I found the reason for the failure using strace on configure: /etc/ld-musl-x86_64.path was missing. I added it with the path to my libs and then it worked. 2015-11-18 13:39 GMT+01:00 Szabolcs Nagy : > * Frieder Berthold [2015-11-18 12:19:26 > +0100]: > > In configure it states that it can't find the libz.so, which is the > reason > > for termination. > > > > you have to check the failing command, it is really possible > that it has nothing to do with libz.so, so there is no point > speculating about the right path until you know what went > wrong. > > there is a configure.log which should show the command that > failed, so you should be able to reproduce the failure > and then see the searched paths etc. >