Hi. My understanding is that musl does not want to support collation in non-English languages (at least, not yet), but collation is supported in American English. glib's test suite is failing on musl now because the locale code is just functional enough to make glib not skip the tests entirely (1.1.16 failed the 'setlocale is giving us the locale we set back' test), yet collation doesn't work. wcscoll is giving the same result as wcscmp. This is wrong; a simple test case is attached. Run on a glibc machine, a FreeBSD machine, and a Solaris machine, it will output: Amy bug cat Gaz Tom On musl it (incorrectly) currently outputs: Amy Gaz Tom bug cat Does this mean my understanding was wrong and musl does not even support AmE collation? This is going to affect everything from `ls` to GUI file managers like Dolphin or Nautilus to email software sorting by sender or subject. Regards, --arw -- A. Wilcox (awilfox) Project Lead, Adélie Linux http://adelielinux.org