> .
> In
> .BR \%groffer ,
> .I \%filespec
> parameters are a file name or a template for searching
> .IR \%man\~pages .
> .
> These input sources are collected and composed into a single output
> file such as
> .B \%groff
> does.
> .
> .
> .P
> The strange \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[] behavior to regard all arguments behind
> the first non-option argument as
> .I \%filespec
> arguments is ignored.
> .
> The \f[CR]GNU\f[] behavior to recognize options even when mixed with
> .I \%filespec
> arguments is used througout.
> .
> But, as usual, the double minus argument
> .Opt_long
> ends the option handling and interprets all following arguments as
> .I \%filespec
> arguments; so the \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[] behavior can be easily adopted.
> .
> .
> .P
> For the following, it is necessary to know that on each system the
> .I \%man\~pages
> are sorted according to their content into several sections.
> .
> The
> .I classical man sections
> have a single-character name, either a digit from
> .B 1
> to
> .B 9
> or one of the characters
> .B n
> or
> .BR o .
> .
> In the following, a stand-alone character
> .I s
> stands for a
> .IR "classical man section" .
> The internal precedence of
> .B \%man
> for searching
> .I \%man\~pages
> with the same name within several sections goes according to the
> classical single-character sequence.
> .
> On some systems, this single character can be extended by a following
> string.
> .
> But the special
> .B \%groffer
> .I \%man\~page
> facility is based on the classical single character sections.
> .
> .
> .P
> Each
> .I \%filespec
> parameter can have one of the following forms in decreasing sequence.
> .
> .
> .Topic
> No
> .I \%filespec
> parameters means that
> .B \%groffer
> waits for standard input.
> .
> The minus option
> .Opt_short ""
> stands for standard input, too; it can occur several times.
> .
> .
> .Topic
> Next a
> .I \%filespec
> is tested whether it is the path name of an existing file.
> .
> Otherwise it is assumed to be a searching pattern for a
> .IR \%man\~page .
> .
> .
> .Topic
> .BI \%man: name ( section )
> and
> .IB \%name ( section )
> search the \%man\~page
> .I \%name
> in \%man\~section\~\c
> .IR \%section ,
> where
> .I \%section
> can be any string, but it must exist in the
> .I \%man
> system.
> .
> .
> .Topic
> Next some patterns based on the
> .I classical man sections
> are checked.
> .
> .BI \%man: name . s
> and
> .IB \%name . s
> search for a \%man\~page
> .I \%name
> in \%man\~section
> .I s
> if
> .I s
> is a
> .I classical man section
> mentioned above.
> .
> Otherwise a
> .I \%man\~page
> named
> .IR \%name.s
> is searched in the lowest
> .B man\~section .
> .
> .
> .Topic
> Now
> .BI \%man: name
> searches for a
> .I \%man\~page
> in the lowest
> .I \%man\~section
> that has a document called
> .IR \%name .
> .
> .
> .Topic
> The pattern
> .I \%s\~name
> originates from a strange argument parsing of the
> .B man
> program.
> .
> If
> .I s
> is a
> .I classical man section
> interpret it as a search for a
> .I \%man\~page
> called
> .I \%name
> in man\~section
> .IR s ,
> otherwise interpret both
> .I s
> and
> .I \%name
> as two independent
> .I \%filespec
> arguments.
> .
> .
> .Topic
> We are left with the argument
> .I \%name
> which is not an existing file.
> .
> So this searches for the
> .I \%man\~page
> called
> .I \%name
> in the lowest
> .I \%man\~section
> that has a document for this name.
> .
> .
> .P
> Wildcards in
> .I \%filespec
> arguments are only accepted for
> .Opt_long apropos*
> and
> .Opt_long whatis ;
> for normal display, they are interpreted as characters.
> .
> .
> .P
> Several file name arguments can be supplied.
> .
> They are mixed by
> .B \%groff
> into a single document.
> .
> Note that the set of option arguments must fit to all of these file
> arguments.
> .
> So they should have at least the same style of the
> .I \%groff
> language.
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> By default, the
> .B \%groffer
> program collects all input into a single file, formats it with the
> .B \%groff
> program for a certain device, and then chooses a suitable viewer
> program.
> .
> The device and viewer process in
> .B \%groffer
> is called a
> .IR \%mode .
> .
> The mode and viewer of a running
> .B \%groffer
> program is selected automatically, but the user can also choose it
> with options.
> .
> .
> The modes are selected by option the arguments of
> .Opt_long_arg mode \fIanymode .
> Additionally, each of this argument can be specified as an option of
> its own, such as
> .Opt_long \fIanymode .
> Most of these modes have a viewer program, which can be chosen by an
> option that is constructed like
> .Opt_long \fIanymode\fR\-viewer .
> .
> .
> .P
> Several different modes are offered, graphical modes for
> \f[CR]\%X\~Window\f[],
> .IR \%text\~modes ,
> and some direct
> .I \%groff\~modes
> for debugging and development.
> .
> .
> .P
> By default,
> .B \%groffer
> first tries whether
> .I \%x\~mode
> is possible, then
> .IR \%ps\~mode ,
> and finally
> .IR \%tty\~mode .
> .
> This mode testing sequence for
> .I \%auto\~mode
> can be changed by specifying a comma separated list of modes with the
> option
> .Opt_long default\-modes.
> .
> .
> .P
> The searching for
> .I \%man\~pages
> and the decompression of the input are active in every mode.
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .SS "Graphical Display Modes"
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> The graphical display modes work mostly in the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[]
> environment (or similar implementations within other windowing
> environments).
> .
> The environment variable
> .Env_var $DISPLAY
> and the option
> .Opt_long display
> are used for specifying the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] display to be used.
> .
> If this environment variable is empty
> .B \%groffer
> assumes that no \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] is running and changes to a
> .IR \%text\~mode .
> .
> You can change this automatic behavior by the option
> .Opt_long default\-modes .
> .
> .
> .P
> Known viewers for the graphical display modes and their standard
> \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] viewer progams are
> .
