many online books out there, people tend 
to like "Pro Git" [0] that was merged with
the community git book and "git ready" [1]


very simple stuff to get you started 
looking at changes, would be:

$ git clone git://
$ cd musl

# see the history for the repo 
$ git log 

# see the history for a file
$ git log -- Makefile

# see only the last 5 commits/changes to a file by line
$ git log -5 --oneline -- WHATSNEW

# see diff between current state and a commit/point in the past
$ git diff 2d3e2a7

# see diff between two states
$ git diff 8a35dee 2d3e2a7

# show info (message and diff from its previous state) about a commit/change
$ git show 83023d1

On 9 June 2012 01:43, Richard Pennington <> wrote:
Thanks Rich. Becoming familiar with git is definitely on my todo list.


Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 8, 2012, at 5:31 PM, Rich Felker <> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 08, 2012 at 03:54:46PM -0500, Richard Pennington wrote:
>> What is the purpose of the _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ reference in these files? It
>> doesn't seem to be used by __dynlink(), although it seems to be passed a a
>> third parameter.
> If you check git, you'll see that this code was removed. A much older
> version of __dynlink took a third argument that was the base address
> of the GOT, which was used to find a pointer to _DYNAMIC in the first
> GOT slot (traditionally, it was stored there). Then people started
> reporting crashes when linking with a non-binutils linker (gold? or
> something from clang/llvm? I don't remember...) that didn't follow
> this practice, so I replaced it with more elaborate code to find
> _DYNAMIC. The unneeded code in the asm was not removed until much
> later. I actually have a new idea for simplifying/replacing some of
> the C code, but it won't affect the asm.
> By the way, it might be a good idea to familiarize yourself with git
> or even the gitweb interface. Questions like the one you had just now
> can usually be answered quickly by checking the history of the
> relevant files.
> Rich

Ivan c00kiemon5ter V Kanakarakis  >:3