Hiroki (note CC'd to the mdocml mailing list), This regards today's conversation about mdocml and Japanese characters at the FreeBSD summit. Enclosed is a screenshot of a locally-modified mandoc producing on-terminal UTF-8 glyphs for kanji (I have NO IDEA what these characters mean, I just picked them from the Unicode reference). I hacked this in as a demonstrandum that it's possible to have UTF-8 output without much effort. I used the groff \U'xxxx' input escape sequence to specify Unicode input. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be officially supported by groff. http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2000-04/msg00036.html My question is this: do you know of the most reliable to feed groff Unicode codepoints? I'm not sure when a -Tutf8 will exist for mandoc, but the screenshot demonstrates that it's in principle possible. Thanks, Kristaps