> .Topic
> \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[]
> .I roff
> viewers such as
> .BR \%gxditview (1)
> or
> .BR \%xditview (1)
> (in
> .IR \%x\~mode ),
> .
> .Topic
> in a Postscript viewer
> .nh
> .RI ( \%ps\~mode ),
> .hy
> .
> .Topic
> in a dvi viewer program
> .nh
> .RI ( \%dvi\~mode ),
> .hy
> .
> .Topic
> in a PDF viewer
> .nh
> .RI ( \%pdf\~mode ),
> .hy
> .
> .Topic
> in a web browser
> .nh
> .RI ( html
> or
> .IR \%www\~mode ).
> .hy
> .RE
> .
> .
> .P
> The
> .I \%pdf\~mode
> has a major advantage \[em] it is the only graphical diplay mode that
> allows to search for text within the viewer; this can be a really
> important feature.
> .
> Unfortunately, it takes some time to transform the input into the PDF
> format, so it was not chosen as the major mode.
> .
> .
> .P
> These graphical viewers can be customized by options of the
> \%\f[CR]X\~Window\~Toolkit\f[].
> .
> But the
> .B \%groffer
> options use a leading double minus instead of the single minus used by
> the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\~Toolkit\f[].
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .SS "Text modes"
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> There are two modes for text output,
> .I \%mode\~text
> for plain output without a pager and
> .I \%mode\~tty
> for a text output on a text terminal using some pager program.
> .
> .
> .P
> If the variable
> .Env_var \%$DISPLAY
> is not set or empty,
> .B \%groffer
> assumes that it should use
> .IR \%tty\~\%mode .
> .
> .
> .P
> In the actual implementation, the
> .I groff
> output device
> .I \%latin1
> is chosen for
> .IR \%text\~modes .
> .
> This can be changed by specifying option
> .Opt_short T
> or
> .Opt_long device .
> .
> .
> .P
> The pager to be used can be specified by one of the options
> .Opt_long pager
> and
> .Opt_long tty\-viewer ,
> or by the environment variable
> .Env_var $PAGER .
> If all of this is not used the
> .BR \%less (1)
> program with the option
> .Opt_short r
> for correctly displaying control sequences is used as the default
> pager.
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .SS "Special Modes for Debugging and Development"
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> These modes use the
> .I \%groffer
> file determination and decompression.
> .
> This is combined into a single input file that is fed directly into
> .B \%groff
> with different strategy without the
> .I \%groffer
> viewing facilities.
> .
> These modes are regarded as advanced, they are useful for debugging
> and development purposes.
> .
> .
> .P
> The
> .I \%source\~mode
> with option
> .Opt_short Q
> and
> .Opt_long source
> just displays the decompressed input.
> .
> .
> .P
> The
> .I \%groff\~mode
> passes the input to
> .B \%groff
> using only some suitable options provided to
> .BR \%groffer .
> .
> This enables the user to save the generated output into a file or pipe
> it into another program.
> .
> .
> .P
> In
> .IR \%groff\~\%mode ,
> the option
> .Opt_short Z
> disables post-processing, thus producing the
> .nh
> .I groff intermediate
> .IR output .
> .hy
> .
> In this mode, the input is formatted, but not postprocessed; see
> .BR \%groff_out (5)
> for details.
> .
> .
> .P
> All
> .B \%groff
> short options are supported by
> .BR \%groffer .
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> The default behavior of
> .B \%groffer
> is to first test whether a file parameter represents a local file; if
> it is not an existing file name, it is assumed to represent a name of
> a
> .IR \%man\~page .
> .
> This behavior can be modified by the following options.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Opt_long man
> forces to interpret all file parameters as
> .I \%filespecs
> for searching
> .IR \%man\~pages .
> .
> .TP
> .Opt_long no\-man
> .TP+
> .Opt_long local\-file
> disable the
> .I man
> searching; so only local files are displayed.
> .
> .
> .P
> If neither a local file nor a
> .I \%man\~page
> was retrieved for some file parameter a warning is issued on standard
> error, but processing is continued.
> .
> .
> .P
> The
> .B \%groffer
> program provides a search facility for
> .IR \%man\~pages .
> .
> All long options, all environment variables, and most of the
> functionality of the \f[CR]GNU\f[]
> .BR \%man (1)
> program were implemented.
> .
> This inludes the extended file names of
> .IR \%man\~pages ,
> for example, the
> .I \%man\~page
> of
> .B \%groff
> in man\~section 7 may be stored under
> .File_name /usr/share/man/man7/groff.7.gz ,
> where
> .File_name /usr/share/man/
> is part of the man\~path, the subdirectory
> .I \%man7
> and the file extension
> .I .7
> refer to the man\~section 7;
> .I \%.gz
> shows the compression of the file.
> .
> .
> .P
> The
> .I cat\~pages
> (preformatted
> .IR \%man\~pages )
> are intentionally excluded from the search because
> .B \%groffer
> is a
> .I roff
> program that wants to format by its own.
> .
> With the excellent performance of the actual computers, the
> preformatted
> .I \%man\~pages
> aren't necessary any longer.
> .
> .
> .P
> The algorithm for retrieving
> \I \%man\~pages
> uses five search methods.
> .
> They are successively tried until a method works.
> .
> .
> .Topic
> The search path can be manually specified by using the option
> .Opt_long manpath .
> An empty argument disables the
> .I \%man\~page
> searching.
> .
> This overwrites the other methods.
> .
> .
> .Topic
> If this is not available the environment variable
> .Env_var $MANPATH
> is searched.
> .
> .
> .Topic
> If this is empty, the program tries to read it from the environment
> variable
> .Env_var $MANOPT .
> .
> .
> .Topic
> If this does not work a reasonable default path from
> .Env_var $PATH
> is searched for
> .IR \%man\~pages .
> .
> .
> .Topic
> If this does not work, the
> .BR \%manpath (1)
> program for determining a path of
> .I man
> directories is tried.
> .
> .
> .P
> After this, the path elements for the language (locale) and operating
> system specific
> .I \%man\~pages
> are added to the
> .IR man\~path ;
> their sequence is determined automatically.
