Hi all. I found a bug in the musl implementation of getaddrinfo(). It apparently returns a bad ai_canonname value. I used this [1] code to produce the following results on an alpine linux (edge): ---- alpine:~# ./addrinfo-test mail.misterunknown.de Result 0 0xda051c83080 Canonname mail.misterunknown.de alpine:~# ./addrinfo-test mail.misterunknown.de. Result 0 0x53f7dac4080 Canonname mail.misterunknown.de. ---- The problem is the trailing dot in the Commonname in the second example, which should not be there. See also this [2] bug report I opened in the first place. Cheers, Marco [1] https://pastebin.com/nypMzhCb [2] https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/bind9/issues/354 -- Marco Dickert marco@misterunknown.de https://misterunknown.de