I've been building an app with musl and it worked well for years. Recently one of the proprietary libs that I use has been updated to include C++ code along with the usual C code.

In the past (in a non-musl environment) I've gotten this to work by loading libstdc++.so. I tried that again but I get the following error when trying to load libstdc++.so.

Error loading shared library ld-linux.so.2: No such file or directory (needed by /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6)

I looked at the notes about C++ in the musl faqs. For that I decided it might help if I built gcc in musl. Then everything will be musl-ized? I built gmp, mpfr and mpc. Started building gcc but got the following error.

/home/mudd/musl/gcc-4.9.2.obj/gcc/../../gcc-4.9.2/gcc/plugin.c:579: undefined reference to `dlopen'

Before I go further, any opinions if I'm even headed in the right direction?
