Hello, I've been trying to get WebkitFLTK[1] working on Alpine, and I have it building. But as usual, that's the easy part. The test program, Source/WebKit/fltk/testapp/testapp, segfaults in do_relocs. I'm attaching the output of bt full. Build dependencies include: g++ >= 4.7.3 python2 perl ruby icu-dev cairo-dev harfbuzz-dev libxslt-dev sqlite-dev fltk-dev harfbuzz must be built with ICU, as alpine does; fltk must be 1.3.3 or later; Alpine provides python2 as python. Build directions are in README.asciidoc, and amount to: make -C Source/WTF/wtf && \ make -C Source/JavaScriptCore gen && \ make -C Source/JavaScriptCore && \ make -C Source/WebCore && \ make -C Source/WebKit/fltk Additionally, at least a gig of RAM per thread will be needed, and a very fast processor or lots of time. On my laptop with an Atom N270 and a gigabyte of ram, I get occasional swap thrashing, and the compilation takes a little over 11 hours. So if someone who has a faster system can look at this, I'd be grateful. Thank you, Isaac Dunham [1] https://github.com/clbr/webkitfltk