Hello. You might be interested to know, that I managed to build a musl + LLVM (clang, libc++) based, self hosted system. The hardest part was to scrub libgcc and libstdc++ dependencies. Using instructions from Wiki[1] and hints from this list[2] and LLVM bugtracker[3] I finally managed to get a self-hosting system able to rebuild itself clean without any GCC help. It requires a bit arm-twisting to LLVM compiler and libs, but it looks like it works just fine. The musl/libc++/clang++ env is able to build working libc++ and clang++, which I consider GoodEnough(TM) test case. If you want to toy around with it you can install it directly from repo. # mkdir /mnt/test # I usually mount a btrfs subvolume here # apk.static --repository http://ftp.d-os.eu/latest/core --update-cache --allow-untrusted --root /mnt/test --initdb add dos-base dos-sdk libcxx-dev It is based on great work of Alpine Linux. Still heavily work-in-progress and very rough on edges, but I think it may be very useful for people trying to get free of GNU libc, libstdc++ and GCC bits, so I decided to share early. Also it is good to have some more eyes on as there is a lot of guesswork there. The apk sources with required patches and some quick notes are on GitHub: https://github.com/D-os/aports/tree/master/core [1] http://wiki.musl-libc.org/wiki/BuildingLLVM [2] http://www.openwall.com/lists/musl/2014/04/22/2 [3] http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=7276 -- Tomasz Sterna :(){ :|:&};: Instant Messaging Consultant Open Source Developer http://abadcafe.pl/ http://xiaoka.com/portfolio