On 10/09/2019 13:43, Szabolcs Nagy wrote: > i think libc should mainly aim for reliability of systems > software and not for friendliness of ui applications. While reliability is important, I disagree that reliability should *exclude* UI. musl already causes crashes or other unexpected behaviour when system software isn't written correctly. That's a feature, not a bug. If musl supporting ',' as radix point causes bad software to crash, then that software needs to be fixed. We at Adélie field requests nearly every day wondering why our system doesn't support other locales for things like sort, LC_NUMERIC, LC_MONETARY, etc etc. The only reason I haven't been more active in developing musl's locale support is because I'm too busy doing other important work. We would be *extremely* disappointed if LC_NUMERIC would never be supported in upstream musl. We would have to maintain a patch to add LC_NUMERIC support when the rest of musl's locale support is developed. Best, --arw -- A. Wilcox (awilfox) Project Lead, Adélie Linux https://www.adelielinux.org