
I just recently registered to the musl mailing list to report a bug, since the FAQ here http://www.musl-libc.org/faq.html mentioned that there is no separate tracker to report bugs to.

Afterwards, I now realize that this was a bad idea, since the sheer amount of uninteresting emails that I began getting make it difficult to filter out the discussion around musl from the potential discussion to the bug I reported, and I find it simplest to unregister from the mailing list after reporting the bug. However, this kind of "fire and forget" bug reporting feels bad, and I lose the way to keep in touch with the communication around the bug.

I see that the issue of setting up a bug tracker has already been discussed before here http://www.openwall.com/lists/musl/2014/09/05/1 . Has anything changed with this respect?

My recommendation would be to just set up a github repository and use the github workflow of issues and pull requests for development, since that is extremely popular for modern open source development and works well also for non-core developers to chime in to the fun.

All the best to musl, it rocks!