> .
> For example, both
> .File_name /usr/share/man/linux/fr
> and
> .File_name /usr/share/man/fr/linux
> for french linux
> .I \%man\~pages
> are found.
> .
> The language and operating system names are determined from both
> environment variables and command line options.
> .
> .
> .P
> The locale (language) is determined like in \f[CR]GNU\f[]
> .BR man ,
> that is from highest to lowest precedence:
> .Topic
> .Opt_long locale
> .
> .Topic
> .Env_var $GROFFER_OPT
> .
> .Topic
> .Env_var $MANOPT
> .
> .Topic
> .Env_var $LCALL
> .
> .Topic
> .Env_var $LC_MESSAGES
> .
> .Topic
> .Env_var $LANG .
> .
> .
> .P
> The language locale is usually specified in the
> \%\f[CR]POSIX\~1003.1\f[] based format:
> .P
> .nh
> \f[I]<language>\f[][\f[CB]_\f[]\f[I]<territory>\f[][\f[CB].\f[]\
> \f[I]<character-set>\f[][\f[CB],\f[]\f[I]<version>\f[]]]],
> .hy
> .P
> but the two-letter code in
> .nh
> .I <language>
> .hy
> is sufficient for most purposes.
> .
> .
> .P
> If no
> .I \%man\~pages
> for a complicated locale are found the country part consisting of the
> first two characters (without the `\f[CB]_\f[]', `\f[CB].\f[]', and
> `\f[CB],\f[]' parts) of the locale is searched as well.
> .
> .
> .P
> If still not found the corresponding
> .I \%man\~page
> in the default language is used instead.
> .
> As usual, this default can be specified by one of \f[CR]C\f[] or
> \f[CR]\%POSIX\f[].
> .
> The
> .I \%man\~pages
> in the default language are usually in English.
> .
> .
> .P
> Several operating systems can be given by appending their names,
> separated by a comma.
> .
> This is then specified by the environment variable
> .Env_var $SYSTEM
> or by the command line option
> .Opt_long systems .
> The precedence is similar to the locale case above from highest to
> lowest precedence:
> .
> Topic
> .Opt_long systems
> .
> .Topic
> .Env_var $GROFFER_OPT
> .
> .Topic
> .Env_var $MANOPT
> .
> .Topic
> .Env_var $SYSTEM .
> .
> .
> .P
> When searching for
> .I \%man\~pages
> this
> .I man\~path
> with the additional language and system specific directories is used.
> .
> .
> .P
> The search can further be restricted by limiting it to certain
> sections.
> .
> A single section can be specified within each
> .I \%filespec
> argument, several sections as a colon-separated list in command line
> option
> .Opt_long sections
> or environment variable
> .Env_var $MANSECT .
> .
> When no section was specified a set of standard sections is searched
> until a suitable
> .I \%man\~page
> was found.
> .
> .
> .P
> Finally, the search can be restricted to a so-called
> .IR extension .
> This is a postfix that acts like a subsection.
> .
> It can be specified by
> .Opt_long extension
> or environment variable
> .Env_var $EXTENSION .
> .
> .
> .P
> For further details on
> .I \%man\~page
> searching, see
> .BR \%man (1).
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> The program has a decompression facility.
> .
> If standard input or a file that was retrieved from the command line
> parameters is compressed with a format that is supported by either
> .BR \%gzip (1)
> or
> .BR \%bzip2 (1)
> it is decompressed on-the-fly.
> .
> This includes the \f[CR]GNU\f[]
> .BR \%.gz ,
> .BR \%.bz2 ,
> and the traditional
> .B \%.Z
> compression.
> .
> The program displays the concatenation of all decompressed input in
> the sequence that was specified on the command line.
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> The
> .B \%groffer
> program supports many system variables, most of them by courtesy of
> other programs.
> .
> All environment variables of
> .BR \%groff (1)
> and \f[CR]GNU\f[]
> .BR \%man (1)
> and some standard system variables are honored.
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .SS "Native groffer Variables"
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> .TP
> .Env_var $GROFFER_OPT
> Store options for a run of
> .BR \%groffer .
> .
> The options specified in this variable are overridden by the options
> given on the command line.
> .
> The content of this variable is run through the shell builtin `eval';
> so arguments containing white-space or special shell characters should
> be quoted.
> .
> Do not forget to export this variable, otherwise it does not exist
> during the run of
> .BR groffer .
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .SS "System Variables"
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> The
> .B \%groffer
> program is a shell script that is run through
> .File_name /bin/sh ,
> which can be internally linked to programs like
> .BR \%bash (1).
> The corresponding system environment is automatically effective.
> .
> The following variables have a special meaning for
> .BR \%groffer .
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Env_var $DISPLAY
> If this variable is set this indicates that the \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[]
> system is running.
> .
> Testing this variable decides on whether graphical or text output is
> generated.
> .
> This variable should not be changed by the user carelessly, but it can
> be used to start the graphical
> .B \%groffer
> on a remote \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] terminal.
> .
> For example, depending on your system,
> .B \%groffer
> can be started on the second monitor by the command
> .Shell_cmd DISPLAY=:0.1\~groffer\~ what.ever &
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Env_var $LC_ALL
> .TP+
> .Env_var $LC_MESSAGES
> .TP+
> .Env_var $LANG
> If one of these variables is set (in the above sequence), its content
> is interpreted as the locale, the language to be used, especially when
> retrieving
> \IR \%man\~pages .
> .
> A locale name is typically of the form
> .nh
> .IR language [\c
> .B _\c
> .IR territory [\c
> .B .\c
> .IR codeset [\c
> .B @\c
> .IR modifier ]]],
> .hy
> where
> .I \%language
> is an ISO 639 language code,
> .I \%territory
> is an ISO 3166 country code, and
> .I \%codeset
> is a character set or encoding identifier like ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8;
> see
> .BR \%setlocale (3).
> .
> The locale values \f[CR]C\f[] and \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[]
> stand for the default, i.e. the
> .I \%man\~page
> directories without a language prefix.
> .
