

Not carried out ANY investigation around this... unfortunately I don't have any time atm. Could also have been mentioned already or actually be a bug in tar itself etc. but I couldn't find anything with my quick search. Just thought I'd mention it in case anyone does feel inclined to investigate.


I compiled OpenWrt using pretty much default build settings for an octeon chip... it uses musl-1.1.16. The only real change I made was to use GNU tar rather than busybox. The resulting tar binary can't fix the modification/access times on any extracted symbolic links, resulting in for example:


tar: usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa: Cannot utime: Invalid argument

I didn't have strace available so can't even be sure tar's using utime()... just going by the error message alone.


I recompiled OpenWrt changing only the C library ( to GCC ) and the resulting tar binary worked fine... so I can only *assume* it's something to do with musl.