* cvsweb: * set all config defaults at the top of the script * load the
@ 2019-11-29 23:43 schwarze
0 siblings, 0 replies; only message in thread
From: schwarze @ 2019-11-29 23:43 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: source
[-- Warning: decoded text below may be mangled, UTF-8 assumed --]
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8, Size: 22092 bytes --]
Log Message:
* set all config defaults at the top of the script
* load the config file right after that
* make the config file optional
* make the $config variable local to the block using it
* stop the madness of having multiple config files
* @cvs_options = qw(-f -R) because NetBSD supports that, too
* drop useless variable $allow_version_select while here
Modified Files:
Removed Files:
Revision Data
--- cvsweb.conf-netbsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# -*-perl-*-
-# $Id: cvsweb.conf-netbsd,v 4.3 2019/11/11 15:46:39 schwarze Exp $
-# $knu: cvsweb.conf-netbsd,v 1.8 2002/12/23 15:05:10 scop
-# Set up for NetBSD repo options.
-if ($^O eq 'freebsd') {
- $ENV{'RCSINCEXC'} = 'iNetBSD';
-} else {
-$mancgi = "https://netbsd.gw.com/cgi-bin/man-cgi?%s+%s";
-# Allow downloading a tarball of a pkgsrc
-$allow_tar = ($where =~ m,^pkgsrc/[^/]+/[^/]+/,);
Index: cvsweb.conf.5
RCS file: /home/cvs/mandoc/cvsweb/cvsweb.conf.5,v
retrieving revision 4.1
retrieving revision 4.2
diff -Lcvsweb.conf.5 -Lcvsweb.conf.5 -u -p -r4.1 -r4.2
--- cvsweb.conf.5
+++ cvsweb.conf.5
@@ -34,13 +34,13 @@
.Nm cvsweb.conf
.Nd CVSweb configuration file
+The optional
.Xr cvsweb 8
configuration file is a
.Xr perl 1
script executed via the Perl
.Fn do
-function near the beginning of the main program.
+function near the beginning of the main program, if it exists.
It can contain arbitrary Perl code, but it is only intended to
override or change the global variables documented below, which are
listed with their default value and their type.
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Enable generation of hyperlinks to manua
Enable downloading of tarballs using the
.Cm tarball
query keyword and generate hyperlinks facilitating such downloads.
-.It Va @annotate_options No = XXX ; # array of strings
+.It Va @annotate_options No = qw(-f -R) ; # array of strings
Global options passed to the
.Xr cvs 1
program when invoking the
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ $CMD{tar} = '/bin/tar';
.It Va $cssurl No = '/css/cvsweb.css' ; # string
The URI of the cascading style sheet file.
-.It Va @cvs_options No = XXX ; # array of strings
+.It Va @cvs_options No = qw(-f -R) ; # array of strings
Global options passed to the
.Xr cvs 1
program when invoking a command other than
Index: cvsweb.cgi
RCS file: /home/cvs/mandoc/cvsweb/cvsweb.cgi,v
retrieving revision 4.38
retrieving revision 4.39
diff -Lcvsweb.cgi -Lcvsweb.cgi -u -p -r4.38 -r4.39
--- cvsweb.cgi
+++ cvsweb.cgi
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ use filetest qw(access);
use vars qw (
$VERSION $CheckoutMagic $MimeTypes $DEBUG
- $config $allow_version_select
%alltags %fileinfo %tags @branchnames %nameprinted
@@ -126,8 +125,6 @@ EOM
$MimeTypes = undef if $@;
$CheckoutMagic = '~checkout~';
- $CMD{$_} = "/usr/bin/$_" for (qw(cvs rcsdiff rlog));
- $CMD{tar} = "/bin/tar";
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -190,24 +187,89 @@ delete(@ENV{qw(PATH IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_
