Analyse the source, if you can't do that analyse the binary. This is a big project though, assuming apis are the same (no runtime tests) a sufficiently useful package manager would be able to find packages that could say work with a partial compat api and those that could not. The alternative is to have the gentoo style 1000 monkeys.

On Apr 2, 2015 1:41 PM, "Jean-Marc Pigeon" <> wrote:
On 04/02/2015 02:48 PM, wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 02, 2015 at 02:17:36PM -0400, Jean-Marc Pigeon wrote:
>>>> bash-4.3# ldd
>>>>    ldd (0x7f5d60dd2000)
>>>> => ldd (0x7f5d60dd2000)
>>>> Error relocating Perl_croak: symbol not found
>>>> Error relocating Perl_sv_setiv: symbol not found
>>>> Error relocating Perl_sv_2pv_flags: symbol not found
>>>> Error relocating Perl_av_store: symbol not found
>>>> etc.
>> I am using a packager using ldd to establish
>> dependencies list.
> I would not say reporting the symbols is a bug, rather that the packager
> is kind of relying on UB. Is there a specification of how a program called
> "ldd" shall format its output and which data shall be present?
> Rune
Packager Relying on ldd UB, sure!.
Using ldd was the best way I found to list one package all
dependencies (looking at ELF file type ans searching for
required external components).
If you have a better way (more standard) to propose not using
ldd that will be a good thing. idea?


A bientôt
Jean-Marc Pigeon                        E-Mail:
SAFE Inc.                             Phone: (514) 493-4280
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