That is the correct file, and there is no special way to download it. Those steps will work. Your problems are not caused by a bad patch, but pollution from your host libc and toolchain. Dynamic linking is hard to get rid of. (I'm trying to avoid a rant here...)

If I might ask, what is your end goal? Maybe you'd have a better time starting with something like Alpine or Sabotage.

Samuel Holland <>

End goal would be the learning of how to do this and building my own linux distro without being forced into one thing or another (i'm never happy with something)  mostly learning and self reliance though.  I'm hoping it leads to something much bigger but that's not a goal or expectation.  Then again, i just love tinkering with stuff and with toddlers getting into everything i currently don't have the space or ability to do my electronics projects which leaves me going nuts without something to work on.

I've been using linux to some degree or form since the 486 was hot stuff so it also seems like about time i learn what makes it tick. man i remember getting a cyrix processor to replace my pentium thinking the increase in mhz would be better but boy was i wrong!  k, enough of that. moving on to newer things :)