# with cvs >= 1.12.1 and doesn't hurt other versions.
-# Location of the configuration file inside the web server chroot:
-$config = '/conf/cvsweb/cvsweb.conf';
+######## configuration defaults #########
-######## Configuration parameters #########
+%CMD = (
+ cvs => '/usr/bin/cvs',
+ rcsdiff => '/usr/bin/rcsdiff',
+ rlog => '/usr/bin/rlog',
+ tar => '/bin/tar',
+ f => 'u',
+ hideattic => 1,
+ hidecvsroot => 0,
+ hidenonreadable => 1,
+ ignorecase => 0,
+ ln => 0,
+ logsort => 'date',
+ sortby => 'file',
+@ForbiddenFiles = (
+ qr|^CVSROOT/+passwd$|o, # CVSROOT/passwd should not be 'cvs add'ed though.
+ qr|/\.cvspass$|o, # Ditto. Just in case.
+%MTYPES = (
+ gif => 'image/gif',
+ html => 'text/html',
+ jpeg => 'image/jpeg',
+ jpg => 'image/jpeg',
+ png => 'image/png',
+$address = 'CVSweb';
+$allow_annotate = 1;
+$allow_compress = 0;
+$allow_dir_extra = 1;
+$allow_log_extra = 1;
+$allow_mailtos = 1;
+$allow_markup = 1;
+$allow_source_extra = 1;
+$allow_tar = 0;
+@annotate_options = qw(-f -R);
+$cssurl = '/css/cvsweb.css';
+@cvs_options = qw(-f -R);
+@CVSrepositories = ('local', ['Local Repository', '/cvs']);
+$DEBUG = 0;
+$defaulttitle = 'CVS Repository';
+$edit_option_form = 1;
+$file_list_len = 0;
+$hr_breakable = 1;
+$hr_ignkeysubst = 1;
+$hr_ignwhite = 0;
+$iconsdir = '/icons';
+$logo = undef;
+$mancgi = 'https://man.openbsd.org/%s.%s';
+$mime_types = '/conf/mime.types';
+$preformat_in_markup = 0;
+@rcsdiff_options = qw(-q);
+$shortLogLen = 80;
+$show_author = 1;
+$show_log_in_markup = 1;
+$show_subdir_lastmod = 0;
+$tabstop = 8;
+@tar_options = qw();
+$use_descriptions = 0;
+$use_moddate = 1;
- %MTYPES = %tags = %alltags = %fileinfo = ();
+######## load configuration #########
-$logo = $defaulttitle =
- $address = $shortLogLen = $show_author =
- $hr_breakable = $hr_ignwhite =
- $hr_ignkeysubst = $mime_types = $allow_annotate =
- $allow_markup = $allow_compress = $edit_option_form =
- $show_subdir_lastmod = $show_log_in_markup = $preformat_in_markup =
- $tabstop = $use_moddate = $gzip_open = $DEBUG =
- $allow_tar = undef;
+ my $config = '/conf/cvsweb/cvsweb.conf';
+ last unless -e $config;
+ defined do $config and last;
+ $@ and fatal '500 Internal Error',
+ 'Error loading configuration file "<code>%s</code>": <pre>%s</pre>',
+ $config, $@;
+ fatal '500 Internal Error',
+ 'Cannot read configuration file "<code>%s</code>": %s',
+ $config, $! || 'unknown error';
-$allow_version_select = $allow_mailtos = $allow_log_extra = 1;
+######## other global variables #########
@DIFFTYPES = qw(h H u c);
@@ -240,7 +302,15 @@ $allow_version_select = $allow_mailtos =
{ descr => 'Revision', },
-##### End of configuration parameters #####
+%alltags = ();
+@CVSROOT = ();
+%CVSROOT = ();
+%CVSROOTdescr = ();
+%fileinfo = ();
+$gzip_open = 0;
+%tags = ();
+######## end of global variables #########
my $pathinfo = '';
if (defined($ENV{PATH_INFO}) && $ENV{PATH_INFO} ne '') {
@@ -314,20 +384,6 @@ $maycompress = (
qw(cvsroot hideattic ignorecase sortby logsort f only_with_tag ln
hidecvsroot hidenonreadable);
-# Load configuration.