> This is the same behavior as when all 3\~variables are unset.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Env_var $PAGER
> This variable can be used to set the pager for the tty output.
> .
> For example, to disable the use of a pager completely set this
> variable to the
> .BR \%cat (1)
> program
> .Shell_cmd PAGER=cat\~groffer\~ anything
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Env_var $PATH
> All programs within the
> .B \%groffer
> shell script are called without a fixed path.
> .
> Thus this environment variable determines the set of programs used
> within the run of
> .BR \%groffer .
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .SS "Groff Variables"
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> The
> .B \%groffer
> program internally calls
> .BR \%groff ,
> so all environment variables documented in
> .BR \%groff (1)
> are internally used within
> .B \%groffer
> as well.
> .
> The following variable has a direct meaning for the
> .B \%groffer
> program.
> .
> .TP
> .Env_var $GROFF_TMPDIR
> If the value of this variable is an existing, writable directory,
> .B \%groffer
> uses it for storing its temporary files, just as
> .B groff
> does.
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .SS "Man Variables"
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> Parts of the functionality of the
> .B man
> program were implemented in
> .BR \%groffer ;
> support for all environment variables documented in
> .BR \%man (1)
> was added to
> .BR \%groffer ,
> but the meaning was slightly modified due to the different approach in
> .BR \%groffer ;
> but the user interface is the same.
> .
> The
> .B man
> environment variables can be overwritten by options provided with
> .Env_var $MANOPT ,
> which in turn is overwritten by the command line.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Env_var $EXTENSION
> Restrict the search for
> .I \%man\~pages
> to files having this extension.
> .
> This is overridden by option
> .Opt_long extension ;
> see there for details.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Env_var $MANOPT
> This variable contains options as a preset for
> .BR \%man (1).
> As not all of these are relevant for
> .B \%groffer
> only the essential parts of its value are extracted.
> .
> The options specified in this variable overwrite the values of the
> other environment variables that are specific to
> .IR man .
> .
> All options specified in this variable are overridden by the options
> given on the command line.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Env_var $MANPATH
> If set, this variable contains the directories in which the
> .I \%man\~page
> trees are stored.
> .
> This is overridden by option
> .Opt_long manpath .
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Env_var $MANSECT
> If this is a colon separated list of section names, the search for
> .I \%man\~pages
> is restricted to those manual sections in that order.
> .
> This is overridden by option
> .Opt_long sections .
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Env_var $SYSTEM
> If this is set to a comma separated list of names these are interpreted
> as
> .I \%man\~page
> trees for different operating systems.
> .
> This variable can be overwritten by option
> .Opt_long systems ;
> see there for details.
> .
> .
> .P
> The environment variable
> .Env_var $MANROFFSEQ
> is ignored by
> .B \%groffer
> because the necessary preprocessors are determined automatically.
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> The
> .B \%groffer
> program can be preconfigured by two configuration files.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .File_name /etc/groff/groffer.conf
> System-wide configuration file for
> .BR \%groffer .
> .
> .
> .TP
> .File_name $HOME/.groff/groffer.conf
> User-specific configuration file for
> .BR \%groffer ,
> where
> .Env_var $HOME
> denotes the user's home directory.
> .
> This file is called after the system-wide configuration file to enable
> overriding by the user.
> .
> .
> .P
> The precedence of option delivery is given in the following.
> .
> The configuration file in
> .File_name /etc
> has the lowest precedence; it is overwritten by the configuration file
> in the home directory; both configuration files are overwritten by the
> environment variable
> .Env_var $GROFFER_OPT ;
> everything is overwritten by the command line.
> .
> .
> .P
> In the configuration files, arbitrary spaces are allowed at the
> beginning of each line, they are just ignored.
> .
> Apart from that, the lines of the configuration lines either start
> with a minus character, all other lines are interpreted as shell
> commands.
> .
> .
> .P
> The lines with the beginning minus are interpreted as
> .B groffer
> options.
> .
> This easily allows to set general
> .B \%groffer
> options that should be used with any call of
> .BR \%groffer .
> .
> Each line can represent a single short option, a short option cluster,
> or a long option with two minus signs, eventually with an argument.
> .
> The argument can be appended either after a space character or an
> equal sign
> .RB ` = '.
> The argument can be surrounded by quotes, but this is not necessary.
> .
> The options from these lines are collected and prepended to the
> existing value of
> .Env_var $GROFFER_OPT
> at the end of each configuration file.
> .
> .
> .P
> After the transformation of the minus lines, the configuration files
> have been transferred into a shell script that is called within
> .B \%groffer
> using the `\c
> .CB \.\~\c
> .IR \%filename '
> shell syntax.
> .
> .
> .P
> It makes sense to use these configuration files for the following
> tasks:
> .
> .Topic
> Preset command line options, such as choosing a
> .I \%mode
> or a viewer.
> .
> These are written into lines starting with a single or double minus
> sign, followed by the option name.
> .
> .Topic
> Preset environment variables recognized by
> .BR \%groffer ;
> but do not forget to export them.
> .
> .Topic
> You can also write a shell function for calling, for example a viewer
> program for some
> .IR \%mode .
> Such a function can be fed into a corresponding
> .Opt_long \f[I]mode\f[]\-viewer
> option.
> .
> .Topic
> Enter
> .Opt_long shell
> to specify a shell for the run of
> .File_name groffer2.sh .
> Some shells run much faster than the standard shell.
> .
> .
> .P
> As an example, consider the following configuration file in
> .File_name ~/.groff/groffer.conf ,
> say.
> .
> .P
> .ft CR
> .nh
> .nf
> # groffer configuration file
> #
> # groffer options that are used in each call of groffer
> \-\-shell=ksh
> \-\-foreground=DarkBlue
> \-\-resolution=100
> \-\-x\-viewer='gxditview \-geometry 900x1200'
> #
> # some shell commands
> if test "$DISPLAY" = ""; then
> export DISPLAY='localhost:0.0'
> fi
> date >>~/mygroffer.log
> .fi
> .hy
> .ft
> .
> .
> .P
> The lines starting with
> .B #
> are command lines.
