On Sun, Jan 24, 2021 at 6:55 PM Rich Felker <dalias@libc.org> wrote:
On Sun, Jan 24, 2021 at 09:48:11PM +0300, Alexander Monakov wrote:
> > > sdcard [pseudo-]partition is usually mounted noexec, so mmap with PROT_EXEC
> > > should fail.
> >
> > Uhg, that makes no sense. Does it enforce that even for MAP_PRIVATE,
> > which should semantically be equivalent to just making anon memory
> > with the requested permissions and copying the file contents into it??
> I think it makes sense: isn't the entire point of 'noexec' that a user
> who has write access only to noexec filesystems will not be able to run
> arbitrary binary code (assuming the already-present binaries are not
> cooperative, unlike musl ld.so with the above patch would be)? Enforcing
> noexec for MAP_PRIVATE ensures the users can not trivially side-step
> noexec by invoking ld.so (without extra checks on ld.so side).

I always viewed noexec (as opposed to something like nosuid) as a
non-security-boundary, a sort of soft block for mounting filesystems
that you don't want to execute programs from, for example a disk image
known to contain malware that you're analyzing or a flash drive not
expected to contain meaningful executable data but where all files
would appear as +x due to FAT limitations. The expectation is that it
can be bypassed. With a "restricted shell" type environment (very
careful selection of what programs are present), it can plausibly be
turned into a (very fragile) security boundary, but I didn't expect
the kernel to be making weird rules to facilitate that.

In any case, it seems that's how it is, and inability to dlopen (or
LD_LIBRARY_PATH+DT_NEEDED or whatnot) from a noexec mount is


Thank you very much for your responses. I am reassured that there is no bug and that my patch just provides a convenient workaround for my use case. Albeit by accident rather than design!

I am attempting to load binary executables and shared libraries from the sdcard on Android. My patch does allow me to execute the busybox binary from sdcard if I load them using my patched musl. I have not yet tried loading any shared libraries from the sdcard.

An alternative I am experimenting with at the moment is using LLVM and storing the bitcode on the sdcard and running it under lli.

Your responses are very informative so I might have another look at patching musl to see if shared libraries can be loaded from sdcard also. The dlopen function will probably need to be reworked to use open rather than mmap but I need to learn some more first!

Many thanks,