Oh, submitting without registering to the list sounds good, I'll do that then.

As for github, adjectives like "utterly hideous", "slow as molasses" and "often down" are of course subjective opinions, so I don't have any say on that, but can I ask what kind of integration limitations it has that are needed? Also, I haven't used cgit - what makes it better than GitHub in your opinion?

2015-02-15 18:16 GMT+02:00 Rich Felker <dalias@libc.org>:
On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 05:22:32PM +0200, Jukka Jylänki wrote:
> Hi,
> I just recently registered to the musl mailing list to report a bug, since
> the FAQ here http://www.musl-libc.org/faq.html mentioned that there is no
> separate tracker to report bugs to.
> Afterwards, I now realize that this was a bad idea, since the sheer amount
> of uninteresting emails that I began getting make it difficult to filter
> out the discussion around musl from the potential discussion to the bug I
> reported, and I find it simplest to unregister from the mailing list after
> reporting the bug. However, this kind of "fire and forget" bug reporting
> feels bad, and I lose the way to keep in touch with the communication
> around the bug.
> I see that the issue of setting up a bug tracker has already been discussed
> before here http://www.openwall.com/lists/musl/2014/09/05/1 . Has anything
> changed with this respect?

No, but I want a bug/patch tracker more than ever right now. There
have been a lot of patches (and a few bug reports) coming in lately
and it's hard to keep track of them all manually. So far bugzilla is
probably the main candidate, but I also looked at a few others. I'd
welcome input on what works well (both from a user standpoint and from
an implementation-quality/hosting-considerations standpoint).

As for having to subscribe to the list right now, you don't need to.
You can report bugs as a non-subscriber. Mail goes to a moderation
queue but I'll approve it. Please just include a note if you want to
be CC'd on replies.

> My recommendation would be to just set up a github repository and use the
> github workflow of issues and pull requests for development, since that is
> extremely popular for modern open source development and works well also
> for non-core developers to chime in to the fun.

Not going to happen. github is utterly hideous to work with. It's slow
as molasses (the web ui), often down, and doesn't integrate well with
other tools. They also have the absolute worst web-based git repo
browser, which is completely unjustifiable when the best one (cgit) is
free and essentially included with git.