- $config =~ m|^/| or fatal '500 Internal Error',
- 'Configuration file name "<code>%s</code>" is not an absolute path.',
- $config;
- defined do $config and last;
- $@ and fatal '500 Internal Error',
- 'Error loading configuration file "<code>%s</code>": <pre>%s</pre>',
- $config, $@;
- fatal '500 Internal Error',
- 'Cannot read configuration file "<code>%s</code>": %s',
- $config, $! || 'unknown error';
# Try to find a readable dir where we can cd into. Some abs_path()
# implementations as well as various cvs operations require such a dir to
# work properly.
@@ -477,10 +533,7 @@ for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@CVSreposito
push(@CVSROOT, $key);
unless ($rootfound) {
- fatal('500 Internal Error',
- 'No valid CVS roots found! See <code>@CVSrepositories</code> in ' .
- 'the configuration file (<code>%s</code>).',
- $config);
+ fatal('500 Internal Error', 'no valid CVS roots found');
undef $rootfound;
@@ -584,17 +637,6 @@ if ($iconsdir) {
$binfileicon = 'binfile';
-my $config_cvstree = "$config-$cvstree";
-# Do some special configuration for cvstrees
-if (-f $config_cvstree) {
- do "$config_cvstree"
- or fatal("500 Internal Error",
- 'Error in loading configuration file: %s<br /><br />%s<br />',
- $config_cvstree, $@);
-undef $config_cvstree;
$fullname = catfile($cvsroot, $where);
my $rewrite = 0;
@@ -2627,7 +2669,7 @@ sub printLog($$$;$$)
print ' - view: ', join(', ', @vlinks) if @vlinks;
undef @vlinks;
- if (!$isbin && $allow_version_select) {
+ unless ($isbin) {
print ' - ';
if ($isSelected) {
print '<b>[selected for diffs]</b>';
--- cvsweb.conf-openbsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# -*-perl-*-
-# $Id: cvsweb.conf-openbsd,v 4.2 2019/11/11 15:46:39 schwarze Exp $
-# $knu cvsweb.conf-openbsd,v 1.8 2002/12/23 15:05:10 scop
-# Set up for OpenBSD repo options.
-if ($^O eq 'freebsd') {
- $ENV{'RCSLOCALID'} = 'OpenBSD=Id';
- $ENV{'RCSINCEXC'} = 'iOpenBSD';
-} else {
-$mancgi =
- "http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?apropos=0&sektion=%s&query=%s&manpath=OpenBSD+Current&arch=i386&format=html";
-# Allow downloading a tarball of a port
-$allow_tar = ($where =~ m,^ports/[^/]+/[^/]+/,);
--- cvsweb.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-# -*- perl -*-
-# $Id: cvsweb.conf,v 4.26 2019/11/29 19:30:16 schwarze Exp $
-# $doc: cvsweb.conf,v 1.38 2006/01/19 19:53:38 ceri
-# $knu: cvsweb.conf,v 1.97 2005/06/19 09:13:50 scop
-# Configuration of cvsweb.cgi, a web interface to CVS repositories.
-# (c) 1998-1999 H. Zeller <zeller@think.de>
-# 1999 H. Nordstrom <hno@hem.passagen.se>
-# 2000-2002 A. MUSHA <knu@FreeBSD.org>
-# 2002-2005 V. Skyttä <scop@FreeBSD.org>
-# based on work by Bill Fenner <fenner@FreeBSD.org>
-# Unless otherwise noted, all boolean parameters here default to off
-# when no value for them has been explicitly set.
-# CVS roots
-# CVSweb can handle several CVS repositories at once. Enter short (internal)
-# symbolic repository names, their names in the UI and the actual locations
-# here. The repositories will be listed in the order they're specified here.