> .
> This configuration sets four
> .B \%groffer
> options (the lines starting with `\-') and runs two shell commands (the
> rest of the script).
> .
> This has the following effects:
> .
> .
> .Topic
> Use
> .B ksh
> as the shell to run the
> .B \%groffer
> script; if it works it should be faster than the usual
> .BR sh .
> .
> .
> .Topic
> Use a text color of
> .B \%DarkBlue
> in all viewers that support this, such as
> .BR \%gxditview .
> .
> .
> .Topic
> Use a resolution of
> .B 100\~dpi
> in all viewers that support this, such as
> .BR \%gxditview .
> .
> By this, the default device in
> .I x mode
> is set to
> .BR X100 .
> .
> .
> .Topic
> Force
> .BR \%gxditview (1)
> as the
> .I \%x-mode
> viewer using the geometry option for setting the width to
> .B 900\~dpi
> and the height to
> .BR 1200\~dpi .
> This geometry is suitable for a resolution of
> .BR 100\~dpi .
> .
> .
> .Topic
> If the environment variable
> .Env_var $DISPLAY
> is empty set it to
> .IR localhost:0.0 .
> .
> That allows to start
> .B \%groffer
> in the standard \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[] display, even when the program
> is called from a text console.
> .
> .
> .Topic
> Just for fun, the date of each
> .B \%groffer
> start is written to the file
> .File_name mygroffer.log
> in the home directory.
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> The usage of
> .B \%groffer
> is very easy.
> .
> Usually, it is just called with a file name or
> .IR \%man\~page .
> .
> The following examples, however, show that
> .B \%groffer
> has much more fancy capabilities.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Shell_cmd "groffer\~/usr/local/share/doc/groff/meintro.ms.gz"
> Decompress, format and display the compressed file
> .File_name meintro.ms.gz
> in the directory
> .File_name /usr/local/share/doc/groff ,
> using the standard viewer
> .B \%gxditview
> as graphical viewer when in \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[], or the
> .BR \%less (1)
> pager program when not in \%\f[CR]X\~Window\f[].
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Shell_cmd "groffer\~groff"
> If the file
> .File_name \%./groff
> exists use it as input.
> .
> Otherwise interpret the argument as a search for the
> .I \%man\~page
> named
> .B \%groff
> in the smallest possible
> .IR \%man\~section ,
> being section 1 in this case.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Shell_cmd "groffer\~man:groff"
> search for the
> .I \%man\~page
> of
> .B \%groff
> even when the file
> .File_name ./groff
> exists.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Shell_cmd "groffer\~groff.7"
> .TP+
> .Shell_cmd "groffer\~7\~groff"
> search the
> .I \%man\~page
> of
> .B \%groff
> in
> .I \%man\~section
> .BR 7 .
> This section search works only for a digit or a single character from
> a small set.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Shell_cmd "groffer\~fb.modes"
> If the file
> .File_name ./fb.modes
> does not exist interpret this as a search for the
> .I \%man\~page
> of
> .BR fb.modes .
> As the extension
> .I \%modes
> is not a single character in classical section style the argument is
> not split to a search for
> .BR fb .
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Shell_cmd "groffer\~groff\~\[cq]troff(1)\[cq]\~man:roff"
> .
> The arguments that are not existing files are looked-up as the
> following
> .IR \%man\~pages :
> .B \%groff
> (automatic search, should be found in \fIman\fP\~section\~1),
> .B \%troff
> (in section\~1),
> and
> .B \%roff
> (in the section with the lowest number, being\~7 in this case).
> .
> The quotes around
> .nh
> .I \[cq]troff(1)\[cq]
> .hy
> are necessary because the paranthesis are special shell characters;
> escaping them with a backslash character
> .I \[rs](
> and
> .I \[rs])
> would be possible, too.
> .
> The formatted files are concatenated and displayed in one piece.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Shell_cmd "LANG=de\~groffer\~--man\~--www\~--www-viever=galeon\~ls"
> .
> Retrieve the German
> .I \%man\~page
> (language
> .IR de )
> for the
> .B ls
> program, decompress it, format it to
> .I \%html
> format
> .nh
> .RI ( \%www\~mode )
> .hy
> and view the result in the web browser
> .BR \%galeon .
> The option
> .Opt_long man
> guarantees that the
> .I \%man\~page
> is retrieved, even when a local file
> .File_name \%ls
> exists in the actual directory.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Shell_cmd "groffer\~--source\~'man:roff(7)'"
> .
> Get the
> .I \%man\~page
> called
> .I \%roff
> in \fIman\fP\~section 7, decompress it, and print its unformatted
> content, its source code.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Shell_cmd "cat\~file.gz\~|\~groffer\~-Z\~-mfoo"
> .
> Decompress the standard input, send this to
> .I \%groff intermediate output mode
> without post-processing
> .RB ( groff
> option
> .Opt_short Z ),
> using macro package by
> .I \%foo
> .RB ( groff
> option
> .Opt_short m ) .
> .
> .
> .TP
> .Shell_cmd "echo\~'\[rs]f[CB]WOW!'\~|"
> .TP+
> .Shell_cmd+ "groffer --x --bg red --fg yellow --geometry 200x100 -"
> .
> Display the word \f[CB]WOW!\f[] in a small window in constant-width
> bold font, using color yellow on red background.
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> The
> .B \%groffer
> program consists of two shell scripts.
> .
> .
> .P
> The starting script is the file
> .File_name \%groffer
> that is installed in a
> .File_name bin
> directory.
> .
> It is generated from the source file
> .File_name \%groffer.sh .
> .
> It is just a short starting script without any functions such that it
> can run on very poor shells.
> .
> .
> .P
> The main part of the
> .B \%groffer
> program is the file
> .File_name groffer2.sh
> that is installed in the
> .I groff
> library directory.
> .
> This script can be run under a different shell by using the
> .B \%groffer
> option
> .Opt_long shell .
> .
> .
> .P
> Both scripts are compatible with both
> \f[CR]GNU\f[] and \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[].
> .
