Hi all, The big agenda item for the next release is drafting the official documentation for musl. While this task still has a long way to go, and much of it is still a skeleton, there's also a decent amount of actual content, and it's helping me come up with ideas for other content that should be included. Comments on the draft are welcome, especially on the matter of additional topics that readers might expect to find which I have overlooked.. For reference, it's based on the outline in the "New docs outline" thread on the mailing list, from 2012-11-15. One more thing: the format of the document is presently Markdown (http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/). I may switch to something else in the future, but Markdown tends to be my favorite from a standpoint of being fully readable as plain text and also producing decent formatted output in HTML (and other formats, via conversion from HTML). Comments on this bikeshed topic are also welcome, I suppose, unless it gets out of hand... Rich