Hello, Earlier I mentioned, as an aside, that OpenGL manuals look bad. Try rendering gluPerspective to see what I mean. (Attached.) I tracked this down to the following: .SH PARAMETERS .TP \w'\fIaspect\fP\ \ 'u \f2fovy\fP Specifies the field of view angle, in degrees, in the \f2y\fP direction. .TP \f2aspect\fP Note that the width of the TP head is being set to the contents of \w'xxx'. So this should be interpreted as .Tp u which should amount to 8 character widths. However, in roff.c:630, we multiply this width by 24. As a result, everything's wonky. (8 * 24 = a long line) At first I thought that we should just yank the 24. But in running a little test, it seems that the \w'' doesn't calculate the string width in characters, but in magic internal units. So it's not that we shouldn't multiply by 24, but instead that the "u" scaling unit should *divide* by 24. The test was: .TH FOO 1 .TP \w'h'u hello world .TP 24u hello world .TP 48u hello world These now display similarly between mandoc and nroff with the enclosed patch, though I haven't tested it exhaustively. Thoughts? Best, Kristaps