Hello: I'm using alpine docker images in Kubernetes. Kubernetes version: v1.19.5, OS: CentOS 7.4.1708, Linux kernel: 3.10.0 . command `nproc` in container should be return the host cpu count(8 cores, 0-7), but when deployment in kubernetes set limits cpu equals requests cpu,like : resources: limits: cpu: "1" memory: 1Gi requests: cpu: "1" memory: 1Gi then `nproc` command return 1, not the host cpu count. so, the program like java,python,go when get cpu cores will not be correct by methods sched_getaffinity or cpu_count,JVM (JDK8) may be crashed in container,jdk get min value between host and pod limit, method sched_getaffinity in container start from 1, not 0. ~ # apk info musl musl-1.2.2-r7 description: the musl c library (libc) implementation musl-1.2.2-r7 webpage: https://musl.libc.org/ musl-1.2.2-r7 installed size: 608 KiB