> I agree. I think gdb, not strace, is the right tool here, but
> unfortunately the debug info produced by pcc seems to be wrong or
> misinterpreted by gdb, making it hard to do anything except
> single-stepping, disassembly, and inspecting registers..
> Rich

Thanks Rich, I will look into that tool soon. For the time being I have been troubleshooting the best way I know how by substituting one part at a time.

What I know so far is
* the corruption appears to be limited to libc.so only and once a bad libc.so is replaced with a glibc/gcc built libc.so everything is fine.
* Libc.a gets smaller when compilled by pcc while libc.so gets bigger. Minute as it may be.
* Everything can be compiled and work dynamic by pcc except libc.so (what makes it so differant from libc.a and everything else?)
* everything on/before pcc 20150101 returns a visible error when compiling musl that I dont recall atm but will report tomorrow (back to 20141201 atleast)
* version 20150110 musl compiles (possibly corrupted havent checked) but make4.0 breaks, again visibly in jobs.o
* version 20150120 everything compiled (but libc.so is corrupt) same for the latest version.

Your on the pcc list too so im sure you have noticed no response yet. I read that one person is away, I didnt pay attention to the name but im guessing one of the main programmers.

So I have shown today that its not a musl issue, though I doubted it was anyways, no one has reported a corruption issue. But I found these details that will hopefully help identify the root issue eventually.
