Hi, A while back, I complained to Ingo that MANPATH is heavy-handed: it doesn't allow us to modify the default search path (in, e.g., /etc/man.conf), but only override it. He mentioned that in manpath(1) used on systems, MANPATH can modify instead of override by placemen to colons. To wit: MANPATH If $MANPATH is set, manpath displays its value rather than determining it on the fly. If $MANPATH is prefixed by a colon, then the value of the variable is appended to the list determined from the content of the configuration files. If the colon comes at the end of the value in the variable, then the determined list is appended to the content of the variable. If the value of the variable contains a double colon (::), then the determined list is inserted in the middle of the value, between the two colons. The enclosed patch does just this for apropos(1), whatis(1), and catman(8) (which is also updated with -C like the others). I modified the explanation above to be (I hope) a little clearer as to precedence. Objections? I personally like this, as on shared machines I usually have a scattering of utilities in my ~/bin and would love a ~/man with the manuals showing up by default (i.e., manually running mandocdb(8) to generate databases then setting MANPATH in my .profile). It has always, always annoyed me that I can't do this. Take care, Kristaps