Hello everybody, as Rich suggested at some point, I have now wrapped up my code for the library part of atomics in a standalone library. I should work with most versions of gcc or clang that are around, with evidently a different degree of C11 support according to the particular version. Its integration into musl should be straight forward and remains my primary choice for having it distributed. You can find it at stdatomic.gforge.inria.fr Under the hood it uses a new lock algorithm based on futex waits for the slow path, that has proven to be more efficient than anything else that I looked at: musl's internal lock, mtx_t or pthread_mutex_t, or spinlocks. You can find a discussion of that at https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01236734 Before I go (more) public with this, I would very much like to hear what you think. Thanks Jens -- :: INRIA Nancy Grand Est ::: Camus ::::::: ICube/ICPS ::: :: ::::::::::::::: office Strasbourg : +33 368854536 :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::: gsm France : +33 651400183 :: :: ::::::::::::::: gsm international : +49 15737185122 :: :: http://icube-icps.unistra.fr/index.php/Jens_Gustedt ::