-# Obviously, CVSweb will need read access to these repository dirs. If you
-# receive an error that no valid CVS roots were found, double-check the file
-# permissions and any other attributes your system may have for the repository
-# directories, such as SELinux file contexts.
-# CVSweb will also load per-cvsroot configuration files if they exist.
-# The symbolic_name (see below) of the CVS root will be concatenated into the
-# name of the main (this) configuration file along with a hyphen, and that
-# file will be loaded for that particular CVS root. For examples, see
-# cvsweb.conf-* in the CVSweb distribution.
-# Note that only local repositories are currently supported. Things like
-# :pserver:someone@xyz.com:/data/cvsroot won't work.
-# 'symbolic_name' => ['Name to display', '/path/to/cvsroot']
-@CVSrepositories = (
- 'local' => ['Local Repository', '/cvs'],
-# Manual gateway linking. This will be done only for views for which
-# $allow_*_extra below is true.
-$mancgi =
- "http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/man.cgi?apropos=0&sektion=%s&query=%s&manpath=FreeBSD+7.0-current&format=html";
-# Defaults for user definable options.
- # sortby: File sort order
- # file Sort by filename
- # rev Sort by revision number
- # date Sort by commit date
- # author Sort by author
- # log Sort by log message
- "sortby" => "file",
- # ignorecase: Ignore case in sorts (filenames, authors, log messages)
- # 0 Honor case
- # 1 Ignore case
- "ignorecase" => "0",
- # hideattic: Hide or show files in Attic
- # 1 Hide files in Attic
- # 0 Show files in Attic
- "hideattic" => "1",
- # logsort: Sort order for CVS logs
- # date Sort revisions by date
- # rev Sort revision by revision number
- # cvs Don't sort them. Same order as CVS/RCS shows them.
- "logsort" => "date",
- # f: Default diff format
- # h Human readable
- # u Unified diff
- # c Context diff
- "f" => "u",
- # hidecvsroot: Don't show the CVSROOT directory. Note that this is
- # just the default for a user settable option (like others in this
- # %DEFAULTVALUE hash); it won't really prevent access to CVSROOT.
- # See @ForbiddenFiles for that.
- # 1 Do not include the top-level CVSROOT directory in dir listings
- # 0 Treat the top-level CVSROOT directory just like all other dirs
- "hidecvsroot" => "0",
- # hidenonreadable: Don't show files and directories that cannot be read
- # in directory listings.
- # 1 Hide non-readable entries
- # 0 Show non-readable entries
- "hidenonreadable" => "1",
- # ln: Show line numbers in HTMLized views
- # 1 Show line numbers
- # 0 Don't show line numbers
- "ln" => "0",
-# Layout options (see also the included CSS file)
-# Wanna have a logo on the page ?
-#$logo = '<p><img src="/icons/apache_pb.gif" alt="Powered by Apache" /></p>';
-# The title of the Page on startup. This will be put inside <h1> and <title>
-# tags, and HTML escaped.
-$defaulttitle = "CVS Repository";
-# The address is shown on the footer. This will be put inside a <address> tag.
-$address = '<span style="font-size: smaller">CVSweb</span>';
-# Icons for the web UI.
-my $iconsdir = '/icons';
-# An URL where to find the CSS.
-$cssurl = '/css/cvsweb.css';
-# The length to which the last log entry should be truncated when shown
-# in the directory view.
-$shortLogLen = 80;
-# Show author of last change?
-$show_author = 1;
-# Regular expressions for files and directories which should be hidden.
-# Each regexp is compared against a path relative to a CVS root, after
-# stripping the trailing ",v" if present. Matching files and directories
-# are not displayed.
-@ForbiddenFiles = (
- qr|^CVSROOT/+passwd$|o, # CVSROOT/passwd should not be 'cvs add'ed though.
- qr|/\.cvspass$|o, # Ditto. Just in case.
- #qr|^my/+secret/+dir|o,
-# Use CVSROOT/descriptions for describing the directories/modules?
-# See INSTALL, section 9.
