Hi, I forced my compiler into reporting inconsistencies concerning the usage (or not) of volatile, and I came up with three other spots that I would like to patch. These are - the definition of pthread_once_t - the definition of pthread_spinlock_t - the handler array in sigaction.c All three could benefit for an additional volatile qualification. All their usages are already so, so this would just be conservative and not risk any incompatibilities, I think. Also, I can't think of any semantics for the three, where opitimizing out loads or stores makes any sense, so this also should never see any kind of performance regression. Jens -- :: INRIA Nancy Grand Est ::: Camus ::::::: ICube/ICPS ::: :: ::::::::::::::: office Strasbourg : +33 368854536 :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::: gsm France : +33 651400183 :: :: ::::::::::::::: gsm international : +49 15737185122 :: :: http://icube-icps.unistra.fr/index.php/Jens_Gustedt ::