On 2 September 2013 03:08, Luca Barbato wrote: > On 01/09/13 18:57, Rich Felker wrote: > > For the big doc, HTML and PDF are probably the more interesting output > ​HTML is the usual output of markdown parsers. AFAIK, GitHub uses redcarpet(ruby)[0] on top of sundown(C)[1]​ > > formats. The big thing I don't see how to do easily is produce a nice > > table of contents or index. > > http://kramdown.rubyforge.org/converter/html.html#toc > > Surprisingly easy =) > > lu > Kramdown is a superset of markdown​​. ​You cannot have an automatically generated toc with the original/standard markdown. Asciidoc[2] has that by default (among lots of others things). MultiMarkdown(C)[3] also adds lots of features[4] to markdown, getting markdown a little closer to Asciidoc's featureset.​ [0]: https://github.com/vmg/redcarpet [1]: https://github.com/vmg/sundown [2]: http://asciidoc.org/ [3]: https://github.com/fletcher/MultiMarkdown-4 ​ [4]: https://rawgithub.com/fletcher/human-markdown-reference/master/index.html ​ -- *Ivan c00kiemon5ter Kanakarakis* >:3