I'm away ATM but will do in about a week. Ta

On 25 Feb 2017 7:16 p.m., "Леонид Юрьев" <leo@yuriev.ru> wrote:
On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 03:22:41PM +0000, Raphael Cohn wrote:
> Hi,
> Whilst trying to compile ReOpenLDAP (https://github.com/ReOpen/ReOpenLDAP),
> a fork of OpenLDAP, I'm running into a wall. Some of the code wants a
> definition of PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP. musl doesn't define
> this; I suspect this is a non-portable glibc extension in pthread.h. Does
> any one have any ideas how I might workaround this? Is there an alternative
> construction that the code could use?

Now fixed in 'devel' branch of ReOpenLDAP.
Please check it.