Am Mittwoch, den 01.05.2013, 22:47 -0400 schrieb Rich Felker: > In any case, I think all of these issues are good arguments that > nobodu should ever use clock_t or the clock() function... Hm, AFAIR clock() is the only available function in C alone (including C11) that gives access to something like the "processor time". C11 a bit more of time handling to have access to something like a real time clock, but for processor time clock() is the only one. (MS got that wrong, but this is their problem.) So I think it still makes sense to use it for "short" measures, not for the whole run of a program. The standard suggests, I think, that you'd take a point of measure before and after the interval that interests you. For such a strategy to work you'd either have to know that no overflow can reasonably occur (by having a wide type) or that it may do no harm (by using an unsigned type). I would prefer to have both worlds by using uint64_t (or directly the underlying base type) uniformly. There is no reason to have it signed: - this is "processor time" and not wallclock time, so it should be monotonic, and not be affected by setting the system time - an application should always subtract the first value of a measure from the second - an application should never expect to be able to measure intervals that are longer than a few hours, and it can deduce the maximum time it has for a measure with CLOCKS_PER_SEC Jens -- :: INRIA Nancy Grand Est :: :: :: AlGorille ::::::::::::::: office Nancy : +33 383593090 :: :: ICube :::::::::::::: office Strasbourg : +33 368854536 :: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: gsm France : +33 651400183 :: :: :::::::::::::::::::: gsm international : +49 15737185122 ::