> \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[] compatibility refers to
> \%\f[CR]IEEE\~P1003.2/D11.2\f[] of September 1991, a very early
> version of the \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[] standard that is still freely
> available in the internet at
> .URL http://\:www.funet.fi/\:pub/\:doc/\:posix/\:p1003.2/\:d11.2/\:all \
> "\%POSIX\~P1003.2\~draft\~11.2" .
> .
> .
> .P
> Only a restricted set of shell language elements and shell builtins is
> used to achieve even compatibility with some Bourne shells that are
> not fully \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[] compatible.
> .
> The
> .B \%groffer
> shell scripts were tested on many shells, including the following
> Bourne shells:
> .BR \%ash (1),
> .BR \%bash (1),
> .BR \%dash (1),
> .BR \%ksh (1),
> .BR \%pdksh (1),
> .BR \%posh (1),
> and
> .BR \%zsh (1).
> So it should work on most actual free and commercial operating
> systems.
> .
> .
> .P
> The shell for the run of
> .File_name groffer2.sh
> can be chosen by the option
> .Opt_long shell
> on the command line or the environment variable
> .Env_var $GROFF_OPT .
> If you want to add it to one of the
> .B \%groffer
> configuration files you must write a line starting with
> .Opt_long shell .
> .
> .
> .P
> The
> .B \%groffer
> program provides its own parser for command line arguments that is
> compatible to both \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[]
> .BR \%getopts (1)
> and \%\f[CR]GNU\f[]
> .BR \%getopt (1).
> It can handle option arguments and file names containing white space
> and a large set of special characters.
> .
> The following standard types of options are supported.
> .
> .
> .Topic
> The option consisiting of a single minus
> .Opt_short
> refers to standard input.
> .
> .
> .Topic
> A single minus followed by characters refers to a single character
> option or a combination thereof; for example, the
> .B \%groffer
> short option combination
> .Opt_short Qmfoo
> is equivalent to
> .Opt_short Q\~\-m\~foo .
> .
> .
> .Topic
> Long options are options with names longer than one character; they
> are always preceded by a double minus.
> .
> An option argument can either go to the next command line argument or
> be appended with an equal sign to the argument; for example,
> .Opt_alt -- long=arg
> is equivalent to
> .Opt_alt -- long\~arg .
> .
> .
> .Topic
> An argument of
> .Opt_--
> ends option parsing; all further command line arguments are
> interpreted as
> .I \%filespec
> parameters, i.e. file names or constructs for searching
> .IR \%man\~pages ).
> .
> .
> .Topic
> All command line arguments that are neither options nor option
> arguments are interpreted as
> .I \%filespec
> parameters and stored until option parsing has finished.
> .
> For example, the command line
> .Shell_cmd "groffer file1 -a -o arg file2"
> is equivalent to
> .Shell_cmd "groffer -a -o arg -- file1 file2"
> .
> .
> .P
> The free mixing of options and
> .I \%filespec
> parameters follows the GNU principle.
> .
> That does not fulfill the strange option behavior of \%\f[CR]POSIX\f[]
> that ends option processing as soon as the first non-option argument
> has been reached.
> .
> The end of option processing can be forced by the option
> .RB ` \-\- '
> anyway.
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .SH "BUGS"
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> Report bugs to the
> .MTO bug-groff@gnu.org "bug-groff mailing list" .
> .
> Include a complete, self-contained example that will allow the bug to
> be reproduced, and say which version of
> .B \%groffer
> you are using.
> .
> .
> .P
> You can also use the
> .MTO groff@gnu.org "groff mailing list" ,
> but you must first subscribe to this list.
> .
> You can do that by visiting the
> .URL http://\:lists.gnu.org/\:mailman/\:listinfo/\:groff \
> "groff mailing list web page" .
> .
> .
> .P
> See
> .BR \%groff (1)
> for information on availability.
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> .P
> .BR \%groff (1),
> .BR \%troff (1)
> .RS
> Details on the options and environment variables available in
> .BR \%groff ;
> all of them can be used with
> .BR \%groffer .
> .RE
> .
> .
> .TP
> .BR \%groff (7)
> Documentation of the
> .I \%groff
> language.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .BR \%grog (1)
> Internally,
> .B \%groffer
> tries to guess the
> .B \%groff
> command line options from the input using this program.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .BR groff_out (5)
> Documentation on the
> .I \%groff intermediate output
> .nh
> .RI ( ditroff
> output).
> .hy
> .
> .
> .TP
> .BR groff_tmac (5)
> Documentation on the
> .I \%groff
> macro files.
> .
> .
> .TP
> .BR \%man (1)
> The standard program to display
> .IR \%man\~pages .
> .
> The information there is only useful if it is the
> .I \%man\~page
> for GNU
> .BR man .
> Then it documents the options and environment variables that are
> supported by
> .BR \%groffer .
> .
> .
> .P
> .BR \%ash (1),
> .BR \%bash (1),
> .BR \%dash (1),
> .BR \%ksh (1),
> .BR \%pdksh (1),
> .BR \%posh (1),
> .BR \%sh (1),
> .BR \%zsh (1)
> .RS
> Bourne shells that were tested with
> .BR \%groffer .
> .RE
> .
> .
> .P
> .BR \%gxditview (1),
> .BR \%xditview (1x)
> .RS
> Viewers for
> .BR \%groffer 's
> .IR \%x\~mode .
> .RE
> .
> .
> .P
> .BR \%kghostview (1),
> .BR \%ggv (1),
> .BR \%gv (1),
> .BR \%ghostview (1),
> .BR \%gs (1)
> .RS
> Viewers for
> .BR \%groffer 's
> .IR \%ps\~mode .
> .RE
> .
> .
> .P
> .BR \%kghostview (1),
> .BR \%ggv (1),
> .BR \%xpdf (1),
> .BR \%acroread (1),
> .BR \%kpdf (1)
> .RS
> Viewers for
> .BR \%groffer 's
> .IR \%pdf\~mode .
> .RE
> .
> .
