You meant replacement for Mesa? Because TinyGL is software renderer. It's unlikely people will utilize software renderer. As for embedded system, each SoCs provides their own userland to utilize its hardware accelerator. LM wrote: > > On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 12:19 AM, Isaac Dunham > wrote: > > A links that may be helpful, perhaps... > > > > Nice resource. Thanks for sharing it. > > If anyone's interested in the OpenGL replacement mentioned on that > page, there are 2 other candidates similar to tinyGL. There are > picogl and sdl-tinygl. The Syllable forum ( > ) has some interesting > information about all three of these and makes some comparisons. If I > remember, one of them has a subset of the glut functionality > included. I believe some porting is typically needed to use any of > them as a replacement for OpenGL. Speaking of glut, freeglut ( > ) seems more portable and up-to-date > than glut. > > Another interesting resource is picobsd ( > > > ). Has some small utility programs. I don't think all of them port > to other operating systems, but some of it does work. > > Sincerely, > Laura