
BTW. This code that I just showed you is what you run every time you use top, ps, vmstat on Debian or Ubuntu.


On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 5:39 PM, Szabolcs Nagy <> wrote:
* Paul Schutte <> [2012-11-16 17:28:57 +0200]:
>       sscanf(b,  "cpu  %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu %Lu", &cuse, &cice, &csys, &cide, &ciow, &cxxx, &cyyy, &czzz);

there is no L length modifier for ints

L is for long double formatting (%Lf %Lg %Le ...)
i guess musl returns an early matching error
but they don't check for that

rewrite it to use %llu