I am trying to compile musl for use on devices powered by a MIPS 24kc, a SoC without hardware floating point support. The supported target architectures list specifically mentions this, but so far I have been unable to get this working. In short, using mips-sf-linux-gnu as the target in the configure step seems to enable soft float support as per this output: https://gist.github.com/arjenroodselaar/f8d20534b0d8c7542d01. When linking however ld warns about a small number of files being compiled with -mhard–float, resulting in crt1.so to use -mhard–float: https://gist.github.com/arjenroodselaar/270df6970b2bd43c9bce. This then trickles down in anything I try to link against libc. Ignoring all this and simply compiling hard-float binaries is causing problems when executing malloc.

Tools used here:


(I tried musl 1.0.5 and gcc 4.9.2 but neither seem to make a difference here).

Am I missing something here or is soft float support for MIPS currently broken? Any help is appreciated.

Arjen Roodselaar