Hi, by digging into the symbols that are dragged into a C11 thread executable I noticed that there are some hotspots that should perhaps be worth looking at. I attach a file that summarizes the findings. One is simple, I'd change the reference to clock_gettime in __timedwait to __clock_gettime. There are bunch of others, that look simple to resolve, tell me if I should look into that. One looks weird, though, lock_ptc.o It is only linked (via __synccall) if setrlimit or setxid are. But then it drags a whole bunch of pthread symbols in, which looks wrong to me. Also I think that this doesn't really capture the need, because the code is only active if both setrlimit *and* pthread_create are *used*. So in the absence of either of it, __syncall shouldn't be linked. But I wouldn't know how to achieve this with weak symbols, I have to admit. Jens -- :: INRIA Nancy Grand Est ::: AlGorille ::: ICube/ICPS ::: :: ::::::::::::::: office Strasbourg : +33 368854536 :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::: gsm France : +33 651400183 :: :: ::::::::::::::: gsm international : +49 15737185122 :: :: http://icube-icps.unistra.fr/index.php/Jens_Gustedt ::