-$use_descriptions = 0;
-# Human readable diff.
-# (c) 1998 H. Zeller <zeller@think.de>
-# Generates two columns of color encoded diff; much like xdiff or GNU Emacs'
-# ediff-mode.
-# The diff-stuff is a piece of code I once made for cvs2html which is under
-# GPL, see http://www.sslug.dk/cvs2html
-# (c) 1997/98 Peter Toft <pto@sslug.imm.dtu.dk>
-# Make lines breakable so that the columns do not exceed the width of the
-# browser?
-$hr_breakable = 1;
-# Ignore whitespace in human readable diffs? ('-w' option to diff)
-$hr_ignwhite = 0;
-# Ignore diffs which are caused by keyword substitution, $Id and friends?
-# ('-kk' option to rcsdiff)
-$hr_ignkeysubst = 1;
-# Mime types
-# The MIME type lookup works like this:
-# 1) Look up from %MTYPES below with the file name extension (suffix).
-# 2) If not found, use the MIME::Types(3) module if it's available.
-# 3) If not found, lookup from the $mime_types file (see below).
-# 4) If not found, try %MTYPES{'*'}.
-# 5) If not found, use 'application/octet-stream' if the file's keyword
-# substitution mode is b (ie. the file was checked in as binary to CVS),
-# 'text/plain' otherwise.
-# Quick MIME type lookup; maps filename extensions to MIME types.
-# Add common mappings here for fast lookup. You can also use this
-# to override MIME::Types(3) or the $mime_types file (see below).
-%MTYPES = (
- "html" => "text/html",
- "shtml" => "text/html",
- "gif" => "image/gif",
- "jpeg" => "image/jpeg",
- "jpg" => "image/jpeg",
- "png" => "image/png",
- "xpm" => "image/xpm",
-# "*" => "text/plain",
-# The traditional mime.types file, eg. the one from Apache is fine.
-# See above where this gets used.
-$mime_types = '/conf/mime.types';
-# Misc
-# Allow annotation of files? See also @annotate_options below.
-$allow_annotate = 1;
-# Allow HTMLized versions of files?
-$allow_markup = 1;
-# Allow CVSweb to create mailto: links from email addresses in various
-# HTMLized views? Default: yes.
-#$allow_mailtos = 0;
-## Extra hyperlinking means hyperlinks to manual page
-## gateways, see $mancgi above.
-# Allow extra hyperlinking (such as PR cross-references) in logs?
-# Default: yes.
-#$allow_log_extra = 0;
-# Allow extra hyperlinking in directory views?
-$allow_dir_extra = 1;
-# Allow extra hyperlinking in source code/formatted diff views?
-$allow_source_extra = 1;
-# Allow compression with gzip in general? Note that this also requires
-# that the browser supports it, and will be disabled on the fly when necessary.
-#$allow_compress = 1;
-# Show a form for setting options in the directory view?
-$edit_option_form = 1;
-# Show last changelog message for subdirectories?
-# The current implementation makes many assumptions and may show the
-# incorrect file at some times. The main assumption is that the last
-# modified file has the newest filedate. But some CVS operations
-# touch the file even when a new version isn't checked in, and TAG
-# based browsing essentially puts this out of order unless the last
-# checkin was on the same tag as you are viewing.
-# Enable this if you like the feature, but don't rely on correct results.
-#$show_subdir_lastmod = 1;
-# Show CVS log when viewing file contents?
-$show_log_in_markup = 1;
-# Preformat when viewing file contents? This should be turned off
-# when you have files in the repository that are in a multibyte
-# encoding which uses HTML special characters ([<>&"]) as part of a
-# multibyte character. (such as iso-2022-jp, ShiftJIS, etc.)
-# Otherwise those files will get screwed up in markup.
-#$preformat_in_markup = 1;
-# Default tab width used to expand tabs to spaces in various HTMLized views.
-# Note that CVSweb scans the first few lines of sources for some common editor
-# directives controlling the tab width. It uses the value from them if found,
-# falling back to the value of $tabstop if not. Default: 8.
