New comment by Anachron on mblaze repository Comment: That's what I use but `msmtp` chooses the wrong account in this case: ``` msmtp: envelope from address example1@mail.domain not accepted by the server msmtp: server message: 550-Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable msmtp: server message: 550 Sender address is not allowed. msmtp: could not send mail (account default from /home/USER/.msmtprc) ``` How does `msmtp` figure out which account to use for my changed from-address? Edit: I guess iI have to either edit the default account before sending or provide a mapping to an account for each mail-address like so: ``` # A second mail address at Runbox # The colon tells it to inherit the settings from the previous account account runbox2: runbox from ```