Hi, I'm trying to compile 'audit' (aka libaudit, auditd, etc - from http://people.redhat.com/sgrubb/audit/index.html version 2.3.2). Using musl 0.9.14. The file 'src/ausearch-lol.c' uses a reference to 'strndupa', which I presume is an alloca version of strndup, and presumably a _GNU_SOURCE feature. I can't seem to see a definition for it in musl, although strdupa exists in string.h (Indeed, http://linux.die.net/man/3/strdup suggests as much). Is this intentional? If so, what would anyone suggest as a work around? My guess would be #define strndupa(x, t) strncpy(alloca(strlen(x)+1),x,t) but I'd like a second opinion... Raph