-#$tabstop = 4;
-# CVSweb is friendly to caches by sending the HTTP Last-Modified
-# header corresponding to the sent content. In the case of a
-# checkout, this may require running rcslog on the file solely for the
-# purpose of retrieving the timestamp to be sent. If you have a slow
-# server, you may want to turn this off for a small performance gain.
-$use_moddate = 1;
-# Maximum number of filenames to pass to rlog(1) in one command.
-# If you see "Failed to spawn rlog" errors with directories containing
-# lots of files, experiment by setting this to different values and see if
-# the error still occurs. A good value to start from would be eg. 200.
-# Just comment this out if you're not bitten by the problem.
-#$file_list_len = 200;
-# Whether to allow downloading a tarball of the current directory.
-# While downloading of the entire repository is disallowed, depending on
-# the directory this may take a lot of time and disk space. For some CVS
-# versions, the user account running CVSweb needs write access to
-# CVSROOT/val-tags. See also the tar options below.
-$allow_tar = 0;
-# Options to pass to tar(1).
-# For example: @tar_options = qw(--ignore-failed-read);
-# GNU tar has some useful options against unexpected errors.
-# Other useful options include "--owner=0" and "--group=0", see
-# the tar(1) (or gtar(1)) manpage for details.
-@tar_options = qw();
-# Options to pass to cvs(1).
-# For cvs versions 1.11 to 1.11.6 (broken in < 1.11, removed in 1.11.7), you
-# can use the '-l' option to prevent cvs from writing to the history file.
-# For other cvs versions, either suppress history logging by using the
-# LogHistory parameter in CVSROOT/config or make sure that the CVSweb user
-# can read and write to CVSROOT/history.
-# FreeBSD's and OpenBSD's cvs(1) has long since supported -R (read only access
-# mode) option, which considerably speeds up checkouts over NFS. For other
-# platforms, the -R option is available in cvs >= 1.12.1.
-# A similar effect is provided by -u on NetBSD.
-@cvs_options = qw(-f);
-push @cvs_options, '-R' if ($^O eq 'freebsd' || $^O eq 'openbsd');
-push @cvs_options, '-u' if ($^O eq 'netbsd');
-# Options to pass to the 'cvs annotate' command, usually the normal
-# @cvs_options are good enough here.
-# To make annotate work against a read only repository, add -n, ie.:
-# @annotate_options = (@cvs_options, '-n');
-@annotate_options = @cvs_options;
-# Options to pass to rcsdiff(1).
-# Probably the only useful one here is -q (suppress diagnostic output).
-@rcsdiff_options = qw(-q);
-# Troubleshooting: in case of problems, setting this to 1 will cause more
-# error output into your web server error log. Under normal operation,
-# this should be set to 0 or commented out.
-#$DEBUG = 1;
-# EOF
--- cvsweb.conf-freebsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# -*-perl-*-
-# $Id: cvsweb.conf-freebsd,v 4.2 2019/11/11 15:46:39 schwarze Exp $
-# $doc: cvsweb.conf-freebsd,v 1.18 2008/04/23 04:27:59 linimon
-# $knu: cvsweb.conf-freebsd,v 1.10 2004/06/07 19:33:11 knu
-# Set up for FreeBSD repo options.
-if ($^O eq 'freebsd') {
- $ENV{'RCSLOCALID'} = 'FreeBSD=CVSHeader';
- $ENV{'RCSINCEXC'} = 'iFreeBSD';
-} else {
-$mancgi =
- "http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/man.cgi?apropos=0&sektion=%s&query=%s&manpath=FreeBSD+7.0-current&format=html";
-# Allow downloading a tarball of a port or a project directory
-$allow_tar = ($where =~ m,^(ports/[^/]+/[^/]+/|projects/[^/]+/),);
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2019-11-29 23:43 cvsweb: * set all config defaults at the top of the script * load the schwarze
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