
Thank you! That was helpful. I have a couple of tests that still fail in functional but they clearly state "64bit tests not implemented."
I still have a bunch of tests that fail in regression though...

Running a make like so:

make CC='/path/to/musl/bin/musl-gcc -Wl,-dynamic-linker=/path/to/musl/lib/'

this is what my src/regression/REPORT file looks like:

src/regression/malloc-brk-fail.c:33: malloc did not fail with ENOMEM, got Operation not permitted
FAIL ./src/regression/malloc-brk-fail-static.exe [status 1]
src/regression/malloc-brk-fail.c:33: malloc did not fail with ENOMEM, got Operation not permitted
FAIL ./src/regression/malloc-brk-fail.exe [status 1]
src/regression/malloc-oom.c:16: expected ENOMEM, got Operation not permitted
FAIL ./src/regression/malloc-oom-static.exe [status 1]
src/regression/malloc-oom.c:16: expected ENOMEM, got Operation not permitted
FAIL ./src/regression/malloc-oom.exe [status 1]
FAIL ./src/regression/putenv-doublefree-static.exe [signal Segmentation fault]
FAIL ./src/regression/putenv-doublefree.exe [signal Segmentation fault]
src/regression/setenv-oom.c:23: expected ENOMEM, got Operation not permitted
FAIL ./src/regression/setenv-oom-static.exe [status 1]
src/regression/setenv-oom.c:23: expected ENOMEM, got Operation not permitted
FAIL ./src/regression/setenv-oom.exe [status 1]

Is the brk system call still kosher? I thought malloc was supposed to use something mmap. 

On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 12:47 PM, Szabolcs Nagy <> wrote:
* Max Ruttenberg <> [2016-03-30 12:18:33 -0400]:
> I've built musl on an Ubuntu VM (x86_64 is the architecture) and have
> installed it to an install directory inside the downloaded clone.
> So the compiler is in: /path/to/musl/install/bin/musl-gcc
> The loader is in: /path/to/musl/install/lib/
> At the top level of libc-test I run a make like so:
> make CC=/path/to/musl/bin/musl-gcc RUN_WRAP=/path/to/musl/lib/

that's not the intended usage

RUN_WRAP is for qemu or similar tools for running the binaries

you can specify the by changing the dynamic-linker name
(at least that's enough in case of musl) or installing the
musl-gcc wrapper/musl based toolchain with different dynamic-linker
name, e.g.

make CC='/path/to/musl/bin/musl-gcc -Wl,-dynamic-linker=/path/to/musl/lib/'

should work (not tested)

> The tests run, I don't get the "no such file or directory" error. But for
> some reason a bunch of tests fail that shouldn't according to the Libc-Test
> wiki. What am I doing wrong? Are these tests dependent on system resources
> that maybe I'm not providing e.g. enough memory? Do I need to run as a sudo
> user as might be suggested by the "Operation not permitted" errors?

static linked binaries cannot be loaded by so all *-static.exe
failed to run.
