Hi all, I believe I have found an out of bounds memory read in vfprintf.c On line 509 in src/stdio/vfprintf.c in the current source tree head, you can observe the following snippet of code: /* Format specifier state machine */ st=0; do { if (OOB(*s)) goto inval; ps=st; st=states[st]S(*s++); } while (st-1 'z'-'A') Unfortunately, the cast to unsigned binds tighter than the subtract from 'A', so if x is less than 'A', OOB will return false. This is common in the case of space, which has an ascii value of 32 compared to 'A' 's value of 65. This causes us to index into states with a negative value for its second dimension, causing us to index to an unpredictable location in states, possibly even off the beginning. Hope this helps, Mark Winterrowd