
I've been testing using Gentoo on m68k with musl -1.2.4 over the last few days and hit an interesting issue when running `emerge --sync` to update the portage tree would cause the following error:

[receiver] out of memory: my_alloc caller (file=flist.c, line=311)
rsync error: error allocating core memory buffers (code 22) at util2.c(123) [receiver=3.2.7]
[generator] out of memory: my_alloc caller (file=flist.c, line=311)
rsync error: error allocating core memory buffers (code 22) at util2.c(123) [generator=3.2.7]
rsync: [receiver] write error: Broken pipe (32)
Full output here: https://bpa.st/3VDNM

Looking at the source code of the files it highlights it seems to be an issue in the malloc:

I've tested to see if a local rsync mirror will cause the same error with random files and found it happens at around 62 files being mirrored but size of the file does not matter.
I run musll on multiple architectures and this is the first time I've run across it and have confirmed the Gentoo glibc m68k install does not run into this.