> .P
> .BR \%kdvi (1),
> .BR \%xdvi (1),
> .BR \%dvilx (1)
> .RS
> Viewers for
> .BR \%groffer 's
> .IR \%dvi\~mode .
> .RE
> .
> .
> .P
> .BR \%konqueror (1),
> .BR \%mozilla (1),
> .BR \%lynx (1)
> .RS
> Web-browsers for
> .BR \%groffer 's
> .I \%html
> or
> .IR \%www\~mode .
> .RE
> .
> .
> .TP
> .BR \%less (1)
> Standard pager program for the
> .I \%tty\~mode .
> .
> .
> .P
> .BR \%gzip (1),
> .BR \%bzip2 (1)
> .RS
> The decompression programs supported by
> .BR \%groffer .
> .RE
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .author
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .copyleft
> .
> .
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .\" Emacs settings
> .\" --------------------------------------------------------------------
> .
> .\" Local Variables:
> .\" mode: nroff
> .\" End:
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^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 6+ messages in thread
* Re: makewhatis stuck on groffer.1
2019-04-20 18:21 ` Jan Stary
@ 2019-04-21 23:03 ` Ingo Schwarze
2019-04-22 8:32 ` Jan Stary
0 siblings, 1 reply; 6+ messages in thread
From: Ingo Schwarze @ 2019-04-21 23:03 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Jan Stary; +Cc: discuss
Hi Jan,
Jan Stary wrote on Sat, Apr 20, 2019 at 08:21:45PM +0200:
> ... and 'man groffer' also never gets to rendering it.
Wow, that ancient version of groffer.1 can barely be called a manual
page. It is low-level groff all over the place. More than 600 lines
of low-level groff code (macro definitions) in a single manual page...
That's insane.
Actually, insanity was to be expected, given that it was written
by Bernd Warken. But i wouldn't have expected it to be *that* bad.
Here is a minimal example of the specific issue you are reporting:
$ echo '.while n .break' | mandoc -Tlint | head -n 1
mandoc: <stdin>:1:10: UNSUPP: unsupported roff request: break
$ echo '.while n .break' | mandoc
[endless loop]
The commit below fixes the endless loop.
There appear to be a few more issues with that manual page that i'm
currently looking at.
Thanks for the report,
Log Message:
Implement the roff .break request (break out of a .while loop).
Jan Stary <hans at stare dot cz> found it in an ancient groffer(1)
manual page (version 1.19) on MacOS X Mojave.
Having .break not implemented wasn't a particularly bright idea
because obviously, it tended to cause infinite loops.
Modified Files:
Added Files:
Revision Data
Index: roff.7
RCS file: /home/cvs/mandoc/mandoc/roff.7,v
retrieving revision 1.111
retrieving revision 1.112
diff -Lroff.7 -Lroff.7 -u -p -r1.111 -r1.112
--- roff.7
+++ roff.7
@@ -503,10 +503,9 @@ This is a Heirloom extension and current
.It Ic \&br
Break the output line.
.It Ic \&break
-Break out of a
+Break out of the innermost
.Ic \&while
-Currently unsupported.
.It Ic \&breakchar Ar char ...
Optional line break characters.
This is a Heirloom extension and currently ignored.
Index: roff.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/mandoc/mandoc/roff.c,v
retrieving revision 1.363
retrieving revision 1.364
diff -Lroff.c -Lroff.c -u -p -r1.363 -r1.364
--- roff.c
+++ roff.c
@@ -133,15 +133,18 @@ struct roff {
char escape; /* escape character */
+ * A macro definition, condition, or ignored block.
+ */
struct roffnode {
enum roff_tok tok; /* type of node */
struct roffnode *parent; /* up one in stack */
int line; /* parse line */
int col; /* parse col */
char *name; /* node name, e.g. macro name */
- char *end; /* end-rules: custom token */
- int endspan; /* end-rules: next-line or infty */
- int rule; /* current evaluation rule */
+ char *end; /* custom end macro of the block */
+ int endspan; /* scope to: 1=eol 2=next line -1=\} */
+ int rule; /* content is: 1=evaluated 0=skipped */
#define ROFF_ARGS struct roff *r, /* parse ctx */ \
@@ -181,6 +184,7 @@ static int roff_als(ROFF_ARGS);
static int roff_block(ROFF_ARGS);
static int roff_block_text(ROFF_ARGS);
static int roff_block_sub(ROFF_ARGS);
+static int roff_break(ROFF_ARGS);
static int roff_cblock(ROFF_ARGS);
static int roff_cc(ROFF_ARGS);
static int roff_ccond(struct roff *, int, int);
@@ -400,7 +404,7 @@ static struct roffmac roffs[TOKEN_NONE]
{ roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0 }, /* boxa */
{ roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0 }, /* bp */
{ roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0 }, /* BP */
- { roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0 }, /* break */
+ { roff_break, NULL, NULL, 0 }, /* break */
{ roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0 }, /* breakchar */
{ roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0 }, /* brnl */
{ roff_noarg, NULL, NULL, 0 }, /* brp */
@@ -685,7 +689,7 @@ roffhash_find(struct ohash *htab, const
* Pop the current node off of the stack of roff instructions currently
- * pending.
+ * pending. Return 1 if it is a loop or 0 otherwise.
static int
roffnode_pop(struct roff *r)
@@ -2002,6 +2006,10 @@ roff_cblock(ROFF_ARGS)
+ * Pop all nodes ending at the end of the current input line.
+ * Return the number of loops ended.
+ */
static int
roffnode_cleanscope(struct roff *r)
@@ -2016,6 +2024,11 @@ roffnode_cleanscope(struct roff *r)
return inloop;
+ * Handle the closing \} of a conditional block.
+ * Apart from generating warnings, this only pops nodes.
+ * Return the number of loops ended.
+ */
static int
roff_ccond(struct roff *r, int ln, int ppos)
@@ -2235,6 +2248,7 @@ roff_block_text(ROFF_ARGS)
static int
+ struct roffnode *bl;
char *ep;
int endloop, irc, rr;
enum roff_tok t;
@@ -2282,9 +2296,21 @@ roff_cond_sub(ROFF_ARGS)
t = roff_parse(r, buf->buf, &pos, ln, ppos);
- irc |= t != TOKEN_NONE && (rr || roffs[t].flags & ROFFMAC_STRUCT) ?
