Hi list, I'm trying to build LLVM/clang with musl and found that LLVM testsuite hangs on close-stderr.ll ("Test that the error handling when writing to stderr fails exits the program cleanly rather than aborting."). Exact part is: `opt --reject-this-option 2>&-` (opt is "llvm .bc -> .bc modular optimizer and analysis printer"). On glibc this command exits with code 1, on musl it hangs. strace output can be found in the attached files. Error output happens in: https://github.com/llvm-mirror/llvm/blob/master/lib/Support/ErrorHandling.cpp#L64 and there some locking/cleanup happens just before exit(1): https://github.com/llvm-mirror/llvm/blob/master/lib/Support/Unix/Signals.inc#L187 https://github.com/llvm-mirror/llvm/blob/master/lib/Support/Unix/Signals.inc#L119 Is it LLVM or musl issue? Please tell if any additional info/ssh access/etc is needed for investigation. //wbr ojab