Am Mittwoch, den 06.08.2014, 19:15 -0400 schrieb Rich Felker: > No, it's not. The wait happens prior to the deallocation, in the same > thread that performs the deallocation. The interleaving looks like > this: > > Thread A Thread B > -------- -------- > waiters++ > save waiters count > atomic unlock > futex wait fails with EAGAIN > cas succeeds & gets lock > waiters-- > [unlock operation] > [free operation] > futex wake to freed address > > The free operation in thread A is valid since A knows it is the last > user of the mutex and thread B's use/ownership of the mutex formally > ends with the atomic unlock. No, operating on an object that has been freed is UB. This is independent of this object being a mutex or not. This must never happen. So the free is making a wrong assumption. I think the fundamental flaw with this approach is that it mixes two different concepts, the waiters count and a reference count. These are two different things. With a reference count, the schema looks like this. Initially the "obj->refs" counter is at least 2 because both threads hold references on the object. Thread A Thread B -------- -------- waiters++ save waiters count atomic unlock futex wait fails with EAGAIN cas succeeds & gets lock waiters-- [unlock operation] if (atomic_fetch_sub(&obj->refs,1) == 1) [free operation on obj] futex wake to freed address if (atomic_fetch_sub(&obj->refs,1) == 1) [free operation on obj] Which thread does the free operation (if any), only depends on the order in which the atomic_fetch_sub operations are effective. (And musl doesn't seem to have the primitives to do atomic_fetch_sub?) Now I am aware that such a scheme is difficult to establish in a setting where obj can be malloced of not. This scenario supposes that both threads *know* that the allocation of obj has been done with malloc. The easiest way to assure that, would be to impose that the "real" data object that the thread lock, unlock, wait etc operations would use would always have to be malloced. For C threads this can be done by mtx_init and cnd_init. They would be allocating the dynamic object, set "refs" to 1 and set a link to that object. For mtx_t and cnd_t dynamic initialization is imperative. For pthread unshared mutexes and conditions that are initialized by an initializer (and not by the corresponding init function) one can certainly get away by delaying that part of the dynamic initialization to the first usage. This can certainly also be done with mtx_t and cnd_t as an extension to the C standard. For process shared mutexes and conditions I have no clue how I would do that. This uses dynamic allocation under the hood, and adds possible failure paths to the game. But as always for allocations these failures occur in situations where the application is pretty much screwed. I don't like going dynamic too much, and I strongly suspect that you don't like such an approach for this reason, either :) But for C threads this would be a way to go. Jens -- :: INRIA Nancy Grand Est ::: AlGorille ::: ICube/ICPS ::: :: ::::::::::::::: office Strasbourg : +33 368854536 :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::: gsm France : +33 651400183 :: :: ::::::::::::::: gsm international : +49 15737185122 :: :: ::