Hello Shiz,

Thanks for your reply. I will try links you said and let you know how it goes..

On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 12:26 PM, Shiz <hi@shiz.me> wrote:

> On 29 Mar 2016, at 11:02, Rashad Kanavath <mohammedrashadkm@gmail.com> wrote:
> should I rebuild just libstdc++ using musl-gcc wrapper script and use that libstdc++ ?.

I believe the current recommendation is to not use musl-gcc at all for C++ stuff,
but just build a proper musl-native toolchain. Recipes for such can be found at [1] and [2].
musl-gcc is just a wrapper for convenience, but definitely not a replacement for a proper
native toolchain.

> Also Is it possible to distribute musl with an application package. Currently I have a self-extracting archive which uses an older version of glibc. so it will run on any platform that has a glibc version higher that it was build (2.4). If I use musl and is able to distribute it along with my application package, Then I don't have to rely on anything other than linux kernel version on the target platform.

Yes, as musl is licensed under the MIT license, this is allowed.
You could even statically link against it to be able to ship just a single binary file.

- Shiz

[1]: https://bitbucket.org/GregorR/musl-cross
[2]: https://github.com/richfelker/musl-cross-make
