On 06/09/2019 08:10, Christof Marti wrote: > We have a Node.js native module that fails to load on Alpine 3.10 > (musl-1.1.22-r3). It loads fine on Alpine 3.9 (musl-1.1.20-r4) and other > (Debian / CentOS base) Linux distros. I also specifically tested with > alpine:3.10 and debian:8 Docker images and Node.js 10.16.3 to rule out > differences between Node.js versions and the Debian image does not show > the problem. I am wondering if our patch ( https://code.foxkit.us/adelie/packages/blob/753435f2/user/node/stack-silliness.patch ) would fix this. Is there any way you can try to build the Node package with this patch applied locally? Or, alternatively, you could try to install our Node package directly ( https://distfiles.adelielinux.org/adelie/1.0-beta4/user/x86_64/node-10.16.3-r0.apk - though I'm not sure this will install cleanly on an Alpine system ). Best to you and yours, --arw -- A. Wilcox (awilfox) Project Lead, Adélie Linux https://www.adelielinux.org