im using PCC as my compiler. it was initially built with gcc but since has recompiled itself several times. 2 at least in the chroot musl only environment alone. would this advice still apply? If i understood the pcc group correctly it should not be responsible for this but i cant help but think it is. regardless i will look into any advice/leads provided.

On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 1:43 PM, Isaac Dunham <> wrote:
On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 11:04:16AM -0500, stephen Turner wrote:
> I have no reason to believe this is a musl issue but seeing that your in
> the business of building a libc i was hoping someone could give me a
> pointer or something to assist.
> I have a pure musl libc chroot and when compiling static it links/works
> fine. im now on my 2nd-3rd gen applications being compiled in the chroot
> alone. when i go to do a dynamic compile however it always wants to link to
>  I do not have any kind of scripts or anything running in

You failed to patch GCC or configured it for glibc inadvertently.
( is the glibc dynamic linker.)
The patch and build options should be documented in bootstrap-linux or
musl-cross, whichever has the patches you're using at the moment.
(Check that you applied the patches *and* used the target that the
scripts use.)

Isaac Dunham