Hi everyone,


We have a Node.js native module that fails to load on Alpine 3.10 (musl-1.1.22-r3). It loads fine on Alpine 3.9 (musl-1.1.20-r4) and other (Debian / CentOS base) Linux distros. I also specifically tested with alpine:3.10 and debian:8 Docker images and Node.js 10.16.3 to rule out differences between Node.js versions and the Debian image does not show the problem.


The Dockerfile to reproduce is:


FROM alpine:3.10

RUN apk add g++ python make npm

RUN npm i spdlog

CMD /bin/sh -c "node -p 'require(\"spdlog\")'"


This is with the latest Docker for Windows and on Linux. At least one Docker for Mac does not reproduce it, not sure what the difference is with that.


I have built the Dockerfile for convenience: `docker run chrmarti/alpine-spdlog-segfault`


The source of the spdlog node module is at: https://github.com/Microsoft/node-spdlog


Removing line-by-line from the source suggests that as soon as the wrapped library (spdlog itself) is linked in the loading in Node.js fails. Loading the wrapped library in an executable outside of Node.js did work.


I have filed an issue for Alpine, but it was suggested that I should follow-up upstream: https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/issues/10767


We couldn't establish the source of the problem with certainty. Any help on tracking this down further is appreciated.



