On Mon, Jul 9, 2018, 9:00 PM Rich Felker, wrote: > Can you provide a minimized test case (short single C source file) to > reproduce this, or an strace log of the test that fails? The latter is > probably actually be better if the behavior is dependent on the Docker > network configuration. Assuming the test is attempting to lookup and > bind on "localhost" by name, which is what it appears to be doing > here: > > > https://github.com/apache/thrift/blob/82ae9575cdc112088771fc7b876f75e1e4d85ebb/lib/cpp/test/TServerSocketTest.cpp > > the behavior you're experiencing is not what I expect from musl; > rather my expectation is that you would get as the first > result and ::1 as the second, and this is exactly what I see if I do: > > ip addr del ::1 dev lo > > on my laptop running Alpine, then call getaddrinfo for localhost with > a small test program. > > The logic to sort results does gratuitously depend on v4mapped > addresses working to do the IPv4 routability probing; if something > about the configuration suppresses their ability to work, it will > break. This is a known open issue I want to go back and fix. Seeing > the strace would show me right away if it's the source of your > problem, and even if not chances are very good that it would point out > whatever the cause is. > Strange - yeah, I'll write up a small program in C to demonstrate. >