Hi all (mostly Rich) – The comparison between musl and glibc, uClibc, et al is getting pretty dated at this point. You compare musl 1.1.5, which is 14 releases back, with glibc 2.19, which is more than four years old.

It's especially hard for readers to establish the necessary context because there are no release notes anywhere on the musl website: https://www.musl-libc.org/

I always have to use Google to find the release notes, which are on a subdomain and git tree (https://git.musl-libc.org/cgit/musl/tree/WHATSNEW) that isn't linked to or mentioned on the main website.

I think it would be helpful for prospective musl adopters to be able to see a comparison of modern musl with modern glibc, Bionic, etc. And it would be helpful to have the release notes a click away. There's plenty of room on the homepage for a link to release notes, for example. Here's a quick screenshot of the page: https://imgur.com/a/KAwIJ

I can help with the website tweaks if you need it. I'm not very good at benchmarking C libraries, so the comparison section that focuses on performance would probably have to be you, Szabolcs, or other sufficiently skilled developers.

Also, I suggest adding dates to the release notes. Dates are very helpful in a few different ways, including being a signal for how actively a project is being maintained and improved.

