According to LLVM sources (LLVM knows how to transform printf variants into iprintf variants), "iprintf and friends are only available on XCore, TCE, and Emscripten."

I note that emscripten actually uses musl's printf implementation, and has added iprintf support as a downstream patch.

On Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 2:56 PM Markus Wichmann <> wrote:
Am Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 05:29:59PM +0000 schrieb Ram Nalamothu (QUIC):
> Hi,
> On the subject line topic, is there a plan for integer only print functions support in MUSL upstream?
> The newlib seems to support the same since 2004 [1] and one immediate scenario using this capability is assert function [2] in the C library itself which needs to print only the non-float types.
> Applications that use integer only print functions can benefit from this capability in terms of reduced code size by avoiding floating point support implementation in the linked print functions.
> I tried a quick search on the mailing list but couldn't find any previous discussions on this topic.
> Would it make sense to have the similar support in MUSL as well? Would the community be open to accept patches supporting integer only print functions?
> Regards,
> Ram
> [1]
> [2];a=blob;f=newlib/libc/stdlib/assert.c#l58

Standard criteria for inclusion in musl have always been any kind of
standardization effort at all. Otherwise there is a risk of future
incompatible standardization. And iprintf() seems to be a newlib
exclusive; I cannot find any reference to this function outside of it.
