Hi, we already discussed this but it doesn't seem that we have come to a conclusion. The problem is that for C23 semantics of several string to integer conversion functions change: a 'b' or 'B' that previously was the stop condition for integer parsing may become part of the integer string. This concerns all `scanf` and `strto` derivatives. This is probably not a problem for most applications that parse strings to integers, but it could be in some situations, and in particular it could open vulnerabilities. E.g network addresses that are read with base `0` (musl does this at some point to allow to have decimal or hex strings) could be open to attacks, once people start using binary encodings for integers more often. Another scenario where this could lead to harm is automatically produced output that is automatically scanned, and where nobody previously took care of proper word boundaries. My current idea is to have two sets of these functions, one that has the old semantics and one that has the new. - Newly compiled objects that don't do fancy stuff (such as `(scanf)(...)` or `#undef scanf`) would see hard-coded linker symbols such as `scanf-c17` or `scanf-c23` according to the standard's version they compile against. When linking statically, this would just chose that one particular set of functions. The dynamic library would always have both versions, to accomdate objects that have been compiled with any standard's version. - Old compiled objects and executables as well as those where users chose to `#undef` or use their own headers/prototyes would receive a default (something like: starting with version X, musl uses C23 semantics), but which could be overwritten under the responsibility of the provider of the compiled musl library. Jₑₙₛ -- :: ICube :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: deputy director :: :: Université de Strasbourg :::::::::::::::::::::: ICPS :: :: INRIA Nancy Grand Est :::::::::::::::::::::::: Camus :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ☎ +33 368854536 :: :: https://icube-icps.unistra.fr/index.php/Jens_Gustedt ::