- (*roffs[t].proc)(r, t, buf, ln, ppos, pos, offs) :
+ if (t == ROFF_break) {
+ if (irc & ROFF_LOOPMASK)
+ else if (rr) {
+ for (bl = r->last; bl != NULL; bl = bl->parent) {
+ bl->rule = 0;
+ if (bl->tok == ROFF_while)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (t != TOKEN_NONE &&
+ (rr || roffs[t].flags & ROFFMAC_STRUCT))
+ irc |= (*roffs[t].proc)(r, t, buf, ln, ppos, pos, offs);
+ else
+ irc |= rr ? ROFF_CONT : ROFF_IGN;
return irc;
@@ -3479,6 +3505,17 @@ roff_als(ROFF_ARGS)
roff_setstrn(&r->strtab, newn, newsz, value, valsz, 0);
roff_setstrn(&r->rentab, newn, newsz, NULL, 0, 0);
+ return ROFF_IGN;
+ * The .break request only makes sense inside conditionals,
+ * and that case is already handled in roff_cond_sub().
+ */
+static int
+ mandoc_msg(MANDOCERR_BLK_NOTOPEN, ln, pos, "break");
return ROFF_IGN;
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /home/cvs/mandoc/mandoc/regress/roff/while/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -Lregress/roff/while/Makefile -Lregress/roff/while/Makefile -u -p -r1.1 -r1.2
--- regress/roff/while/Makefile
+++ regress/roff/while/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2018/08/24 22:56:37 schwarze Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2019/04/21 22:43:00 schwarze Exp $
-REGRESS_TARGETS = basic badargs into nesting outof
+REGRESS_TARGETS = basic badargs break into nesting outof
LINT_TARGETS = badargs into nesting outof
# mandoc defects:
--- /dev/null
+++ regress/roff/while/break.out_ascii
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+WHILE-BREAK(1) General Commands Manual WHILE-BREAK(1)
+ w\bwh\bhi\bil\ble\be-\b-b\bbr\bre\bea\bak\bk - break request inside a while loop
+ initial text 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 0 final text
+OpenBSD April 21, 2019 OpenBSD
--- /dev/null
+++ regress/roff/while/break.in
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+.\" $OpenBSD: break.in,v 1.1 2019/04/21 22:43:00 schwarze Exp $
+.Dd $Mdocdate: April 21 2019 $
+.Nm while-break
+.Nd break request inside a while loop
+initial text
+.nr cnt 11 1
+.while n \{\
+.if !\n[cnt] .break
+final text
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^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 6+ messages in thread
* Re: makewhatis stuck on groffer.1
2019-04-21 23:03 ` Ingo Schwarze
@ 2019-04-22 8:32 ` Jan Stary
2019-04-23 12:01 ` Ingo Schwarze
0 siblings, 1 reply; 6+ messages in thread
From: Jan Stary @ 2019-04-22 8:32 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: discuss
Hi Ingo,
> Jan Stary wrote on Sat, Apr 20, 2019 at 08:21:45PM +0200:
> Wow, that ancient version of groffer.1 can barely be called a manual
> page. It is low-level groff all over the place. More than 600 lines
> of low-level groff code (macro definitions) in a single manual page...
> That's insane.
> Actually, insanity was to be expected, given that it was written
> by Bernd Warken. But i wouldn't have expected it to be *that* bad.
> Here is a minimal example of the specific issue you are reporting:
> $ echo '.while n .break' | mandoc -Tlint | head -n 1
> mandoc: <stdin>:1:10: UNSUPP: unsupported roff request: break
> $ echo '.while n .break' | mandoc
> [endless loop]
> The commit below fixes the endless loop.
thank you, it works now.
> There appear to be a few more issues with that manual page that i'm
> currently looking at.
Yeah, it _is_ insane. AFAICS, it is the only manpage that defines
.de author
This file was written by
.MTO "" "Bernd Warken" .
for example, which gets rendered as
This file was written by
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^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 6+ messages in thread
* Re: makewhatis stuck on groffer.1
2019-04-22 8:32 ` Jan Stary
@ 2019-04-23 12:01 ` Ingo Schwarze
0 siblings, 0 replies; 6+ messages in thread
From: Ingo Schwarze @ 2019-04-23 12:01 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Jan Stary; +Cc: discuss
Hi Jan,
Jan Stary wrote on Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 10:32:26AM +0200:
> thank you, it works now.
Thanks for testing.
> Ingo Schwarze wrote:
>> There appear to be a few more issues with that manual page that i'm
>> currently looking at.
There are at least two other issues, but both are so hard to fix
and so rare in practice that i decided to mention them in the TODO
file rather than fixing them right now, see the commit below.
> Yeah, it _is_ insane. AFAICS, it is the only manpage that defines
> .de author
> This file was written by
> .MTO "" "Bernd Warken" .
> for example, which gets rendered as
> This file was written by
One other case of .MTO is already mentioned in TODO:
- groff_www(7) .MTO and .URL
These macros were used by the GNU grep(1) man page.
The groff_www(7) manual page itself uses them, too.
We should probably *not* add them to mandoc.
Just mentioning this here to keep track of the abuse.
Laura Morales <lauretas at mail dot com> 20 Apr 2018 07:33:02 +0200
loc ** exist * algo * size ** imp *
But both the GNU grep(1) and groff_www(7) manual pages got fixed IIRC,
and i'm not aware of any other groff_www(7) abuse, so i don't intend
to implement .MTO and .URL.
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2019-04-20 18:16 makewhatis stuck on groff.1 Jan Stary
2019-04-20 18:18 ` makewhatis stuck on groffer.1 Jan Stary
2019-04-20 18:21 ` Jan Stary
2019-04-21 23:03 ` Ingo Schwarze
2019-04-22 8:32 ` Jan Stary
2019-04-23 12:01 ` Ingo Schwarze
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