On Dec 29, 2014 10:27 AM, "Richard Gorton" <rcgorton@cognitive-electronics.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on getting C++ working for our target: we use clang, and libcxx/libcxxabi libraries from llvm.org
> it seems to me (as I'm doing this) that instead of doing things like
> // Our compiler defines __COGNITIVE__
> #if defined(__COGNITIVE__)
> It would make more sense to use
> #if defined(__MUSL__)
> I'm not proposing/suggesting use of this within musl itself, but for use in other libraries (such as libcxx) which 'know' about the internal implementation of libc.
> Thoughts & Comments appreciated
> An example case is in libcxx/src/locale.cpp, where there are bits of code related to accessing the current locale:
I suspect the thing to do here is more to iterate over the set of chars and construct the table as needed: there's no sensible interface to this bit of functionality in a standard way (and musl to my knowledge doesn't have the table you want exposed anywhere). Note that doing it that way ought to just work anywhere.