Sadly my use case is to set a given mnt namespace before go becomes multi-threaded, which happens before the go main() function, so I do depend on reading argv in the constructor, I mean I could use a file or something else, but would rather not.

I guess this is just something I can get away with today in glibc that musl will never support.

Thanks for looking though.


On 15 March 2018 at 11:17, Szabolcs Nagy <> wrote:
* Szabolcs Nagy <> [2018-03-15 12:01:44 +0100]:
> * Bracken Dawson <> [2018-03-15 10:38:31 +0000]:
> > I have been having trouble getting a cgo program to run with musl, it has
> > been segfaulting frequently and with 'No stack' when run under gdb.
> >
> > I have managed to reproduce such a failure in pure c with a very small
> > example:
> >
> > ```
> > #include <stdio.h>
> > #include <stdlib.h>
> > #include <getopt.h>
> >
> > __attribute__((constructor)) void enter_namespace(int argc, char *argv[]) {
> the arguments passed to ctors are not part of the elf abi

ah this does not explain the type signature, the right link is

> (and it cannot really work for dynamically loaded libraries anyway:
> the application can arbitrarily clobber argv by that time)
> glibc passes these arguments as an extension (the semantics
> for dlopened libraries is unclear), which happens to work
> since the calling convention of functions with no arguments
> allows this on all supported targets.
> (note that there are security hardenning solutions that check
> the call site function signature against the callee and abort on
> mismatch and such extension would not work with that)
> is this cgo that tries to capture argv in a ctor or some other
> c library? (in either case you should first try to solve it
> portably without depending on the glibc extension)