Todays version using a script, pcc-$(date +%Y%m%d).tgz but any version from the past couple days would do it.

I attached the script which is the same thing i have used in the past to build my custom chroot. Its set to build infinitely so i tend to babysit it just in case the issue has been fixed but i like to run it once a day to see how things are working. The build breaks on the 2nd build (first in a chroot)

On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 12:51 PM, Rich Felker <> wrote:
On Thu, May 07, 2015 at 12:26:37PM -0400, stephen Turner wrote:
> Rich, i know you guys have made some good changes recently to pcc and to
> musl. I see my compiles with the latest pcc and musl-1.1.8 are getting much
> farther along then previously. I'm currently seeing a error message "
> include/stdint.h:84 error: bad terminal L'\0' " Does this sound like a
> issue you guys were running into?

I've never seen this issue. Presumably it's a bug in the preprocessor.
What version of pcc are you using?
